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Gout Paper


Submitted By sulema22
Words 282
Pages 2
Gout, a disease commonly referred to as “The Disease of Kings or as “Rich Man’s Disease is considered a chronic and progressive disease. Chronic gout can also lead to crystal deposits of uric acid in the tissues, particularly in and around the joints. Gout can cause sudden severe arthritis and may cause joint destruction, decreased kidney function, and kidney .Gout has the unique distinction of being one of the most frequently recorded medical illnesses throughout history. When our body has too much of uric acid ,commonly known as “hyperuricema”, some of the needle-shaped crystals tend to deposit outside the bloodstream, most commonly around the joints. The condition, when such deposits develop and cause severe pain, is commonly referred to as “gout”. Now the question that arises is ,why would our body have an excess of uric acid?
You yourself have the answer to this question,as it would not be completely wrong in generalizing, that gout is a man-made disease, and a result of the unhealthy lifestyle
Hyperuricemia may be caused by your body producing too much uric acid , or by your body's inability to get rid of the uric acid it has (10% of cases). .though anyone can get hyperuricemia, but it's most frequent in overweight men over 40 and post-menopausal women. The few specific causes of gout are ,Poor diet, being overweight, certain medications, Surgery. Environmental exposure. alcohol use (especially beer and red wine), certain type of anemia, high blood pressure , the use of diuretics, renal impairment, trauma, and genetics also play a role Joint injury Crash diets.
Although this disease is curable, if not caught early it can have a serous damage to the

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