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Government Welfare Research Paper

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The American Government has a program that has been helping everyone in America for a thousand of years and it is named welfare. Welfare is a program very in eligibility requirement and is provided by various organizations on a federal, state, local and private learner. The American government also can help healthcare insurance for to cover public employees. The government welfare program is used to promote societal goals, alleviating affect their poverty and make them see the earning and the receiving low income or they will be encountered the serious medical program, and ensuring the retired people. The American government liberalism is U.S. economic policy, entitlement grew along the middle wealth of America. And also our American government is offering the potential repeat to the revenue of the …show more content…
Also the Great Recession made a large impact on how the American government welfare were spending because according to the congressional budget office, social program significantly raises the standard living for the low income American people who would not be able to most pay for the things that they really need. These are some of the things that our government helps us pay for and that is food stamps they are used and offered for food and they are accepted at every store and they get them every month at the same time to make sure they all get them. And the next thing American government offer in Tanf and offer checks for those that is having a hard time to find a job and also the government offer section eight to help pay their rent so no one would be put out on the streets. So according to the Welfare Reform Act of 1966 was considered to open the rights and reform and convert it into the program to build provable short term cash assistance and steer people into jobs

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