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Refugees In Australia Case Study

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Yasmin and Ali, a couple seeking asylum, fled their home country in 2012 to make their way to Indonesia. They paid a local man $5000 to board a boat that was heading to Australian waters. The boat was intercepted which resulted in everyone on board being taken to Nauru. The couple have been recognised as genuine refugees yet they are still left on Nauru four years later. The couple believed that once they were in Australia’s territorial waters that they would automatically be permitted to stay in Australia. To add to their situation, the likelihood of the couple being transferred to the united states is decreasing as time passes. In this particular case, there are several issues presented, such as Refugees/asylum seekers, People smuggling, Australia’s boat policy and the conditions in Australia’s off-shore …show more content…
This is an incredible amount of people. In 2015, 2377 asylum seekers were recognised as refugees in Australia (Refugee council of Australia, 2015).
The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre provides services to more than 1,200 asylum seekers in the community, including shelter, food, medical care and legal assistance. If more people know about centres like this one, more donations may be received and as a result more can be given to those in need.
The Refugee Action Coalition Sydney campaigns for the rights of asylum seekers. It’s easy to get involved and become an activist through their website (RACS). The key demands of the Refugee Action Coalition is permanent residency and full rights of refugees, funding for resettlement and residency for refugees as well as decriminalise people smuggling. More people need to become part of this organisation to continue the campaigns and the progress it is making with asylum seeker

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