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Gran Torino


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Research Question: What is it that allows Walt to finally confess his true burdens in the scenes where he receives a reading from the shaman, he finally goes to confession with the priest, and he gives his final real confession to Thao?
Brian Neuman
Dr. Paul McCormick
English 110.01
29 February 2012
Clever Title War is hell they say, and so far that statement has held up to itself. After a man has experienced war it changes him for better or worse. The main character in Gran Torino, Walt, is one such example of a man touched by war. The things that Walt has seen and done have affected him, and hardened him, both inside and out. However even the hardest shell can be cracked. In the film it is Walt’s interactions with caring individuals allow him to finally relieve the burden that he is carrying. Walt is quickly portrayed as a skeptic, but nevertheless when he visits Sue’s family he allows the family shaman to do a reading of him. With us having seen Walt’s tendencies, it is quite surprising that he agrees to such a strange ritual. He seemingly agrees just to humor Sue, but is surprised with what he is told. The shaman hits the issues that are bothering Walt more than anyone else, “he says you have no happiness in your life. It’s like you’re not at peace.” You can see just from Walt’s reaction how true that these words are. By analyzing this scene you can learn a few things about Walt. The most important is the fact that he is not only unhappy with the death of his wife, but also with himself as well. This is a profound moment in the film, and it is from this point that Walt is seen making a better impression of himself. Walt’s interaction with this shaman has enabled him to open up even though he is not of the same religion and it shows how Walt is beginning to open himself up more. The shaman scene was not quite so important until I read an article that helped me draw the parallels between that shaman and the priest. It asked and answered an important question that I had not thought of before: Why does Walt seem to trust the shaman more that the priest? This is a very important statement. What is it about the shaman that made Walt trust him more even though he was from a different religion? The article points out the comic traits and slow maturation of the priest compared to the shaman who has a look of wisdom and goodness (Roche, 658). It also is a demonstration that the Catholic Church is not the only source of redemption in the world. Walt sees and seemingly comes to understand these things. This section of the film recognizes that there is a “plurality of legitimate forms of religion” (Roche, 658) or in other words that many religions have the same ideals. It is not just Walt’s interactions with religious people, but rather his experiences and trust that allows him to confess. As the film progresses Walt finally comes to gain respect for the priest, enough to honor him with a confession. However, as the scene progresses and Walt begins it is obvious that this is not the real confession that we have been waiting for. He mentions only three sins: in 1968 he kissed another woman, he committed tax evasion, and he was never close to his two sons. This is quite the opposite of what was expected. This scene is almost like a mockery of the traditional confession. Here it is seen that Walt still does not have enough respect for the young priest. It left me feeling as though the confession was incomplete. There was something that was missing. What happened to Walt’s ‘burden’ that he has been carrying? Another article makes and interesting point: Walt attends confession more from obligation than a change of heart (Ward, 385). Now his reasons for confession become clear. He does this more to honor the memory of his wife than honor the church or the priest, “ But Walt never indicates that he really believes in the Catholic Church’s role of mediator, nor in the need for a church to pronounce him ‘okay’”(Ward, 385). This makes it clear that Walt’s confessions are not driven by any religious means. It is only in the end that Walt truly reveals his feelings and gives us a glimpse of the burdens that he carries. It is with Thao locked in his basement that he finally reveals what it is truly like to kill:
“You want to know how it feels to kill a man? It feels goddamned lousy. And it feels even worse when you get a medal for bravery right after you mowed down some scared kid when he tries to give up... I’ve thought about that kid for fifty years. And I promise you, boy, you want no part of it. Me, I’ve got blood on my hands. I’m soiled.”
Here what has been troubling Walt all this time is finally revealed. It is not a priest, not an authority figure, but a young boy. This scene made me wonder what made him tell this kid rather than his family of his friends. The answer that I came up with is that this young child had more in common with Walt than anyone else did. The parallels that can be drawn between Walt and Thao throughout the move all lead up to this moment. So it would seem that in the end Walt reveals this not only to relieve his burden, but in prevention as well. After further analyzing the scene where Walt confesses to Thao as well as when he confesses to the priest a noticed some parallels between the two scenes. In the scene where Walt confesses to the priest there is a screen between them, and when Walt confesses to Thao there is a screen there as well. It feels as though the confession with the priest is the first part. It leaves waiting in expectation of what Walt truly needs to say. The second part is fulfilled in his confession to Thao. It seemed that the director did this to create suspense in the first part only to hold us until it is finally revealed in the end. It is the parallels between these scenes that reveals their true importance and the reality behind why Walt confesses in the end. In the end of the film you can see how much Walt has grown. He has made many friends and in the tragic ending prepared to sacrifice for a better future for Thao and Sue. His confession has been made to Thao and he goes prepared to die. As he reaches into his jacket for his lighter, the camera goes into a close focus of his lips. We begin to hear the faint recital of one Hail Mary. Despite Walt’s stoic denial of the priest and his supposed dislike of religion he dies beginning the penance given to him by the priest. This final impression that he gives us shows that in the end, perhaps religion really did come into play as he knew he neared the end of his life.

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