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Grant Proposal Presentation


Submitted By heatherevans
Words 3066
Pages 13
Letter of Intent
Mary Funder, Ph. D.
Executive Director
United States Funding Society

Dear Dr. Funder, Planned Parenthood Organizations have been dealing with sexual health related issues such as pregnancies and sexual health education dating back to 1916. Throughout the years since then many things have changed, and many of the changes came from Margaret Sanger, who at that time opened many doors for women back then. Women that were not allowed to do anything about unwanted pregnancies, such as using the birth control pill. In the 1960’s the birth control pill was put on shelves and one in every four women were taking in. As the years continued many other aspects would change as well. The Planned Parenthood organization are in place to help families, women, men, adolescent, and children with education, sexual health questions, and even deal with other pregnancy services. The services will come to many that cannot afford proper health care to little or no cost at all. The Planned Parenthood organization’s mission statement is as follows: “A Reason for being”. The mission statement is in place to show individuals of any race, gender, or ethnicity that help is available to them, and each of the individuals that come into the organization all over the world will be free from any harassment or judgment. Respect and values plays an important role within the Planned Parenthood organizations, and each of the qualified employees or volunteers plan to keep it that way. Long term goals that the Planned Parenthood organization would like to implement would be to continue to provide those that are unable to pay for health related services, the services themselves. Without each person have the burden of a costly exam. Each individual will provide proof of incomes and eligibility can be established. Another long term goal the organization has in place is to

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