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Philadelphia Association for Financial Professionals
2013 Grant Application
Sponsor and Purpose:
Founded in 1976, the Philadelphia Treasury Management Association (PTMA) is proud of its history and reputation for providing professional and education services to treasury professionals. The PTMA was incorporated in 1996. In 2003, the Philadelphia Treasury Management Association changed its name to the Philadelphia Association for Financial Professionals (PAFP).
The PAFP provides a forum for the exchange of ideas, discussion of legislative, regulatory, and banking issues and developments, as well as the opportunity to network with other cash and treasury management professionals in the Delaware Valley.
The PAFP is affiliated with the Association for Financial Professionals (formerly the TMA) and works with this national organization on regulatory and legislative issues affecting the profession
In keeping with our long standing tradition of servicing our community and providing educational opportunities, the PAFP would like to offer a grant program for individuals who are seeking higher educational opportunities in finance related fields.
In order for applicants to be eligible for the PAFP grant fund, they must meet the following criteria * Be enrolled as a Sophomore, Junior or Senior in an undergraduate program with an emphasis in business or finance discipline in the greater Philadelphia Area * Be a community member or student in good standing * Student should show a financial need. The determination of financial need will be addressed by contacting the student’s school of choice to determine if awards have been granted through other funding sources.

Up to three grants will be awarded for the 2013 Grant Program. Only applications seeking a bachelor’s degree in a business discipline are eligible to receive to up $2,500

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