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Gravitational Waves


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TheDetectionofGravitationalWaves, HowCloseAreWe?

Sincetherealizationthatthegeneraltheoryofrelativitypredictsgravitationalwave s, therehavebeenattemptstoactuallydetectthesewaves.Indirectobservationshavebeenmade thatsupporttheirexistencebutnodirectmeasurement.Thispapergivesabriefexplanationof gravitationalwavesanddiscussesthecurrentconditionoftheexperimentalsearchfor gravitationalwaves.Itdealswiththenewesttechniquesthatwillenabletheirdetection.The focusofthepaperisonthreeexperimentalgroups:LIGO,VIRGO,andLISA.Fromourresearc h ofthesegroupswebelievethatthedetectionofgravitationalwaveswilloccurwithinthenext decade.

TheDetectionofGravitationalWaves, HowCloseAreWe?


predictionsderivedfromthetheoryhavebeenexperimentallyobserved.Threemainexamples arethebendingoflightbygravity,thered-shiftoflighttravelinginagravitationalfield,andthe precessionofMercury.Einstein'stheoryhasbeencrediblyestablishedbecauseofobserva tions likethese.Therearestillotherpredictionsthathaveyettobeobserved.Thedetectionof gravitationalwavesisoneofthesepredictions.
Itwasdiscoveredin1916thatthegeneraltheoryofrelativitypredictstheexistenceof gravitationalwaves.“Gravitationalwavesareperturbationsinthecurvatureofspacetime propagatingwiththevelocityoflight.Theyarecausedbyacceleratingmasses.”2Inorderto understandthe conceptofagravitationalwaveitishelpfultounderstandgravityasexplainedby thegeneraltheoryof relativity.Relativitydoesnotanalyzegravityintermsofforcesand accelerationasinNewtonianphysics. Insteaditexplainsgravityintermsofthegeometryof spacetime.
Spacetimeisaverydifficultconcepttovisualize.Itismadeupofthethreeposition- axes,x,yandz,butalsoincludesthedimensionoftime.Itisthefourthaxisoftimethatmake s spacetimedifficulttoconceptualize.Spacetimeisallaroundus.Itmaybehelpfultothinkofitas amediumthatencompasseseverything:earth,ourgalaxy,theuniverse,etc.Allplanets,suns, moonsand celestialbodiesare“submersed”inthismediumcalledspacetime. Accordingtothegeneraltheoryofrelativitymassbendsspacetime.Largermassesbend space-timemorethansmallermasses,justasamoremassiveobjectwouldbendatrampoline morethanalessmassiveobject.IfthegridlinesinFigure1 representspacetimeitcanbeseenhowtheEarthbendsit.Objec ts thatapproachtheEarthwillbeaffectedbythiscurvaturear ound it.Specifically,anobjectwillbemovedtowardstheEarth.Thisis howgeneralrelativitypicturesgravity.
Asmentionedgravitationalwavesareperturbationsinthecurvatureofspacetime,andare createdbyacceleratedmasses.Asimilaroccurrencecanbeobservedwithwater.Asafishina bowlmovesaroundunderwateritproducesmovements,orwaves,inthewaterthatsprea d throughoutthebowl.Inthissamewayacceleratedmassesproducewavesinspacetime.These wavestravelthroughouttheuniverseaffectingspacetimeandothermasseswithinit.The magnitude,orstrength,ofthegravitationalwavesisdirectlyproportionaltoboththemassa nd theaccelerationofthatmass.Themagnitudeofthewavealsodependsonthedistanceittrave ls beforeitreachesus.Thefurtherittravelsthesmalleritsmagnitudewillbe.Itisthisfactthatha s madedetectionofthegravitationalwavesunsuccessfulinthepast.Itisdifficulttoundersta nd howagravitationalwaveaffectsmatter.Itisbesttoconsiderthewave'seffectonthespacetime aroundthe matter.Asthewavepassesthroughspacetimeitbendsit,andanymaterialinthe spacetimemustalsobend accordinglytomovewiththespacetime.Gravitationalwavestell spacetimehowtocurve,andspacetimein turntellsmatterhowtomove.
Thetheoreticalanalysisofgravitationalwavesisquitedifficultcomparedtothatofa waveonastringbecausetheyarenotone-dimensional.Gravitationalwaveshavecharacteristic s similartobothlongitudinalandtransversewaves.Thesetypesofwavesareeasilyunderstoodin onedimensionbutbecomeextremelycomplicatedinmoredimensions.Gravitationalwavesare actuallyclassifiedasbothquadrupolartransverseandquadrupolarlongitudinalwaves.Propertie s ofthesekindsofwavesaredifficulttoconceptualize.Figure2explainshowgravitationalwave s havetransverseandlongitudinalcomponents.Theoreticallygravitationalwaves,likelight waves,canbepolarized,componentswithcertainorientationscouldbeabsorbedasthewave passes througha“polarizing”medium.Thismeansthatit maybepossiblethatasthewavesmovethroughmatterin spacetime theymaybecomepolarizedbeforetheyreach Earth.Itwouldbe quitepossiblethat,ofthegravitational wavesthatreachEarth, manyarepolarizedindifferent ways.Gravitationalwavesarealso similarto electromagneticradiationbecausetheycanoccurwith differentfrequencieswhiletheirvelocityisconstant.The rangeof frequenciesthataparticularexperimentattemptsto detectis referredtoasadetectionband.Itisbeyondthe scopeofthispaperto explainallthedetailsofgravitational waves.Itissufficientthatthe readerunderstandthat gravitational waves are extremely complex and thus the detection of these waves is equally complex. Scientists attempting to detect these waves must consider all the properties of the wavesinordertodesignanexperimentcapableofdetectinggravitationalwaves.5

expectedsmallmagnitudeofgravitationalwavesthedisplacementinmatterisnoteasily detected.“Evenastronggravitationalwavesignalcomingfrom,sayourowngalaxyisexpected to induce ... an unbelievably small effect, which would jerk masses spaced 1 km apart by a mere 10x- 18m - one thousandth of the diameter of the proton!”6 Up until the 1970's, measurements of these magnitudes were not possible and even today the cutting edge of technology still struggles withmeasurementsintheseranges.Inordertodetectthesewaves,experimentalequipmentmust be extremelypreciseandaccurate.
Sincetheywerepredictedin1916therehasbeennodirectobservationofgravitationalwaves. Experimentshavebeenconductedbuthaveyettoyieldconclusiveresults.In1974astronomers HulseandTaylordiscoveredthesecondpulsartoeverbeobserved,SR1913+16.Apulsarisa cosmicsourceofregularandrapidpulsesofradiationusuallyatradiofrequencieS.7Thispulsar wasdifferentthanthefirstbecauseitwasabinarypulsarmeaningitwasnotasingularbodybut tworevolving aroundeachother.Thetwobodieswereseparatedbyadistanceafewtimesthat fromtheearthtothemoon.8 Thisnewlyfoundbinarypulsarcreatedmuchexcitementbecauseit providedscientistswithameansof verifyingEinstein'stheorythatpredictsthatthissystem shouldlooseenergybyforminggravitational waves.Ifthesystemweretolooseenergyitwould beobservedthatitsorbitperiodwouldbereduced,the speedofthetwobodieswouldincrease andthedistancebetweenthetwowouldalsodecrease.Thisisexactly whatwasobserved.The decreaseintheorbitperiodwasverysmall,about75Millionthsofasecondperyear. Withtheir observeddataHulseandTaylorwereabletocalculatetheratewithwhichthesystemwas loosing energy.Thetheoreticalvalueoftheenergylosewascalculatedandshowntobein agreementto“withinone halfofapercentwiththeobservedvalue.”9HulseandTaylorfirst reportedtheirresultsin1978,fouryears afterthediscoveryofSR1913+16.In1993they receivedtheNobelPrizeinphysicsfortheirwork.Their observationisstrongevidencethat gravitationalwavesexist,butitisnotadirectmeasurement. PulsarslikeSR1913+16andothersimilarastronomicaleventsarehopefulsourcesfor detectablewaves.Thedetectionofgravitationalwavesultimatelydependsonhowoftentheyare producedandpassthroughourregionofspacetime.Differenteventssendoutdifferenttypesof signals.Somesourcesemitperiodicsignals.Byobservingthesesourcesoveraperiodoftime theycanbeverifiedtobegravitationalwavescanifthemeasurementsareperiodicand correspondwiththeexpectedvalues.Othersourcesemitwavesinoneburst.Inorderforthese wavestobedetectedanydatatakenatonesourcemustbeverifiedwithdatafromadiffere nt detector.Somesourcesemitwavesatanincreasingmagnitude.Thisratecanbecalculatedby knowingthesourcetypeandbyseeingthatthedatashowsthesameincreaseinmagnitude.For theperiodicandincreasingwavesitisnecessarytoknowthesourcetodothecalculations.Eac h sourcealsoemitswavesofdifferentfrequencies.Althoughthereismuchuncertaintyconcerning howoftendifferenttypesofgravitationalwavesareemitted,itisbelievedthatthereareas sufficientnumber oftheseeventsthatoccurintheuniversesothatwithinayearanydetector wouldhaveampleopportunitytodetectandmeasurewaves.10 Toactuallydetectandmeasuregravitationalwaves,experimentsmustbepreparedata ll times.Wedonotknowwhenawavelargeenoughtoobservewillperturbourregionof spacetime.Wehavetositandwait.Becauseofthesmallmagnitudeofthegravitationalwaves anydetectormustbeabletoverifythatithasmeasuredthedisturbancefromagravitationalwave insteadofdisturbancesfromothersourcessuchseismicactivityundertheEarth'scrust.The detectorscannotbesensitivespecificallytogravitationalwaves.Forthisreasontheymustbe isolatedfromallotherdisturbancesexceptgravitationalwaves.Inordertoinsurethedetectionof actualgravitationalwavesatlasttwodifferentexperimentslocatedatveryfardistancesfrom eachothermustconfirmthedataobserved.Topinpointthelocationofthesourceofthewave threedetectorsarerequired.Asmuchdistanceaspossibleshouldseparatethethreedetectorsto enablethe triangulationoftheincomingdataandtocalculatethewave'sorigininspace.Thisis similartothemethods usedtolocatetheepicenterofearthquakes.
Therearequiteafeworganizationsaroundtheworldthatarepreparingtodetect gravitationalwavesandmanydifferentmethodsarebeingprepared.Thispaperwillfocuson whatwefeel arethethreemostpromisinggroups.Coincidentally,thesethreeexperimentsare basedonsimilar concepts.Wewillfirstdiscussthetheorybehindtheseprojectsandthen examinethespecificsofthe organizations.Withthisinformationwewillbeabletocomparethe groupsandtheircapabilities. Interferometer

Thethreeexperimentswewilldiscussmakeuseofaninterferometerintheirresearch,to detect gravitationalwaves.Theinterferometers,aredesignedsimilartotheoneMichelsonand Morley constructedto detecttheether,see Figure3.Justasinthe Michelson-Morley interferometerthe originallaserbea m splitsandtrave ls downtwodifferent arms.The interferometersused forgravitationalwavedetectionaredesignedsothetwosplitbeamsdestructivelyinterfereupon recombiningwitheachother.Innormalconditions,withoutgravitationalwavespresent,the photodetector willnotreadanything.Ifforanyreasonthearmlengthsoftheinterferometerwere tofluctuatethe recombinedbeamswouldnotperfectlyinterfereandthephotodetectorwould detectachangeinintensity fromthelaser.Thisishowgravitationalwaveswillbedetected.As theypassthroughtheinterferometerthe armslengthswillfluctuateanditwillbenotedbythe photodetector.
Theabilitytomeasuregravitationalwavesisproportionaltothelengthofthearmsofthe interferometer.Iftwomasses,separatedbyagivendistance,experienceadistortionduetoa gravitationalwave,thentwoidenticalmassesattwicethatdistancewillexperienceadistortion twiceasgreat.Forexample,ifameterstickiscontractedexpandedby1%thena2-meterstick willalsobeaffectedby1%.However,thissamepercentageinthe2-meterstickwillbetwicea s muchasthestretchofthemeterstick.Thusforthedetectionofgravitationalwaves,longerarms allowformoresensitiveinterferometers.
Thereareotherfactorsthatcouldcausethearmlengthstofluctuateorappeartofluctuate , suchas,thermalexpansion,anon-stablelasersource,orapoorvacuum.Anythingthatinterferes withthedetectionofagravitationalwavessignalisreferredtoasnoise.Ifthelasersourcedoe s notemitaconstant,orstable,frequencyoflightthephotodetectorwilldetectachangeinthe intensity.Thermalexpansionwillchangethearmlengthsoftheinterferometer,thuschanging thedetectedinterferenceoftherecombinedbeams.Ifthevacuumenvironmentinthesystemis notlow enoughtheparticlesintheaircaninteractwiththelaserbeam,changingtheinterference oftherecombined beams.Thesearejustsomeofthefactorsthatcouldhindertheabilityofthe interferometertodetect gravitationalwaves.Forthisreasontheinterferometermustbeisolated fromtheseandothernoisesources.

LaserInterferometerGravitational-Wave Observatory,LIGO,isacollaborationofMIT , Caltech,andmanyotheruniversitiesintheUnite d States.TheLIGOprojectisbuildingdetectorsattwo differentsites.OneisinLivingston,Louisiana,an d theotherissome2000milesawayinHanford, Washington.12Thisshouldprovidesufficientdistance betweenthesitestovalidatethedetectionofthe waves.Infact,theWashingtonsitehousestwointerferometersinthesamevacuumtube.Oneis 4kmlong andtheotheris2kmlong.Asmentionedabovethelengthofthelonger interferometerwillbedistortedtwice asmushasthesmallerinterferometer.Signalsdueto seismicactivity,thermalexpansion,etc.willnotcause thisregular2:1ratio.Thus,thesetwo interferometersauthenticatethedetectionofgravitationalwaves. Thiscorrelationaswellas conformationfromtheindependentLouisianasitewillsolidifytheresearcher's confidencein gravitationalwavedetection.13 Becausethemagnitudeofgravitationalwavesisexpectedtobeverysmall,theLIGO detectormustbeoneofthemostpreciseinstruments.Duetotheirexpectedpolarizations,as gravitationalwavespassthroughtheinterferometer,oneofitsarmswillshrinkastheother elongates,creatingaphasedifferenceinthelaserbeam.LIGOhasan“ultrastable”laser reflectingmanytimesdownthe4kilometerlongarmsoftheinterferometer.
Toisolatetheinterferometerfromatmosphericnoisethetubesinsidethearmswillbeevacuate d toone-trillionththeearth'satmosphere.Theeffectsofseismicactivityhavebeenreduce d throughacomplexsystemof20suspendedmirrors.Thefirstpart,oftheisolationsystem stabilizesthe mirrorsbyusing“fourstagesofspringsandmasses.”14Thispartalonereducesthe seismicmotionamillionfold.15Thelaststageofseismicisolationinvolvesthemirrorsbeing suspendedfrompendulums.Toavoidhavingtoaccountforthemotionofthependulums,the naturalmodesofoscillationofthemirror-pendulumsarechosentobeoutsidethe“detec tion band”forLIGO.LIGO'sdetectionbandwillmeasuregravitationalwavesrangingfrom10Hzto 10 kHz.Andhence,thenaturalmodesofoscillationofthesuspendedmirrorswillnotbewithin thisrange. LIGO'sdesignwillallowittodetectchangesinlengthontheorderof10-21meters.16 Thisisveryprecise,aswasstatedearlier,gravitationalwavesareexpectedtomovemasseslkm apartbyless than10-18meters.
LIGOisdesignedtobeupgradeable.Itisscheduledtobeupgradedin2006andagainin 2010.These twoimprovementswillincreaseLIGO'ssensitivityby15timesandincreasethe detectionrateby3000 times.LIGOiscompletedandisexpectedtobegintoacquiredatain 2002.Itsfirstdatarunisscheduledtolast forthreeyearS.17LIGOisultimatelydesignedto functionasatelescopewatchingthegravitational disturbancesoftheuniverse.Toaccomplish thisthetwoLIGOsiteswillneedtocomparetheirdatawitha thirdgravitationalwavedetector thatislocatedasfaraspossiblefromtheLIGOsites.Inordertodothis LIGOwillneed internationalcooperation.18

TheVIRGOproject,namedaftertheVirgocluster,consistsofeffortsfromtheIstituto NazionalediFisicaNucleare(INFN)ofItalyandtheCentreNationaldelaRecherche Scientifique(CNRS)ofFrance.TheVIRGOinterferometerisbasedinCascina,Italy,10km fromPisa.

project,VIRGOalsousesanultra-stablelaser.Thearmsoftheinterferometerareeach3km long.Multiple mirrorswithineacharmreflectthelaserbeamsuchthatthetotallengthtraveledis 120km20Asmentioned above,thisincreaseddistancewillallowforamoreaccurate measurementofgravitationalwavespassing throughit.
VIRGOwillalsotakegreatmeasurestoeliminatenoise.VIRGO'sinterferometerwillbekeptat averyhighvacuumlevelsimilartothatoftheLIGOproject.Inordertoreducetheeffectsof seismicmotionoftheearth,bothoftheseinterferometerarmsaresuspendedbya10meter-high systemofcompoundpendulums,calleda“super attenuator.”VIRGOdetectionbandwillmeasure gravitationalwavesrangingfrom10Hzto6KHz. OnceVIRGOisoperationalitwillrun continuouslyyearinandyearout.Thesesignals willbedetected,registered,andanalyzedbya computercenterthatwillruncontinuously.T his datawillthenbeavailabletotheentire internationalscientificcommunityforfurtherstudies.21ConstructionoftheVIRGO interferometerbeganonMay6,1996,anditshouldbefullyoperationalbytheendof2001.


TheLaserInterferometerSpaceAntenna,LISA,isanotherfuturedetectorthatis sponsoredby NASAandtheEuropeanSpaceAgency.LiketheLIGOandVIRGOprojectsit willusealaser interferometertodetectchangesinthelengthofthearms.However,this interferometerisgoingtobeput intoorbit.
Puttingsatellitesinspacehasanumberofadvantages.Thearmlengthcanbemuc h longerthanwouldbepossiblehereonEarth.Spaceprovidesaready-madevacuumenvironme nt thatisisolatedfromseismicactivityandothernoise.Thevacuuminthisregionofspaceis slightlybetter thanthoseobtainedbyLIGOandVIRGO.Itisbeingbuilttodetectgravitational waveswithlower frequenciesthanthosedetectedbyLIGOandVIRGO.LISAwillhavea detectionbandfrom10-4Hzto10-1Hz.Manyofthewavesexpectedtobemeasuredareinthis range.ThesearefrequenciesthatVIRGOandLIGOcannotdetect. TheLISAdesignwillalsobebasedonaMichelsoninterferometer.However,LISAhassome fundamentaldesigndifferences.Asenvisionedrightnow,LISAwillconsistofthreeidentica l satellitesputintoasolarorbit20EbehindtheEarth.AsseeninFigure6,thethreesatelliteswill formanequilateraltrianglewithsidesoflength5x106kilometers.24Ratherthanhavingonelaser beam,eachsatellitewillhavetwoseparatelasers.Onelaserwillbeaimedattheothertw o satellites.Oneofthesatelliteswillbechosenasthecentralsatellite.Thetwobeamsfromthe central satellitewillbeinphasewith eachother.Thisissimilartothebeams travelingthetwoarmsofthe Michelsoninterferometer.Unlikethe Michelsoninterferometerthebeams arenotreflectedintheLISAsystem. Instead,theothersatellitewilldetec t theincominglaserbeamandsenda newbeam,inphasewiththeorigina l, backtothesource.Thecentralsatellite comparesthephasedifferenceofthe tworeceivedsignals.Basedonthisinformation,itscomputerwillrecognizephaseshiftscaused bygravitationalwaves.25
LISAisdesignedtoreducenoiseinavarietyofways.Thrusterswillbebuiltintothe satellitestocounteractforcessuchaslightfromthesunwhichwouldacceleratethemfromtheir normalpositions.Thesatelliteswillbeshieldedfromsunlighttolimitthermalexpansionwhich couldmisalignthelasers.InspaceLISAmustcarryitsownpowersupply.Thispowerconstraint willnotallowLISAtohaveaverystronglaser.26LISAwilluseaone-wattlaser.Thisisquitea bitweakerthanthelasersusedintheLIGOandVIRGOandthustheaccuracyofLISA' s measurementsareonlyintherangeofaboutonepicometer.However,overthetotaldistanceof 5x109meters,LISAwillbeabletodetectastrain27ontheorderof10-23.Itisestimatedthat LISAwillbeoperationalasearlyas2008.


Thefactorsthatwilldeterminewhengravitationalwavesaredetectedare:howofte n thesewavespassthroughourregionofspacetime,thecapabilityoftheexperimentalequipment, andwhentheseexperimentsareoperational.Eventhoughthereisabitofuncertaintywith regardstohowoftenwavespassthroughtheearth,weareconfidentthatwithintheperiodofone yearanumberofdetectablewaveswinpassthroughourregionofspace.Withallthreeprogra ms operating,LIGO,VIRGOandLISA,wewillbepreparedtodetectwavesoveralargerangeof frequencies.Webelievethatthefirstdetectionofgravitationalwaveswinoccurwithinoneyear oftheLIGO'sfirstdatarun,sometimeintheyear2003.Wealsofeelconfidentthatnot.VIRGO andLISAwillbecapableofdetectingwavesoncetheyareoperational. References

1JohnTaylorandC.D.ZafiratosModemPhysicsforScientistsandEngineers.(Prentice-Hall, Inc.,Englewood,NJ,1991),p.69.

3JohnYaukey,“HeyMr.Einstein,ThatRelativityTheoryStillHasPull,”SaltLakeTribune , May7,1998.
4OxfordDictionaryandThesaurus,TheAmericanEdition.(OxfordUniversityPress,Oxfor d, 1996),p.1212. 6Ibid.
7CliffordM.Will,Phys.Today.52(10),38-43(1999). 8See#5.

10BarryC.BarishandRWeiss,Phys.Today.52(10),44-50(1999). 11Ibid.
12 13See#10.
14Ibid. 15Ibid. 16Ibid. 17Ibid. 18See#12

20 21Ibid.


24 p.1721 25 Ibid. p. 18

27 p.42

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...n physics, a wave is a disturbance or oscillation that travels through spacetime, accompanied by a transfer of energy. Wave motiontransfers energy from one point to another, often with no permanent displacement of the particles of the medium—that is, with little or no associated mass transport. They consist, instead, of oscillations or vibrations around almost fixed locations. Waves are described by a wave equation which sets out how the disturbance proceeds over time. The mathematical form of this equation varies depending on the type of wave. There are two main types of waves. Mechanical waves propagate through a medium, and the substance of this medium is deformed. The deformation reverses itself owing to restoring forces resulting from its deformation. For example, sound waves propagate via air molecules colliding with their neighbors. When air molecules collide, they also bounce away from each other (a restoring force). This keeps the molecules from continuing to travel in the direction of the wave. The second main type of wave, electromagnetic waves, do not require a medium. Instead, they consist of periodic oscillations in electrical and magnetic fields generated by charged particles, and can therefore travel through a vacuum. These types of waves vary in wavelength, and include radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and gamma rays. Further, the behavior of particles in quantum mechanics is described by waves and researchers...

Words: 635 - Pages: 3

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Gravitational Force

...Essay on the gravitational force of Earth. The gravitational force at the surface of the planet is the force that binds all bodies to earth. This force is one of the four forces recognized by physicists, and this kind of force, known as ‘gravity’, attracts every celestial object to earth. Though it is the most important of the forces essential for our lives, it is the least comprehended of them all. Throughout ages scientists have tried to solve the mystery of gravity. One of the first discoveries concerning gravity was made by Aristotle who concluded from his experiments that the downward movement of any body is that has weight had a proportional relationship between its quickness in motion and its size. This theory was accepted for centuries, but after a series of experiments made by Galileo, Aristotle’s theory was proved to be incorrect, as Galileo said after a series of experimenting at the Pisa tower that body of different sizes fall with the same speed. Later on, the idea that the force is needed so as to change the motion of the body was discovered. After that, a great scientist was to improve all the previously accepted theories, this scientist was Newton who was to make decisive advances in understanding gravity. In his first law, Newton said that a body in state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line will keep on moving unless acted upon by a force, while in his second theory, Newton expressed his first law in a more quantitative way as he said that force...

Words: 675 - Pages: 3

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Unit 7

...a signal transmitted on one circuit or channel of a transmission system creates an undesired effect in another circuit or channel. 2) Waveguide is a structure that guides waves, such as electromagnetic waves or sound waves. There are different types of waveguides for each type of wave. The original and most common[1] meaning is a hollow conductive metal pipe used to carry high frequency radio waves, particularly microwaves. 3) Fiber to the x (FTTx) is a generic term for any broadband network architecture using optical Fiber to replace all or part of the usual metal local loop used for last mile telecommunications. 4) Simplex communication refers to communication that occurs in one direction only. 5) A half-duplex (HDX) system provides communication in both directions, but only one direction at a time (not simultaneously). 6) A full-duplex (FDX), or sometimes double-duplex system, allows communication in both directions, and, unlike half-duplex, allows this to happen simultaneously. 7) Photodiode is a type of photo detector capable of converting light into either current or voltage, depending upon the mode of operation. 8) Amplitude modulation (AM) is a technique used in electronic communication, most commonly for transmitting information via a radio carrier wave. 9) Analog (or analogue) transmission is a transmission method of conveying voice, data, image, signal or video information using a continuous signal which varies in amplitude...

Words: 721 - Pages: 3

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Activity P41: Waves on a String

...Lab#2: Activity P41: Waves on a string Jonathan Alevy Physics 1302.101 Partners names: Henry Haws, Johnathan Rios & Miguel Castellano Pre-Lab Direct Calculation of the Linear Mass Density 1. Measure the mass of a known of the string. Length = L = 1.77 meters Mass = M = 5.7 x 10-4 kilograms µ = mass/length = 5.7 x 10-4 / 1.77m= 3.22 x 10-4 kg/m Table 1: Change Tension – Constant Frequency and Length Frequency = 120 Hz Length = 1.0 m T=mg T=mg Segments, n | Experimental Mass (kg) | Theoretical Mass (kg) | % difference: Exp-Theo | Tension, T (N) | 1/n2 | 1 | 1.84 | 1.89 | 2.78% | 18.0 | 1.00 | 2 | 0.463 | 0.473 | 2.14% | 4.54 | 0.250 | 3 | 0.207 | 0.210 | 1.44% | 2.03 | 0.111 | 4 | 0.113 | 0.118 | 4.33% | 1.11 | 0.0625 | 5 | 0.0720 | 0.0760 | 5.41% | 0.706 | 0.0400 | Slope= 18 The slope is equal to = 18; = 3.125 x 10-4 kg/m Linear mass density = 3.125 x 10-4 kg/m Table 2: Vary Frequency Tension = 4.9 N Tension = Mass x Gravity = 0.500kg x 9.81m/s2 = 4.9 N Length = 1.0 m Segments, n | Experimental Frequency (Hz) | Theoretical Frequency (Hz) | % difference Exp-Theo | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0% | 1 | 62.00 | 61.68 | 0.520% | 2 | 125.7 | 123.4 | 1.88% | 3 | 189.0 | 185.0 | 2.12% | 4 | 251.1 | 246.7 | 1.76% | 5 | 313.9 | 308.4 | 1.77% | Slope = 62.9 The slope is equal to = 62.9; =3.096 x 10-4 kg/m Linear mass density = 3.096 x 10-4 kg/m Table 3: Results Method | Linear mass density | % difference | ...

Words: 501 - Pages: 3

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...attitudes in understanding the nature of waves as carriers of energy. They become acquainted with the different types of waves, know the different characteristics and properties of each disturbance, and through the process, develop appreciation on the importance of wave to man’s life and his environment.Year Level Standards: Understand the nature of wave as energy carriers, differences between electromagnetic waves and mechanical waves, and their characteristics and properties | Waves | Number of Days – 20 days | Content Standards * Demonstrate understanding on: * the nature of waves as energy carriers and the wave properties of reflection, refraction, diffraction, and interference * differences between electromagnetic waves and mechanical waves and give examples of each * characteristics of waves, amplitude, crest, frequency, period, trough, and wavelength * different properties of waves | Performance StandardsConduct research works, carry out mathematical equations, and produce outputs that will reflect the existence of waves including their importance and impact to man and his environment | Lesson Number/Title | Key Understanding and Key Questions | Knowledge | Skills | Teaching Strategies | Assessment Strategies | Resources | 1. Vibrational MotionNumber of Days: 5 daysLesson Focus: * - Simple Harmonic Motion * -Kinds of Waves | KU:-Wave is an important component in the transmission of energy and information.-Knowing wave motion is essential in understanding...

Words: 817 - Pages: 4

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Harmonics Tech Paper

...sinusoidal manner. These pulses cause distorted current wave shapes which in turn cause harmonic currents to flow back into other parts of the power system.” The problem with this phenomena is that current distortions cause voltage distortions. Which in turn creates waste in your system which is trying to supply the extra current needed to overcome the harmonics. It can also cause component heating and extra charges from your utility company for the excessive draw or disturbance to your neighbor’s power factor. What happens electrically is the ac voltage is ran through diodes which rectify the voltage, and charges a capacitor. The equipment being powered draws the high DC voltage powering the circuit, the capacitor is recharged over and over again. The capacitor only draws when the sine wave is at its peak. In industrial plants the most common causes of harmonics currents are three-phase and non-linear loads like electronic motor drives, and uninterruptible power drives, causes of harmonics in the commercial world are desktop computers, electric light ballasts, and dimmer switch applications. Identifying harmonics is not difficult when you know what signs to look for. As you tour your facility you can check transformers for excessive heat, examine transformer secondary current, and sub panel neutral checks. To verify you have harmonic issues you must use a true RMS multi-meter, these meters give more accurate wave readings than standard multi-meters. These meters read crest...

Words: 376 - Pages: 2

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...Q1. A single slit diffraction pattern is produced on a screen using a laser. The intensity of the central maximum is plotted on the axes in the figure below. (a) On the figure above, sketch how the intensity varies across the screen to the right of the central maximum. (2) (b) A laser is a source of monochromatic, coherent light. State what is meant by monochromatic light .................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... coherent light ............................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... (2) (c) Describe how the pattern would change if light of a longer wavelength was used. ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... (1) (d) State two ways in which the appearance of the fringes would change if the slit was made narrower. ...................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................

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