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Great Lakes Research Paper

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The Great Lakes are a use to many, in Canada and the U.S. To them it is the main source of fresh water, the Great Lakes themselves are the largest freshwater body in the world. “People in both countries depend on the lakes for drinking water. They also rely on lake water for use in factories, irrigation on farms, and generation of electric power.” (text book page 66) Without these lakes, there wouldn’t be a good source of water to the entire population of the U.S, and though it may seem like the lakes are doomed to a life in trash, we have made a lot of progress on the renovation of our precious lakes. In 1952 people started to realize that the lakes were heavily polluted. One sign of this was the burning of the Cuyahoga River In Cleveland …show more content…
In 1972 Canada and the U.S decided to make an agreement. That agreement stated that they would pledge to clean up and protect the Great Lakes. Cleaning up the lakes is a very daunting task that is hard to take on, and since that agreement our lakes have proved to be less polluted. New laws stated that companies and businesses could not dump as much pollutants and chemicals into the water as they used to. The laws even banned DDT, and PCB’s. This helped the ecosystem around the lakes, and the food chain itself. Invasive species such as zebra mussels take rides from boats that travel to their native homes. They produce fast, “Up to 70,000 mussels can thrive in a single square meter of water.” (text book page 72) These mussels steal food from the native fish, and make swimming dangerous, since their shells are so sharp. People are concerned that these invasive species will take over the lakes. New barriers have proven successful to keep out a lot of the asian carp, and other fish. Another way that has proven to help is letting other fish such as Pacific salmon to eat the non-native species from over

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