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Green It


Submitted By khaterehazar13
Words 12275
Pages 50
Is Green IT Threat to Security


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Contents 1 Introduction 4 1.2 purposes of study 6 1.3 Problem Gartner research on Green 6 1.4 Background and Motivation 7 1.5 Audience 8 1.6 Outcome of Study 8 2 Introduction 10 2.1 Green IT 10 2.2 Why IT Need to be Green 12 2.3 Benefits of Green IT 13 2.4 Companies Interest in Green IT 14 2.5 Green IT and Information Assurance and Security 14 2.6 Information Assurance and Security 15 2.7 Green IT from Information Assurance viewpoint 16 2.8 Dimension of Green IT 18 2.9 Green IT Initiatives 19 3 Introduction 21 3.1 Research design 21 3.2 Justification of paradigm and methodology 22 3.3 Data Collection Methods 23 3.3.1 Questionnaires 23 3.3.2 Interview 24 3.4 Data Analysis and Interpretation 25 3.5 Ethical Considerations 25 3.6 Chapter Summary 26 4 Introduction 27 4.1 Presentation and Analysis of data 28 4.1.1 Quantitative data analysis 29 4.1.2 Demographic Questions: 29 4.2 Technical question 32 4.2.1 Quantitative analysis 46 4.3 Quantitative analysis 46 4.4 Chapter summary: 47 4.5 Recommendation and suggestions 48 5 Introduction 49 5.1 Security assurance in cloud computing 50 5.1.1 Confidentiality 51 5.1.2 Correctness Assurance 51 5.1.3 Availability 51 5.1.4 Data Integrity 52 5.2 Security guideline 52 5.2.1 Cloud Service Provider Agent (CSPA) 54 5.2.2 Cloud Data Confidentiality Agent 55 5.2.3 Cloud Data Correctness Agent (CDCorA) 55 5.2.4 Cloud Data Availability Agent (CDAA) 56 5.2.5 Cloud Data Integrity Agent (CDIA) 57 5.3 Testing the framework 58 5.3.1 Strengths: 58 5.3.2 Weakness: 58 5.3.3 Opportunities: 58 5.4 Summery 59 6 Introduction 60 6.1 Research limitation 60 6.2 Recommendation for future 60 6.3 Self-review 61 6.4 Overall conclusion 61 Reference: 64 7 Appendix 65 7.1.1 Qualitative analysis 65 7.1.2 Interviewer 2 68

Table of figure Figure 1 Historical and projected data center energy consumption chart by EPA 13 Figure 2 Factors driving Green IT Implementations (Info-Tech Research Group, 2009) 14 Figure 3 Companies Interest in Green IT (Info-Tech Research Group, 2009) 14 Figure 4 Green IT Dimension (Murugesan, 2008) 18 Figure 5 Green IT Initiatives and Solutions (Info-Tech Research Group, 2009) 20 Figure 6 propose guideline 52 Figure 7 five categories of agent 54 Figure 8 architecture of the Cloud Data Correctness Agent 56


Today Information Technology is considered as a heart of our personal and business life. Our both personal and business life are very much dependent upon information technology and it’s a true fact that life without Information Technology will become paralyzed (Lamb. J, 2009). Therefore, organizations are continuously investing in information technology for their performance growth and value (Hu & Quan, 2006; Kohli & Grover, 2008) and using the innovative technology for their high performance and to gain the competitive advantage. However this new innovative technology has also increased the cost and complexity (Damanpour & Evan, 1984; Swanson, 1994; Tucker 2002). Yet, if organizations do not invest in the technology they will lose their market place (Geisler & Kassicieh, 1997). Furthermore, IT has raises the environmental issues and problem from e waste disposal, usage and production (Murugesan, 2008). So, the pervasive adaption of information technology has side effects on the environment too. The awareness of this effect has attracted some renowned organization towards the environmental friendly computing and practices known as “Green IT” (Lamb. J, 2009)
Beside the Green IT practices, information assurance (IA) and information security (IS) is very essential for business success. It is necessary to assure the degree of confidence (i-e Information Assurance) about security features and policies and how security protection are applied to protect the information system (i.e. Information Security) in each Green IT solution. For most of the organization and company, their proprietary and sensitive information is very important asset for them and its protection is as important as protecting a physical asset. In 2009, the Internet Complaint Center, reports nationwide loss of $559.7 million due to cyber-crime. Computer Security Institute also reported that businesses in 2006 loss over $52,494,290 to security related issues. (Esensten, 2011;Harris, 2010). Therefore, there is increasing pressure to assure the information security in all business practices. Now, organizations understand, loss of proprietary and customer information can damage organization’s reputation (Russell & Gangemi, 1991).
Apparently Green IT has little to do with information security but in depth it has strong relation between Green IT revolution and information security concerns in IT industry (Grossman, 2011). Here is an opinion from an expert, Simon Mingay, Research vice president for Gartner says, some of the companies may unknowingly giving away information in the reports of their progress on environmental issues (Green IT raises security fears, 2007). Other Green IT practices like mobile computing and telecommuting introduce the risk of information theft and data privacy issues by moving the data outside the local network. Green disposal and paper reduction also has security risk if not properly carried out (Metzler, 2009).Virtualization technologies and cloud computing brings their own set of security risks (Frangiskatos, Ghassemian and Diane, 2010). This is the objective of thesis to find out how Green IT is strongly connected to security and what are those security risks associated with Green practices.
1.2 purposes of study
Purpose The purpose of this study is to identify ways in which Green IT practices and solutions can impact the information assurance and security, while simultaneously supporting green benefits, including energy efficiency, cost reduction integrity, availability, and confidentiality. This master thesis represents the result of systemic literature review to find the impact of Green IT implementation on information assurance. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis is to illustrate how Green IT paradigms and its inherent benefits can affect the information assurance and security.
The focus of the study falls in following area: i. Green IT dimension and its holistic approach ii. Green IT initiatives iii. Green IT in Information assurance perspective iv. Impact of Green IT practices on information assurance
The intent of this study is to provide the audience with knowledge, which can enables the Green IT solutions more secure to information assurance. * 1.3 Problem Gartner research on Green IT shows that environment damaging issues, huge power consumption of IT and resulting higher CO2 emission has developed the interest of IT industry towards the adoption of environmental friendly use of IT approaches and operations. Large IT firms like IBM, Google, HP, Sun and other communication sector are implementing green plan and strategies. In May 2007, Gartner had predicted that 50% of medium and large IT organization in western Europe would declared a green imperative at the end of 2007 issues (Green IT raises security fears, 2007).
In this green movement, the security industry is critically analysing the Green IT implementation. Some security firm’s concern in going green, might reengineering the way we work, somehow compromise their fundamental operations or increase the security risk (The security industry’s green legacy, 2011). Therefore, this analysis of security weakness and risk is very necessary to make sure that information and data is not under threat of any kind of malicious activities or because of poor implementation of Green IT processes.
The main purpose of this thesis to assess “Is Green IT threat to security?” by reviewing the current literature on green computing and its influences on information assurance with the idea of identifying security issues and leverage points (for future research) to improve information and business operational value in green computing.
For the accomplishment of the problem statement “Is Green IT threat to security?” can be will assess if further divided into smaller sub questions:
How Green IT practices can impact the information assurance and security?
What is the information assurance and security challenges in each going green solutions? 1.1 Background and Motivation
Thesis motivation comes through the background which has been represented in Integrated Model; Green IT from Information Assurance and Security perspective (Figure 1). It shows that increase in CO2 emission enables the Green IT and which motivates the Green IT solutions and Green IT implementation provides the Green benefits which leads to decrease in greenhouse gas emission and lead to safe planet. But Green IT implementation could also have security threats, issues, challenges and vulnerabilities. These issues must need to be mitigated for a safe business. So both green benefits and information assurance and security should be combined at its best level to achieve the both goals of save planet and save business.

Outcome of Study
This study is purposefully designed as a guide that briefly describes (a) Information assurance aspects in Green IT solution (b) how Green IT can increase the information security threats and risks. The outcome of the study includes the security threats and vulnerabilities which give the reader with the idea of how green computing implementation can be made less vulnerable and secure, as a future work. The data analysis of literature review includes the security weaknesses and green advantages of Green Computing Technology. The derived data of the study includes security weakness and risks, would be helpful for the IT companies to make the Green IT process information assured at a satisfied level. After the introduction section, the remainder of this study is organized as follows. First, Section 2 is detailed description of the research design and methodology; how research work has been carried out. Section 3 gives the brief overview of Green IT, its dimension, its need and information assurance concepts and its facet in Green IT practices. Section 4 analyses the different Green IT implementation to explore the security weakness, risks and challenges in each green IT solution. Thesis concludes with a summary of the key findings and an outlook to further research questions.

Chapter 2 literature review

In this chapter fist an investigation is provided about the Green IT, the importance of Green Computing in IT industry and companies interest in Green IT. This investigation provides the reader the general information about the Green computing. How Green IT can help to protect the environment. Selected literature points out the different dimension of Green IT. Green IT
During recent years, world’s climate is changing and resulting disaster problems due to the excessive emission of CO2, it has been accepted that CO2 emission is the major cause of global warming and weather changes (Murugesan, 2008). But if we ask the people about what kind of organization are most often polluters of the environment and cause of CO2 emission, majority of the people say the chemical industries. People don’t think that the IT offices are also the part of the polluter groups. All our desktop PCs, servers, switches and data centres uses electricity and huge amount of electricity is used for cooling of it equipment (Murugesan, 2008). This huge amount of electricity not only cost money but also generated from fossil fuel, coal and oil which release carbon dioxide and generate more greenhouse gas emission, polluting the atmosphere (Murugesan, 2008). Furthermore the e-waste and recycling of the electronic equipment also impact the environment. Gartner 2007 research estimated that IT accounts for over 2% of global CO2 emissions and now it has reached to 3% (Frangiskatos, Ghassemian and Diane, 2010 & Gartner 2007)—roughly the same amount as generated by air travel (Daly & Butler, 2009). So, today IT has leveraged our both daily and business life but also proven to be problem for environmental sustainability. Now organizations of all sizes has realized the danger to environmental sustainability and facing the dual challenge of increase computing capabilities along with the cost reduction and environmental friendly practices (Scaramella and Healey 2007). To meet this dual challenge organizations are approaching and investing in Green Computing practices by maximizing the efficient use of computing resources to minimize environmental impact and its proper disposal.
Now understand, what does it mean by Green? Being Green means different things to different people. If we ask the number of Chief information officer (CIO) about “Being Green”, every CIO will answer differently in respect to their organization. Some would say being green means to buying a technology that’s more energy efficient, some would say reduce amount of electricity consume by data center, other would say buying hardware which are environmental friendly( Lamb, 2009). Being Green also means proper disposal and recycling of hardware. Virtualization is also considered as Green computing solution. Some would say, practice of using computing resources more efficiently while maintaining or increasing overall performance. In others opinion being green means adopting the all ways which can minimize the environmental impact with market growth opportunities. All CIOs are right in defining how to become Green, because Green IT is a vast subject and it is the combination of all above objectives (Lamb, 2009). Although Green IT is becoming most popular and wide spreading technology among organizations However, there is lack of standardized universal definition of Green IT because of its vastness in subject matter. Different authors have defined the Green IT in the following manners:
Murugesan define it in two different ways: “Green IT” is multi-faceted and encompasses the manufacturing and purchasing of energy efficient IT equipment, the efficient operation and utilization of hardware devices, as well as its proper disposal” (Murugesan 2008).
“Green IT is also about the study and practice of designing, manufacturing, using, and disposing of computers, servers, and associated subsystems (monitors, printers, storage devices, etc.) efficiently and effectively with minimal or no impact on the environment” (Murugesan, 2007).
Li and Zhou referred a very detailed explanation of it, “Green computing is a global concept that entails system architecture, system software, parallel and distributed computing and computer network. It aims to reduce the power consumption of computer systems, provide high-efficient, dependable and pervasive services, and achieve the objective of low power of IT systems. Green computing also attempts to construct a new energy-awareness computing system, inter-networking environment and computing service facilities, supports the new kind of computer architecture and computing paradigm like cloud computing, and provides a low-power computing environment for personalized and diversified information service” ( Li & Zhou, 2011).
The Green IT definition (also known as Green Computing) which has been extracted from the literature study and will be reflected throughout in thesis work is:
“Green IT comprised of initiatives, strategies, solutions and information technologies that reduce the environmental impact of IT by aiming to, reduce the power consumption of electronic equipment, saving energy, efficient use of resource utilization, space reduction, reduction in hardware equipment, reduce paper consumption, reduce travelling, reusing, refurbishing and recycling computers and more importantly money saving & cost reduction. For example Thin
Client, Cloud Computing, Virtualization, Paper reduction, mobile computing, travel reduction and computer recycling”
Why IT Need to be Green
Today, the consumer of computer world has rapidly increased and the prices of electronic item has been decreasing drastically and resulting in the growth of business IT system, technology and rapid expansion of data centers. Eventually in near future IT business, electronic equipment and data centre and will become one of the biggest environmental concern in the world.
Daly and Butller (2009), represent the collected statistics and percentages of IT contribution on environmental impact. In 2008, it was estimated that the total amount of electricity consumed across all sectors in Europe would grow at annual rate of 2%. While, research by McKinsey (2007) predicted, energy consumption by computers and IT in general is projected to grow at an annual rate of approximately 3% to 2030—much higher than the overall trend. Furthermore, energy intensive computing, internet communication and data centre are becoming the fastest growing energy use sector. According to a 2011 Stanford University/New York Times study, data centres comprised 2 percent of U.S. electricity consumption in 2010 — a 250 percent jump since 2000 — and increasing adoption of home electronics including computers and smartphones are driving up domestic energy usage at the same time (Alliance to save energy, 2011). According to the report provided by US Department of Energy (2009), data centres energy consumption has been doubled from 2000 to 2006, reaching more than 60 billion kilowatt hours per year and the projected number of energy consumption would double till 2011. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) represent the previous and projected energy consumption of data centres from 2000 through 2006 with multiple scenarios depicting continued growth through 2011 (US Department of Energy, 2009).

Figure 1 Historical and projected data center energy consumption chart by EPA (US Department of Energy, 2009)
On the other hand, IT equipment and hardware constitute the severe environmental impact from its production to disposal phases. During the manufacturing process of computers and servers, it consumes the electricity and at the end of their life, they generate the hazardous material which impact the environment.
Due to the above accelerating issues and problem of IT, Green Computing is becoming most the promising and encouraging technology in IT industry and is widely spreading among IT business and industries, government sector and research institutes ( Li & Zhou, 2011).
Benefits of Green IT
Info Tech research has summarized the benefits of Green IT in graphical form as follows.

Figure 2 Factors driving Green IT Implementations (Info-Tech Research Group, 2009) Companies Interest in Green IT
Now Green IT is becoming the need of IT industry. According to Gadatsch (2011), 60% of the companies have adopted Green IT initiatives in management part. The survey also reveals that Green IT practices are proven to be cost saving and great success was achieve in the management of data centres and software (cloud computing). Significant investment and resources has been seen in by the IT vendors to develop energy efficient servers, new material design and disposal of old computers. The Giant companies such as HP and Microsoft are offering the Green IT solutions, strategies, advice and green computer recycling (Gorge, 2008) However, Daly and Butller (2009) mentioned that IBM argues that still most of the organization is not following the Green IT strategies and practices. Even , the some of the companies has introduced new occupational profile such as “Chief Sustainability Officer” , to be knowledgeable an proficient in all issues related to Green IT and coordinate among the all activities in the company ( Daly and Butller, 2009 & Gorge, 2008).

Figure 3 Companies Interest in Green IT (Info-Tech Research Group, 2009) Green IT and Information Assurance and Security
In today’s world information assurance plays a significant role in business and even personal life in other word we can regard it as the most important requirement. Any organization put the assurance and protection on the most important level of priority because of rapid development of using electronic information and surfacing in the internet plus raising the information asset value. Another reason is that in the organizations information technology utilizes internet based infrastructure to lead the business. Furthermore, the new wave of reduction carbon footprint and environment friendly activities is leading the business paradigms to go green and apply energy saving solutions. Here the issue is that, in which way high computing capabilities, energy efficiency and climate savers computing strategies which carry out IT related tasks, can increase threats and risks of information assurance. It’s essential to consider going green makes major change towards how stuff can work. First example of these going green changes is using virtual severs instead of physical server. A second one of Computer, hard drive and paper recycling can be cause of violating information assurance if data theft or confidential information is revealed from it (Grossman, 2011). This change can introduce impact on Information assurance, which is the objective of the study to explore it.
This study will investigate existing issues of information assurance and security within diverse Green IT initiatives. The below table is prepared to show these issues. This table format will helps to represent the thesis result of green IT issue in relation to the recognized security issues while following section 5 will discuss about each of the green IT issue in detail in relation to the security issues.
Information Assurance and Security
First we need to give explanation about information assurance and security then investigate the green IT initiatives from perspective of information assurance and security.
In recent decades many organizations understood the value of data and keep them as their most important assets. Its growing value and volume lead organizations to focus on appropriate protection, availability, confidentiality and integrity. Nowadays, the threats and risks all customers are well aware about the risk and threats attached behind the prevailing of the information across the internet. Therefore suppliers have to provide solutions with higher level of security assurance and capacity from their customers. Failure in information assurance can bring the overnight loses and reputation damage in one’s organization.
In the broader context, assurance has many meanings but in the information perspective, it is the measure of confidence that security features, architectures and security policies are properly applied on information system. This confidence of security feature implementation and security policies enforcement assure the all attributes (McKnight, 2002) of information security.
The U.S. Government’s National Information Assurance Glossary defines IA as:
“Measures that protect and defend information and information systems by ensuring their Availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality, and non-repudiation Information Assurance (IA) is defined by Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 8500.01E as "measures that protect and defend information and information systems by ensuring their availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality, and non-repudiation According to Metzler, 2009 combination of protection, detection, and reaction capabilities with the above measures help to provide restoration of information systems.
The analysis of how information systems are being protected by green IT is as important as the degree of confidence concerning security specifications. Moreover this analysis is under information security. Nowadays information security is an intelligent sense of assurance which controls and risks of information are in equilibrium (Whitman, 2008, p.3) also it has been describe as is the protection of information and its critical elements, including the systems and hardware that use, store and transmit that information(Whitman, 2008, p.8). Green IT from Information Assurance viewpoint
It’s needed to consider that information assurance has no effect on Green IT, but Green IT influences on information assurance. The reason is that information assurance evaluates security policies, principles and features in networks and computers and wherever information exists. According to Metzler, 2009 anywhere that information Assurance needs to be stored and the way to store, how to do recovery when it is missed and how to spoil it as it’s not needed anymore.
Simon Mingay, a research vice-president for Gartner, declares a number of companies possibly will unwittingly risk by disclosing their information to make an effort in order to report their growth on environmental issues. "If you look at organizations for instance Ericson and BT, they are disclosing numerous data and information concerning their operations out there.”
In fact here is a concern about Green IT while all the things are going green, it’s because this going green activities bring substantial changes in the way of working. These new changes can possibly be the dangerous for security.
Another challenge of Green IT information assurance is computer equipment recycling. These equipments such as computers and laptops holding vital data and when they intended for recycling then the security fears will appear.
Computer recycling risks are renowned. It’s necessary to remove data from the hardware before reuse it.
A London-based charity institute known as Computer Aid International has donated more than 90,000 recycled computers to the developing world in recent decade. They generally wipe information by using software. Tony Roberts, founder and also chief executive of Computer Aid International says "We prefer wiping intensively, with destruction of the hard drive as a back-up." He utters that several institutes and organizations stores vital data on servers instead of local drives to prevent the issue. He says in most of case his organization do an agreement for security fears and ask donors to observe the recycling process. Furthermore his organization has liability insurance and offers agreement with the European Commission directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
If the data is not disposed appropriately from the old equipment, then the data may be stolen or defrayed. According to Goucher, 2009, RBS Company realized that a number of their superfluous computers were sold on eBay by its disposal contractor. Unfortunately the wiping of the disk wasn’t done accurately; as a result vital data was disclosure. (Goucher, 2009, p.9). Twenty years ago this issue was not important. However gradually it become critical for companies and these days if any company understate the related risk of improperly data wiping then the company is at risk of data exposing(McAlearney, 2007). Thus computer recycling risks are renowned. Therefore anywhere assurance of data confidentiality is possible to be compromised or theft if equipments not appropriately finish recycling processes.
Some of security problems and issues are increased because of Green IT implementation. Now this paper aim to describe Green IT dimensions, its holistic approach and with the purpose of argue the security issues, we first need to define the Green IT dimension, its initiatives and holistic approach, and look at solutions which are offered in the market. As a result we can identify security challenges which may appear during implementation of Green IT strategy.
Dimension of Green IT
Nowadays organizations have changed the way of working from the past because of environmental changes and global warming thus environmental professionals and technician are making effort to shift the social practices of IT users into sustainable environmental friendly solutions. IT makes organization interested in reduction of carbon emission and also helps them to modify and progress business in a cost effective and environmental friendly method.
Saving planet and lower expenditure has motivated the organizations to utilize IT in order to achieve costs reduction and environment sustainability all over its lifecycle. The lifecycle of an IT equipment starts from manufacturing, design, use and disposal and it’s possible to apply green IT strategies in the above stages. A very good holistic approach of Green IT is defined by Murugesan (2008) defined a proper comprehensive approach for green IT.

Figure 4 Green IT Dimension (Murugesan, 2008)
The phases of Green IT dimension are shown in the above.
IT equipment life cycle contains all the phases. In the next chapters, we will discuss green initiatives of the above Green IT dimension from information assurance viewpoint.

Green IT Initiatives
The rapid growth and use of IT has exposed its effect on environment (Webber Lawrence and
Wallace Michael, 2009). Thus organizations attempts to find ways for supporting environmental sustainability (Vykoukal Jens, Wolf Martin, Beck Romainn, 2009). Because evaluating green IT as a risk to security is the main goal of this study, therefore it is needed to define existing green IT solutions and initiatives in order to evaluate related security concerns. By the help of detecting and describing approach for Green IT initiatives and solutions we understand how to diminish the threats during engaging the implementation of green IT strategy. What security strategies should be implemented during adoption of Green IT solutions (future research) (Gorge,2008).
Below Figure 9, in the figure 9 most popular Green IT solutions and initiatives which are adopted or preparing for adaptation by several SMEs, are illustrated in order to go green. (Info-Tech Research Group, 2009). Each of the green IT dimensions contains all of the Green IT initiatives and solutions.
Figure 9: Green IT Initiatives and Solutions (Info-Tech Research Group, 2009)
In the following section of analysis, each green it solution is fully analyzed from green benefit and security perspective under the relevant Green IT dimension.

Figure 5 Green IT Initiatives and Solutions (Info-Tech Research Group, 2009)

Chapter 3 research methodology

The present project predictable at observing aspects determining security in green technology, in pervious chapter present about current security in green computing and cloud computing more ever say about diverse work which has been carried out by distinctive individuals here. This part concerns around the methodology of doing the examination. At first, it clears up the hypothetical schema of this study to convey an in number picture on the variables to be watched. At that point, the information gathering strategies are provided to passageway the one step at a time of finalizing the study. At long last, it outlines the brilliance handle and information examination to grow right and detailed analysis significance.
Research design
There are two basic approaches for all types of researches which are qualitative and quantitative. The approach that implicates the type of data that is in numeric or quantitative arrangement has been named as quantitative approach; therefore they can be measured so easily by mathematic functions. While qualitative method related to subjective assessment of outlooks, opinions and behaviour which must change to numeric tags during the analysis to make them measurable. So that’s why, it is not assessable as quantitative. In this analysis, both kinds of data required to collected, qualitative by interview and qualitative with observation method.
Justification of paradigm and methodology

The reason of this study is to recover whether current security in green computing is suitable for decrease threat, how prevent wastage energy that use by machines, what are the companies expectation of usage energy by equipment, and recognize courses in which Green IT practices and results can affect the data certification and security, while concurrently supporting green profits, incorporating energy proficiency, cost reduction and carbon foot print minimization.
Generally proclamation of performing the task on this territory spreads: * Analysis of secondary knowledge assets to deliver summary the overall structure for security in green networking, this structure will be the reasonable items in backing of whatever remains of study, and the information gathered on individuals' perception and dependable or current exertions will be weighed next to this schema so as to advise achievable resolutions; * Collecting data on current IT structure and security in green computing by secondary data Analysing;

* Execution survey around specialized individuals in companies to recognize their technique in the method for network processes.

* Execution question by masters in IT administration and network field
Approaches for this project are appointments of essential and optional exploration, quantitative and qualitative techniques, with course of action of these strategies is regularly make accessible further income for the task as far as data which use for investigation; it upholds to acquire further data .In a study by John D. Anderson (2006), Qualitative Research is assembling, deciphering, and separating data by considering what persons fulfil and say. Quantitative research alludes to includes with measures of things, actually qualitative examination is based on the ideas, implications, definitions, aspects, and representation and depiction of supplies. (John D. Anderson, 2006).
Data Collection Methods
The data for this study will be gathered through essential research, for example meetings and polls to assemble both the quantitative and qualitative information.
The survey system seems to be endorsed on the grounds that it is one most amazing approaches to meet the project’s needs and the guideline prerequisite. So the result of the survey is amazingly inferred to use as the organizations necessities and system needs.Chetori data collection anjam shode?etelaat bishtar lazeme injuri generale, bayad detaile bishtar bashe( part bad tozih dadam to to ghesmat questionnaire )
In this research people of specialized individual in IT from varied companies are principle destination to allot the questionnaires. ( IT experts be jaye specialized individual behtare, hoze kar moshakhas shavad, sanaye ghazaee, daruee,...
Generally, Questionnaires are viable techniques for appropriate collection of certain kinds of data. Benefits of these methods is inexpensive and don’t require much effort from researcher, it can be done by telephone or verbal. The responses of questionnaires have standard which make it simple to gather data. Additional it have, standard responses could disillusion users. Questionnaires are restricted to some degree since respondents must be capable to read questions and then answer them. Questionnaires can be divided into three sections, including: * Introductory part * Demographic part * Context part
The questions which were used in the study in providing security in Green computing, this information will be helpful for create guideline. The questionnaires were designed in an attractive, simple and interesting form. Cohen et al. (2000) maintains that the look of questions is the most important factor which is involved in answering the questions. In addition, there must be cohesion between questions in order to avoid confusion. In this study, the questionnaires will be appropriated exclusively to aggregations of 50 people specialized individual in IT that work in organizations and likewise via mail to the administration of organizations .The case surveys related to security in green computing (related to folan)are carried in this section(what fregment) and it has been communicated in the way to find out the solution (to che pathi?), to the point that it defends with the reasons of this study nabayad jomleha be surate erja dadan be jaye dg bashan. Tozhi dade beshe k be che kasaee va be chand nafar questionnaire ro midin
Interviews will be directed with the IT organizations (che no organizationi? petrol?chemical?) administrator in both to dependability of the exploration comes about and assemble the qualitative information for this research keeping in mind the end goal to advance the truthfulness.
Interview questions are transformed as per the study gaols. The immediate meeting gatherings will aid to realize full material from the person who will be interviewed. (manzur az supervisor chie?) which enhance gauges to the examination comes about on this study subject.
The first interviewer who researcher selected for this interview is Mr. Ali Abraham, his working in head of network operation at Blink Company which is directors in design and user experience research. Services of Blink Company contain interaction design, visual design, usability testing, and user research. Second interviewer is Mr, mohammad danesh, his working as project manager in ALIAN company which is system developer company. Jaee k rajebe questionaire va analysisi sohbat mikonam rajebe companiha va afrad tozih bedam, alan kheyki generale.( in chapter 4, ghabl shoro interview tozih dadam) az ki va che sherkati karesh chie
Data Analysis and Interpretation
An engaging detail will be utilized to examine and present the information gathered from the questionnaires. Enlightening facts is utilized to assess the dealings between the components and security in green network technologies. Additionally, the distinctions around the essential elements to network technologies could be known by forming and assessing the results of surveys by means of clear facts.
Engaging detail is conveyed by frequencies, procedures of central tendency, and dispersion.In a study by Sekaran (2006), to measure the recurrence of each verifying element, the information gathered from surveys will be attainable using pie charts and histograms. This can convey an improved obliging to the individual who peruses seeing the results of study as it has been ready efficiently. (Sekaran, 2006).

Additionally, the focal pattern of the information will be considered by confirming distinctive approach of the variables. This details the most fundamental or vital variable that produces the primary results to secure green computing. The significance of the determinants could be categorized according to explain its centrality to secure green network technology.
Ethical Considerations
This study will be affirmed in a moral way, accompanying the project of courses on each stage of the study strategy, for example data gathering, report composing, data analysis, and so forth. The singular data of the respondents won't be demonstrated without their consent to insurance their privacy. Likewise, to guarantee the accuracy and consistency of the study comes about, individual values are dismissed through the data analysis procedure to maintain a strategic distance from preference on the data.
Chapter Summary
This chapter clearly set out to define the data collection method, data analysis method and examining method utilized within this study actually this segment offered the methodology with the method used to gather information associated with recognition issues that can have a control on auspicious execution of secure confirmation data in green computing the general example plan, research outline, procedures for data assembling and investigation were illustrated with a specific end goal to express the research methodology of phases of the exploration procedure, secondary research Quantitative exploration techniques were attempting to gather far reaching information on specialists and specialized persons view, chance and approaches and to green system operation. In support of this idea questionnaire were arranged to be disseminated between specialized persons that work in companies, the investigation of questionnaires were finished dependent upon numerical strategies. Qualitative research methods were used to perform a meeting around the masters in use of green technology keeping in mind the end goal to get their perspective on general state of security affirmation. Qualitative information analysis was attempting to break down the meeting conclusions. It is expected to get a correct study result as both quantitative and qualitative data gathering methods are being executed. Sincere plus truthful inputs from respondents are evaluated to get predictable and solid results. Chapter 5 is required to present dissection of gathered data.

4 Analyses

Information investigation is greatly basic component of research. The explanation behind this area is to acquire assembled information into structure and additionally translating and examining it. This area will be realized thoughts of this study discussed in the section 1: to dissect need of proposed security in green technology, for example cloud processing and thin client (by talking with specialized staff and gifted) and to break down capacity of arranged technology.
This segment starts with quantitative analysis part where will be dissected and offered accumulated information. All figures will be produced by Microsoft Excel. The analysis and description of every figure will be offered and additionally supports that how this data has an impact on the arranged guideline.
Information accumulated from interviewing specialists will be explored in the qualitative information analysis part. Acknowledging masters view will be examined the need and in addition conceivability, sizing the arranged innovation.
In conclusion, this chapter offers short examination about outcomes achieved by analyzing the data with suggestions for the arranged services which finished as per analysis of gathered data.

Presentation and Analysis of data
Generally arrange of the proposed study is to present guideline answer for secure affirmation in green technologies. In general arrangement holds ordered destinations and in this area it will be achieved goals in place dissect organization's desires on green network technologies. It was carried out information accumulation in the former area. In this part the information will be interpreted and analysed. Firstly information created from polls and meetings will be analysed and defence on how recognized information have an impact on anticipated guideline. Subsequently, consistent with investigations of gathered information it will be offered necessities for a guideline.
Quantitative data analysis
Making information analysis was less difficult to attain the questionnaire arrangement which was processed consistent with thought. Throughout the questionnaires it was used the accompanying plans: * Current view in security for green computing technology. * Situation of green network technology between technical people. * Lack of security in green computing
Thus quantitative information investigation will be ready by these goals.
Demographic Questions:
Section 1: Basic information on Company’s Profile: 1. How much is the company’s cost for the network equipment?
Objective: To define the cost of network equipment without the usage of green computing in order to justify the implementation of green computing with high security in the company. And find out how green computing with high security can has effect in company’s cost.

Result: According to the statistics retrieved from the question above, which is about the company’s cost for network equipment. It is shown 16 percent of candidates said that the company’s cost is above 70.00 RM, whereas 56 percent of candidate said around 100.00 RM and the rest said 50.00 RM. The statistic simply shows that network equipment cost is a huge waste of resources for the company which can be easily avoided if usage of green computing be more in company.

1. How long have your company involved in network technology?
Objective: to defined the level of respond in usage of technology and their needs.

Result: According to the statistics retrieved from the question above, which is about the network usage of company, it is shown 6 percent of responded use network technology for 1-2 years and 14 percent are using for 3-4 years in addition 80 percent of them use this technology for more than 5 years which show green technology with good security can be very help full for them.

Technical question

1. Would the available power management feature of the IT system be used?
Objective: to understand level of user thoughtful about management feature of the IT system .And base on how candidate has knowledge about it can used finding from them for developing guideline.

Strong agree Agree Disagree String disagree
Strong agree Agree Disagree String disagree

Result: The total number of 50 respondents participated in this research, which the exact number and percentage of user opinion of the available power management feature of the IT system can be seen in the above table and pie chart. 20 percent of candidates are agree strongly, 8 percent of candidates are disagree strongly and 62 percent of them are agree and the rest are disagree.

2. Would the reflection on recycle IT equipment for your own personal use be preferred?

Objective: To define the level of user’s opinion in IT recycles so that it can be reflected on the way the rest of answers are perceived.
Strong agree Agree Disagree String disagree

Strong agree Agree Disagree String disagree

Result: Based on the pie chart above, which is shown candidate’s reflection on recycle IT equipment it shown around 70 percent of candidates are agree strongly which easily shows that the rest are just agree with it.

3. Would the disk and machines use as a data storage method in your company for store important data be preferred.

Objective: To understand which storage would meet the user requirements and would suit them the best in addition to discover right and most serviceable security for it based on user experience.

Strong agree Agree Disagree String disagree

Strong agree Agree Disagree String disagree

Result: The total number of 50 respondents participated in this research, which the exact number and percentage for the disk and machines use as a data storage method can be seen in the above table and pie chart. 30 percent of candidates are disagree, 28 percent of candidates are agree and 18 percent of them are agree strongly and the rest are disagree powerfully.

4. Would the De-duplication technique use for optimization memory usage as a data storage method in your company for store important data be preferred?
Objective: This question shares the same Objective as question number 3.

Strong agree Agree Disagree String disagree

Strong agree Agree Disagree String disagree

Result: The total number of 50 respondents, participated in this research, which the exact number and percentage of the De-duplication technique use for optimization memory usage can be seen in the above table and pie chart. 10 percent of candidates are disagree strongly, 40 percent of candidates are agree and 50 percent of them are disagree. The above result easily shows that the candidates who are disagree strongly, would go smoothly.

5. How is security assurance in green computing going to be selected?
Objective: To understand the level of user satisfaction of the existing security in green computing and additional affords a way that can solve this problem in project deliverable part.

Strong agree Agree Disagree String disagree

Strong agree Agree Disagree String disagree

Result: The total number of 50 respondents, participated in this research, which the exact number and percentage of security assurance in green computing can be seen in the above table and pie chart. 54 percent of candidates mentioned that they are disagree and 43 percent of candidates are agree while the rest are disagree strongly.

6. In your opinion more threat in green computing has been from internal?
Objective: Defines the level of user’s experience in problem with green computing.

Strong agree Agree Disagree String disagree

Strong agree Agree Disagree String disagree

Result: The total number of 50 respondents, participated in this research, which the exact number and percentage for threat in green computing can be seen in the above table and pie chart. 39 percent of candidates are agree, 49 percent of candidates are disagree and 10 percent of them are agree strongly and the rest are disagree powerfully.

7. Are the risks of virus infection and spyware in green computing technology like cloud computing had found?
Objective: Defines the most challenge which user have with green computer in security area.

Strong agree Agree Disagree String disagree

Strong agree Agree Disagree String disagree

Result: The total number of 50 respondents, participated in this research, which the exact number and percentage of virus infection and spyware in green computing can be seen in the above table and pie chart. 10 percent of candidates are agree strongly, the same as who are disagree strongly and 50 percent of them are agree and the rest are disagree.

8. Policy which is created to use green computing equipment can increase security assurance
Objective: To decide on the necessary access rights that should be considered while development.

Strong agree Agree Disagree String disagree

Strong agree Agree Disagree String disagree

Result: The total number of 50 respondents, participated in this research, which the exact number and percentage of create policy can increase security assurance can be seen in the above table and pie chart. 18 percent of candidates mentioned that they are disagree, the same as candidates who are agree while the rest are disagree strongly.

9. A practical and standardised policy has been put in place to ensure that the risks of a security breach are minimal
Objective: This question shares the same Objective as question number 8.

Strong agree Agree Disagree String disagree

Strong agree Agree Disagree String disagree

Result: The total number of 50 respondents, participated in this research, which the exact number and percentage for A practical and standardised policy can be seen in the above table and pie chart. 60 percent of candidates are agree, 20 percent of candidates are disagree and 16 percent of them are agree strongly and the rest are disagree powerfully.

10. The risk of information theft and data privacy issues has been introduced with Green IT practices like mobile computing and telecommuting by moving the data outside the local network.
Objective: To define how well the existing system is performing in order to find out if there is a need for providing security in this area.
Strong agree Agree Disagree String disagree

Strong agree Agree Disagree String disagree

Result: The total number of 50 respondents, participated in this research, which the exact number and percentage of information theft and data privacy issues by moving the data can be seen in the above table and pie chart. 10 percent of candidates are agree strongly, the same as who are disagree strongly and 20 percent of them are agree and the rest are disagree.

11. A set of security risks have been brought by Virtualization technologies and cloud computing.
Objective: This question shares the same Objective as question number 11.

Strong agree Agree Disagree String disagree

Strong agree Agree Disagree String disagree

Result: The total number of 50 respondents, participated in this research, which the exact number and percentage of virtualization bring set of security risk can be seen in the above table and pie chart. 78 percent of candidates mentioned that they are agree strongly, 20 percent are agree while the rest are disagree strongly.

12. Security assurance that has been provided for green computing should consider integrity of data.
Objective: This question shares the same Objective as question number 8.
Strong agree Agree Disagree String disagree

Strong agree Agree Disagree String disagree

Result: The total number of 50 respondents participated in this research, which the exact number and percentage of security provided should consider integrity can be seen in the above table and pie chart. 75 percent of candidates are agree strongly, 4 percent who are disagree strongly and 2 percent of them are agree and the rest are disagree.

13. Security assurance that has been provided for green computing should consider cost reduction
Objective: This question shares the same Objective as question number 8.

Strong agree Agree Disagree String disagree

Strong agree Agree Disagree String disagree

Result: The total number of 50 respondents, participated in this research, which the exact number and percentage of security provided should consider cost reduction can be seen in the above table and pie chart. 4 percent of candidates are disagree strongly, the same as who are just disagree and 10 percent of them are agree and the rest are agree strongly.

14. Security assurance that has been provided for green computing should consider availability.
Objective: This question shares the same Objective as question number 8.
Strong agree Agree Disagree String disagree

Strong agree Agree Disagree String disagree

Result: The total number of 50 respondents participated in this research, which the exact number and percentage of security provided should consider availability can be seen in the above table and pie chart. 79 percent of candidates are agree strongly, 2 percent who are disagree strongly and 15 percent of them are agree and the rest are disagree.

Quantitative analysis
This section present final analysis and conclusion on the primary research based on which proves the need for green computing and define certain features and many success factors which should be considered when developing the proposed guideline in next chapter. Although many barriers and concerns regarding the green computing and data assurance security have been noticed and recorded, but there are many way to overcome these issues.
They are present interest in using green computing, it can find out this statement base on answer to cost reduction and virtual place for storage data. However they are not sure about security assurance in green computing and mostly require integrity, availability which is major’s point in data assurance security.
In other hand for reduce the risk responder believe create policy can be very effective way. Though researcher in next chapter will consider all user requirements and to create guideline which can satisfy user.
Quantitative analysis
Furthermore Interview session done for finding more valuable primary data as an experts view. Both of them have experience in network and IT. Base on their respond now days people and organization are interest using green computing specially cloud computing and they prefer to use those new technology rather than old one. Since this technology can bring them energy and cost saving, however the problem that they are face are, safety and security in data transmission to the cloud or even visualization. Furthermore they mention a new technology it should be more focus in security and integrity of data.
This analysis also show green computing is a new technology and most people could not believe the efficiency and good or even better performance than pervious technology, additionally security in data storage is also can be discussable issue.
In javabha bayad dar appendix bashe inja niyazi nist, bejash bayad ye analysis az interview bashe.

Chapter summary:
This chapter was analysis of data gathered during interview and questionnaire. At the start, it was analysed and exposed data gathered throughout questionnaire so it was completed analysis of quantitative information.
Base on above data analysis, it is obvious that greatest of respondents have trends to have more secure system which is more appropriate with their necessities. It is use cloud computing as a green computing technology and require more safely in this area more ever base on their experience, which is not satisfy them about security issue in green computing.
The questionnaire was arranged for respondents who are familiar with green computing technology. There are some negative responses to using green computing which will be consider in next chapter to solve their issue . This study has been tried to take advantages from both positive and negative responses in proposed framework. All in all, the respondents are interested in using green computing technology like cloud, as a storage as long as their needs were met in short time and with high efficiency. To reach goal respondents much prefer to this technology with highest security, the greatest finding is that most of respondent believe that advantage of green computing.
To design of the proposed guideline, all issue which are mention by interviewer will be consider and a set of recommendations will be proposed base on the findings of the interviews .further, developing security guideline for green computing technology provide services facilitate the organization and their employee day to day process without the burdens of high investment cost and any hardware/software management.
Recommendation and suggestions
Anyone of the proficient didn't offer any observations a suggestion and recommendation. Consequently, there is no production of data on suggestion and recommendation moreover in turn analysis information on suggestion and recommendation.



The general design of the aimed study is to present an instruction for solving security assurance in green computing technology such as cloud computing, thin computer and virtualization.
To get study plan, the study objects were positioned. The research objectives contain:

* Collecting and analysing data on present explanations in the current security into green technology. * Assessing users' attitude about security in green computing (by interviewing experts and technical persons) and finding modified solutions by identifying the root causes of risk. * Constructing guideline for providing security assurance measures perspective into green computer special in cloud method. * Estimating the proficiency of the planned explanation by analysing collected data. * Delivering approval on guideline usage.
In this chapter researcher have extended the concepts and technologies, beside this, there is a developed secure grid to a secure cloud, by defined a layered framework for assured cloud computing consisting of the secure cloud storage layer, secure cloud data layer, and the secure simulated network monitor layer. According to the literature review and data analysis Artefacts/deliverable constructing was prepared previously.

Security assurance in cloud computing
Cloud computing is the first part of green commuting to avoid increasing the simplicity of use and flexibility of the benefit offered by the technology, acquiring and maintaining computer tools and software. Cloud computing lets computer technology to be easily accessed as a service above the Internet or through a private network from any site, so that computer technology, software programs, and data can be accessible where and when the user needs them. On the other hand cloud computing avoid the capital costs and the constant expenditure of maintaining the computer infrastructure. The same notion relates to the software application, allowing the company to avoid the frank license fee. A big piece of the value proposition is for flexible pricing on a pay for using basis, based on previous chapter and data gathering analysis user who prefer to use green computing technology would like to reduce the cost and energy within high assurance security, as mentioned above cloud computing as a kind of green computing can reduce the cost and energy in below will discuss about assurance security which is include integrity, availability and confidentiality in cloud computing. Confidentiality In cloud computing, confidentiality plays a key part especially in maintaining control over organizations’ data positioned across multiple circulated cloud servers. Confidentiality must be well done when employing a public cloud is due to public clouds approachability nature. Declaring confidentiality of users’ profiles and keeping their data that is virtually accessible, allows for cloud data security protocols to be enforced at different layers of cloud applications (Sandton, Johannesburg 2010). Security policies which is provided to the users though accessing the data is mainly related to data access control issue. In a usual situation, a cloud provided by some other providers for carrying out its business processes can be used by a small business organization. This organization will have its own security strategies based on each user access to a specific set of data. Some concerns in which some of the employees are not given access to certain amount of data may be entitled by the security policies. Avoiding interruption of data by unauthorized users needs these security policies which are adhered by the cloud (Jules and A. Opera 2009).

Correctness Assurance Aim of correctness assurance in cloud computing is to guarantee cloud users that their cloud data are certainly stored properly and kept undamaged all the time in the cloud to expand and maintain the same level of storage correctness assurance even if cloud users adapt, delete or join their cloud data files in the cloud (Wang, Q 2009). Availability
One of the most serious information security supplies in cloud computing is availability, which is a key decision factor when determining among private, public or hybrid cloud vendors as well as in the delivery models (Jules and A. Opera 2009). The most important document which highlights the consternation of availability in cloud services and resources between the CSP and client is the SLA. Consequently, vendors and organizations will have self-assurance in sponsoring a secured cloud framework by exploring the information security requirements at each of the various cloud deployment and delivery models.
Data Integrity Data integrity of the clouds has to deal with how secure and reliable the cloud computing data. This could mean that even if cloud providers have provided secure backups, addressed security worries, and increased the chance that data will be there when it has been needed. In a cloud environment, confirming objects involved in interactions is required by a certification authority; these contain certifying physical infrastructure server, virtual server, environment, user and the network devices (Sandton, Johannesburg 2010).

Security guideline
Suggested guild line for this project is consisting of two layers. It is present in following figure and besides it functionality of each layer will explain. This guideline can put on any vitalization storage. However in following explanation and figure, it has used cloud computing word.
Agent Layer
Cloud data storage layer
Agent Layer
Cloud data storage layer
Figure 6 propose guideline
Figure 6 propose guideline ccccccccccvmckvmckvm ff ccccccccccvmckvmckvm ff

Data flow
Cloud data storage
Cloud Services provider (CSP)
Data flow
Cloud data storage
Cloud Services provider (CSP)

Cloud Security message follow user
Cloud Security message follow user

Agent layer: This layer contains one agent: the User Interface Agent. User Interface Agent acts as an effective connection between the user and the other agents. Cloud data storage layer: Cloud data storage has two different network objects which can be identified as follows:
Cloud user: cloud users, who want to store their data in the cloud and depend on the cloud for data computation, consist of equally individual consumers and organizations.
Cloud service provider (CSP): a CSP, who has important resources and expertise in constructing managing distributed cloud storage servers, keeps and operates live cloud computing system
In this guideline researcher propose five categories of agent, each of them are responsible to provide their security measurement. These agents are including: * Cloud Service Provider Agent (CSPA) * Cloud Data Confidentiality Agent (CDConA) * Cloud Data Correctness Agent (CDCorA), * Cloud Data Availability Agent (CDAA) * Cloud Data Integrity Agent (CDIA)

Figure 7 five categories of agent

Cloud Service Provider Agent (CSPA)
CSPA is the users’ intellectual interface to the system, in addition it allow the cloud users to interact with the security service environment. The Cloud Service Provider Agent provides graphical interfaces to the cloud user for interactions between the cloud user and the system. Under the behaviour of CSP, CSPA is acting in the system. CSPA has the following actions: * Be responsible for the security service task according to the authorized service level agreements (SLAs) and the original message content sent by the CDCorA, CDConA, CDAA and CDIA. * Display the security policies indicated by CSP and the rest of the agents. * Prevent the input of invalid cloud data by designing user interfaces. * Respecting by receiving the security reports and/or alarms from the rest of other agents. * The attack translation in terms of goals. * Monitor specific activities regarding a part of the CDS or a specific cloud user. * Generating security reports/ alarm systems.
Cloud Data Confidentiality Agent
This agent helps the security policy of confidentiality for Cloud Data Storage. Providing a Cloud Data Storage by new access control rather than the current access control lists of identification, authorization and authentication is the main responsibility of this agent. This agent provides a CSP to describe and enforce communicative and flexible access structure for each user of cloud .Specifically, the access structure of each cloud user is defined as a logic formula over cloud data file attributes, and it is able to epitomize any desired cloud data file set. This new access control is called as:
Formula-based : cloud data access control (FCDAC) This agent is also reports CSPA in case of any fail caused of the techniques above by sending security reports and/or alarms. Formula-Based Cloud Data Access Control (FCDAC) and also termed as a Securer Formula it’s an access policy determined by our suggested architecture, not by the CSPs. It’s also outline as access that is granted not upon the rights of the subject related to a cloud user after authentication, but based on attributes of the cloud user. In created system, Cloud Data Confidentiality Agent provide access structure of each cloud user by describing it as a logic formula over cloud data file attribute. Cloud Data Correctness Agent (CDCorA)
This agent helps the security policy of correctness assurance for CDS. Executing various block-level operations and generate a correctness assurance when the cloud user executes update operation, delete operation, join to adapt operation or insert operation is the main responsibility of this agent. It reports CSPA in case of any fail caused of the techniques above by sending security reports and/or alarms. The architecture of the Cloud Data Correctness Agent consists of four modules, as can be see in following figure.

Figure 8 architecture of the Cloud Data Correctness Agent Cloud Communication Module provides the agent with the ability to exchange information with CSPA. Cloud Coordination Module delivers the agent with the following mechanisms. The data encryption will performed when the data is updated before that. If the data is deleted then the data which encryption is performed. If the data is Join then the data encryption is performed. If the data is inserted then the data encryption is performed. Cloud Reasoning Module computes the necessary amount of cloud resources, completing the service based on the required service level agreements (SLA) by operating the information obtained from the knowledge base and the correctness assurance policy rule. Cloud Services Module performs the block- level operations of encryption and decryption when the cloud user update, delete, join and insert his/her data. In CDS, there are many possible settings where data stored in the cloud is dynamic, like electronic documents, photos, or log files etc. Therefore, it is essential to consider the dynamic case, where a cloud user may wish to achieve various block-level operations of update, delete and join to adapt the data.
Cloud Data Availability Agent (CDAA)
This agent helps the security policy of availability for CDS. Receiving and displaying the security issues that offer by its sub-agents of Cloud Data Availability Agent is the main responsibility of this agent. Cloud Data Availability Agent assists two new techniques of file distribution preparation and file retrieval. This agent is also reports CSPA in case of any fail produced of the techniques above by sending security reports and/or alarms. Cloud data availability is to confirm that the cloud data processing resources are not prepared unavailable by malicious action. Our MAS architecture can tolerate multiple failures in cloud distributed storage systems. To certify the availability, to detect intrusions, the Cloud Data Availability Agent receives a set of goals signifying the global cloud attack blueprints. It must be disintegrated in local cloud sub blueprints used locally by the different agents distributed in the CDS to identify this global cloud attack blueprint. Generally speaking agents can identify only local cloud attacks because they have a restricted view of the CDS. Therefore, make a distinction between a global cloud attack blueprint and local cloud sub-blueprints. A global cloud blueprint is an attack blueprint which is derived from the security policies identified at a high level by the CSPs, the MAS must detect and the detection of this blueprint will be reported only to Cloud Data Availability Agent while a local cloud blueprint is a blueprint derived from the global cloud blueprint but that must be detected by local agents.
Cloud Data Integrity Agent (CDIA)
The security policy of integrity for CDS has been facilitated by this agent. The cloud user is using it to reconstruct the original cloud data by downloading the cloud data vectors from the cloud servers. * Human errors might happen when cloud data is entered. * Errors that occurred when cloud data is transmitted from one computer to another. * Software viruses or bugs. * Hardware malfunctions, such as disk crashes.

Testing the framework
Based on aim of this project which was place into operation the effectively guideline for data security assurance for green network technology. In this part, one of the finest and achievement guideline was recognized by supporting analysis from the study on literature review and data gather was written. In that analysis the weaknesses and strengths beside opportunities are clarified.
At that point produced guideline was tested by interviewing specialist. Based on expert's observations and concepts a guideline was improved.
* Increase integrity * Increase availability * Increase consistency * Decrease in utilization of energy. * Simplified organization. * Improved information defence. * Improved source operation. * At ease data security and defence. * Reduced software and server prices.
* Lack of obviously expressed strategic method to green IT infrastructure improvement. * Operation of green networking is more dependent on the IT manager for all purposes. * Lack of technical person and associated staff enhancement chances inside the technical group.
The innovative construction which will need examination of the entire training and knowledge of space issues can be developed advance preparation by Green network technology. In fact the Cloud computing, represents a marvellous opportunity to drive IT infrastructure efficiencies for the technologist. In addition the architectural main beliefs behind cloud computing offer absolutely new business models, in some cases, offers significant economic benefit.
the security assurance in cloud computing has been increased by effective guide line which present in this chapter and then the propose guideline has been send to the interviewer to test and give their approval and if any adaptation is need be done, The result of the expert’s feedback was a helpful evaluation with no adaptation needed, they were also given a space for any comments or a remark regarding the proposed guideline.

Introduction * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* Reference: 10 - S. Ramgovind, M. M. Eloff and E. Smith, “The Manage- ment of Security in Cloud Computing,” Information Se- curity for South Africa (ISSA), Sandton,
Johannesburg, 2010, pp. 1-7.
[11] K. D. Bowers, A. Juels and A. Oprea, “HAIL: A High-Availability and Integrity Layer for Cloud Storage,” 2009. [12]
D. Zissis and D. Lekkas, “Addressing Cloud 12- Computing Security Issues,” Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 28, No. 3, 2010, pp. 583-592.
4. C. Wang, Q. Wang, K. Ren and W. Lou, “Ensuring Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing,” IEEE, Vol. 186, No. 978, 2009, pp. 1-9.

Qualitative analysis

Interview 1: Name: Mr. Ali Abraham Position: Head of Network Operation
Company’s name: Blink Company
Activity and services offered: Blink is directors in design and user experience research. Services of Blink Company contain interaction design, visual design, usability testing, and user research. Index: | Interview#1 | Date: | 16.07.2013 | Time: | 2 pm | Channel: | One-on-One conversation | Interviewee: | One-on-One conversation | Interviewer: | Fatemeh |

Section1: 1. Does your company use green IT solutions?
If the answer is yes which solutions your company uses?
Respond: Yes, Cloud computing, cloud computing 2. What challenges your company encountered during the implementation of green IT solutions?
Respond: Data transmission to the cloud and make sure data safety and security

3. What are constrains of Green IT solutions in your opinion?
Respond: as a new technology it should be more focus in security and integrity of data

Section2, Cloud computing: 1. What are the benefits of cloud computing as a green IT solution? provide easy access
Respond: for employee at anytime and anywhere, reduce the cost for purchasing each software for individual department

2. How Green cloud computing increases the information assurance and security risks? Respond: In my contempt cloud computing is not increasing the security of data in the current cloud technology, the reason behind is the data is accessible by public

Section3, virtualization:
Virtualization technologies can help organization to reduce the power consumption and increase energy efficiency and resources utilization and can play its significant role of green solution in forms of server virtualization, storage virtualization and client virtualization. 1. In your opinion which factors in virtualization can affect IA (Information Assurance) and security features?
Respond: Virtualization take along exciting features to individual computer system and organization permitting for the concurrent execution of multiple operation system and the application on the same physical server.

2. Are virtualization systems vulnerable to attack? If the answer is yes, what is the main cause of this vulnerability in virtualization systems?
Respond: Yes, by Access from multi person or department can be at rick

Section4, Green Disposal 1. As you know computer recycling is the only initiative under the green disposal. In your opinion how computer recycling helps to go green?
Respond: Discard used or unwanted electronic equipment in a convenient and environmentally responsible manner 2. By considering the IA and security measures, what are the threats of computer recycling?
Respond: according to the United Nations Environmental program, 20 up to 50 million tons of e-waste are created each year and this make worry them to prevent from this e-waste and also by change the computer PC and or any storage will has negative effect in IA and security measurement.

Interviewer 2
Position: project manager
Company's name: ALIAN Company
Activity and services offered: system Developer Company Index: | Interview#1 | Date: | 09.07.2013 | Time: | 12.30am | Channel: | Skype | Interviewee: | One-on-One conversation | Interviewer: | Fatemeh |

Section1: 1. Does your company use green IT solutions?
If the answer is yes which solutions your company uses?
Respond: Yes, in our server room all equipment is based on green computing, such as cool air, printer and etc. 2. What challenges your company encountered during the implementation of green IT solutions?
Respond: find best equipment with good performance and cost effective.

3. What are constrains of Green IT solutions in your opinion?
Responded: as a new technology most people could not believe the efficiency and good or even better performance than pervious technology, additionally security in data storage is also can be discussable issue

Section2, Cloud computing: 1. What are the benefits of cloud computing as a green IT solution?
Respond: Further flexibility to get into new companies and Smoother mergers and acquisitions 2. How Green cloud computing increases the information assurance and security risks?
Green cloud computing increases the information assurance and security risks with saving information in different data base

Section3, virtualization:
Virtualization technologies can help organization to reduce the power consumption and increase energy efficiency and resources utilization and can play its significant role of green solution in forms of server virtualization, storage virtualization and client virtualization.

1. In your opinion which factors in virtualization can affect IA (Information Assurance) and security features?
Virus can be treated in virtualization, it has been seen that two new virus outbreak. The reality is that far too many virtual systems are not patched, patched late, not properly managed or ignored from a security policy perspective.

2. Are virtualization systems vulnerable to attack? If the answer is yes, what is the main cause of this vulnerability in virtualization systems?
Respond: yes, detecting malicious insider activity in virtualization environment is a challenging task which is future compounded if the insider has administrative access to the virtualization recourse.

Section4, Green Disposal 1. As you know computer recycling is the only initiative under the green disposal. In your opinion how computer recycling helps to go green?
Respond: Recycling computing equipment can keep harmful materials such as lead, mercury, and hexavalent chromium out of landfills, and can also replace equipment that otherwise would need to be manufactured, saving further energy and emissions 2. By considering the IA and security measures, what are the threats of computer recycling?
Respond: The recycling and reuse of computers and a multitude of different electronic equipment are very important for the environment. The ever growing reliance on electronic equipment together with fast advances in technology are accelerating the rate of obsolescence and creating important disposal challenges.

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The Symbolic Meaning of the Green Light

...The green light has a many different symbolic meaning that what first comes to thought. Gatsby would often reach towards or look at the light. Also, Gatsby built his house across from Daisy and used the light to feel closer to Daisy. When the green light is first introduced to the book, it seems very miniscule in the grand scheme of things, but when further looked into, the role of the light is revealed as a important symbol to the story. The most obvious symbol of the green light is Gatsby’s desire and hope to be with Daisy once more. In chapter one Gatsby is at his dock looking longingly towards Daisy’s dock with the green light. Then later on in chapter five Gatsby is caught reaching towards the green light as if he expects Daisy’s hand to be next to his. Gatsby has a sense of hope when looking at the light. That hope is carried on throughout the book. He believes that it is his way of staying connected to Daisy and hope to be reunited once again with her. He hopes that Daisy will learn to love him like she once did, and things would go back to like they were before. Daisy, of course, can’t bring herself to leave Tom for Gatsby. Gatsby continues in his hopeful fantasy of the past. He becomes overly consumed by his fantasies that his thought process in the present is manipulated into thinking that are just simply not reality. Its a dream that Gatsby strives for, and will go to any lengths to get it. When Gatsby realizes at the hotel that Daisy also shares love for Tom...

Words: 1410 - Pages: 6

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Red from Green Essay

...Assignment B Red from Green is a short story written by Maile Meloy (from 2006). The personnel consist of just four people: Sam, her father, her uncle named Harry and his client, Layton. Sam is the main character – a girl. Although the name itself is for both sexes (e.g. short form for Samantha or Samuel) it is clear from the third word in the beginning that in this story Sam is a girl’s name. The story takes place in Montana at a river where the four characters are on a float trip down a river. Montana is the author’s home and one oft he most sparsely populated areas in the United States. The narrator stays close to Sam. Sam has just turned fifteen and has been offered a scholarship to a boarding school. In the beginning of the story she is yet unsure whether to accept it or not. But her personality changes within the story – and so does the decision pro or con boarding school: when we meet Sam in the beginning she is still a girl. Sam takes the same trip like every childhood years before. She and her father had been there before „as long as she can remember“. Obviously the trip is a sacred summer family routine, Father and daughter go into the wilderness to spend time together. But this year things do turn differently: Sam wasn’t the little girl she was many years before. She is more and more grown up and experiences the trip in a completely different way than all the previous years. Already in the first sentence the narrator tells that this was going to be her „last...

Words: 862 - Pages: 4

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Green Buildings

...ACE TECHZION 2K15 Implementation and explanation of the Green Building concepts PRESENTED BY Y.SAI KRISHNA 138P1A0137 Towards the implementation and explanation of the Green Building concept Y.SAI KRISHNA ( Abstract: The “Green Building” is an interdisciplinary theme, where the green building concept includes a multitude of elements, components and procedures which diverge to several subtopics that intertwined to form the green building concept. Generally, the green building is considered to be an environmental component, as the green building materials are manufactured from local eco-sources, i.e. environmentally friendly materials, which are then used to make an eco-construction subject to an eco-design that provides a healthy habitat built on the cultural and architectural heritage in construction while ensuring conservation of natural resources. This ensures disassembling the building components and materials, after a determined building lifetime, to environmentally friendly materials that can be either re-used or recycled. During their lifecycle, the green buildings minimize the use of resources (energy and water); reduce the harmful impact on the ecology, and provide better indoor environment. Green buildings afford a high level of environmental, economic, and engineering performance. These include energy efficiency and conservation, improved indoor air quality, resource and material efficiency, and occupant's health...

Words: 11912 - Pages: 48

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Going Green

...The Earth is yours. Save it! The Earth is yours. Save it! Name : Sanelisiwe Gomomo Laetitia Ngalula Aviwe Janeth Viwe Introduction What does it mean to Go Green? Going Green means that you have adopted certain practices and habits that reduce your overall impact on the environment. These practices may include anything from recycling, reducing your energy usage, using public transportation, to buying local products. Going green is quite important to the environment as well as our health. We will be able to breathe a little easier with less pollution in the air. Consider for a moment that a plastic soda bottle takes over 450 years to decompose, and that beer cans take 200 to 500 years to decompose. If these things are not recycled, or if a process isn't found to speed up decomposition, then we're going to wind up living in our own landfills. People all around the world consume billions of bottles and cans each and every single year, without a method to get rid of these items, our great grandchildren will still be seeing those same bottles and cans around, that alone is an important reason to go green. The Going Green Campaign is to ensure the earth will be a better place to live in future. I. INFORMATION ABOUT THE SERVICE The Going Green Campaign has been created to raise the awareness on the environment hazards we are facing today. There are many ways we can save our earth and prevent it from being destroyed. Our earth has lost a massive ideal environment...

Words: 1852 - Pages: 8

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Green Computing

...Description: Green computing, likewise called green technology, is the earth mindful utilization of PCs and related assets. Such practices incorporate the execution of vitality productive central processing units (CPUs), servers and peripherals and in addition lessened asset utilization and legitimate transfer of electronic waste (e-waste). The objectives of green computing are like green science: diminish the utilization of dangerous materials, boost energy productivity amid the item's lifetime, and advance the recyclability or biodegradability of ancient items and plant waste. Green computing is imperative for all classes of frameworks, going from handheld frameworks to expansive scale server farms. Numerous corporate Information technology divisions have green computing activities to lessen the ecological effect of the operations done in IT departments. Initiative: One of the soonest activities toward green computing in the United States was the intentional marking system known as Energy Star. It was brought about by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1992 to advance energy effectiveness in equipment of different types. The Energy Star mark turned into a typical sight, particularly in scratch pad PCs and presentations. Comparative projects have been received in Europe and Asia. Regulations of the government however well meaning, is just piece of a general green computing logic. The work propensities for PC clients and organizations can be altered to minimize...

Words: 365 - Pages: 2

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Green Construction

...Green Construction INF 103 Prof. Sean Kenney 02/25/2013 What would life be like if we no longer had the resources to supply us with food, water, and the necessary resources to sustain human life? What if our air was no longer breathable? What if our streets were filled with trash? If our behavior as a society doesn’t change our habits this image can soon become a reality. Going green is necessary to preserve and sustain our required livable resources. In fact we have all gone green without a conscious effort. One aspect of going green that interests me is green construction. Green construction is the ability to construct eco-friendly buildings while efficiently using resources and reducing pollution. This process also continues throughout the buildings life cycle. Green construction has the ability to create and sustain a viable way of reducing the permanent destruction of human resources. USGBC (U.S. Green Building Council) is an organization of members who are dedicated in regenerating and sustaining a healthy environment. USGBC developed an internationally known green construction program called LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). LEED was created “to transform the way buildings and communities are designed, built and operated, enabling an environmentally and socially responsible, healthy, and prosperous environment that improves the quality of life” (Foundations of LEED, 2009, Para. 3). For a building to be deemed green, it must be certified...

Words: 1049 - Pages: 5

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Green Tea

...Mary Verdure B. Tolentino Writer/Doctor Green Tea, Green Life Possibly one of the most celebrated successes in the field of modern day integrative medicine is the discovery that green tea has cardioprotective, immune-boosting, cancer fighting and slimming properties. So many extraordinary benefits from an herbal remedy that has been a staple of traditional Chinese, Japanese, Ayurvedic, and Korean medicine for hundreds of years! Colors of Life All teas regardless of color basically came the same plant, Camellia sinensis. It derives its color from the fermentation process: hence there are green, white, red, oolong and black teas with green and white unfermented and having the most antioxidant power. Steeping Technique The benefits of green tea are dependent not just on fermentation but on brewing time as well. Steeping 1-2.5 grams of dried in one cup of water for 3-5 minutes will draw out the alkaloids or xanthins similar to the caffeine in coffee. This is responsible for the “stimulant” effect of tea. However, steeping green tea for 15-20 minutes maximizes the extraction of the catechins which are very potent anti-oxidants. Green tea will have a slightly bitter taste if steeped this long and will also be an effective diuretic and anti-diarrheal. The Benefits of Green Tea If you prefer to drink or eat your medicine then green tea is for you especially when you are older, stressed and had a history of smoking or alcohol consumption. Clearly, this beats “eating an apple...

Words: 668 - Pages: 3

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Green Computers

...Information Management (MCAP-303) Perform an Internet search on the phrase “green computing” and then answer the following questions. How would you define green computing? Green computing or green IT, refers to environmentally sustainable computing or IT. It is also defined as "the study and practice of designing, manufacturing, using, and disposing of computers, servers, and associated subsystems—such as monitors, printers, storage devices, and networking and communications systems—efficiently and effectively with minimal or no impact on the environment.” Green computing is the environmentally responsible use of computers and related resources. Such practices include the implementation of energy-efficient central processing units (CPUs), servers and peripherals as well as reduced resource consumption and proper disposal of electronic waste (e-waste). GREEN computing is the environmentally responsible use of computers and related resources. Such included the implementation of energy-efficient central processing units as well as reduced resource consumption and proper disposal of electronic waste. Modern IT systems rely upon a complicated mix of people, networks and hardware; therefore GREEN computing initiative must be systemic in nature. GREEN computing may comprise items such as management restructuring, energy use, virtualization of server resources, and return on investment. The term “GREEN computing” was coined shortly after the Energy Star program. The Energy...

Words: 1964 - Pages: 8

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Green Roof

...Mark Meritt COMM 213 Judy Moorhouse 3/13/12 Green Roof A green roof is a green space located on buildings. Green roofs use evapo-transpiration and radiation to absorb heat, filter air pollutants and retain storm water. The term “green” stems from nature, or anything that has to do with it. . Architects like Le Corbusier and Frank Llyod Wright used very early forms of green roof technology on their own homes, which led more people to become familiar with green roofs worldwide. The “green” or earth-friendly solution for urban areas with high pollution was green roof technology, used to create less pollution and to conserve energy. Evapo-transpiration is evaporation and transpiration through plant’s leaves, which leads to water loss in the plant. Parts Analysis From the top-down, the Green roof has many parts. The very top is where the indigenous plants are stored. Indigenous plants are more adaptable to a particular environment. Under these plants, there are roots with soil. This soil, also known as the growing medium is usually 1597 kg per cubic metre for a roof. Mediums mostly have around 20 to 40 cm of soil thick. Underneath the medium lies a filter such as a cloth of fabric or in some cases aluminum foil. Beneath all this is the drainage layer, which is held above the waterproof membrane layers. Drainage passages hold leaked water caught through rain faill. Newer roofs contain thin aluminum foil layer between the membrane. The waterproof membrane separates the water...

Words: 717 - Pages: 3

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The Green Turtle

...The green turtle is one of the largest sea turtles and the only herbivore among the different species. Green turtles are in fact named for the greenish color of their cartilage and fat, not their shells. In the Eastern Pacific, a group of green turtles that have darker shells are called black turtles by the local community. Green turtles are found mainly in tropical and subtropical waters. Like other sea turtles, they migrate long distances between feeding grounds and the beaches from where they hatched. Classified as endangered, green turtles are threatened by overharvesting of their eggs, hunting of adults, being caught in fishing gear and loss of nesting beach sites. Body Temperature- All reptiles are ectotherms. They are cold blooded and their bodies cannot create heat, so they must get it from another source, the sun. Body Covering- have a body covering of scaly skin. All reptiles have scaly skin. This tough, scaly skin is called scute or osteoderms Habitat-They both live in Land and Water How they Reproduce-The reproduction process of sea turtles is important as it is what keeps the various species alive. The age for maturity significantly varies from one species to the next. For some, it is when they are 3-5 years of age. For others though it is as late as 20-50 years of age. It will depend on the type of sea turtle species you are talking about. The mating process takes place in the water so there isn’t too much known about it. This has been confirmed due...

Words: 391 - Pages: 2

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Green Tea

...research if you want to use green tea for medicinal purposes. 1. Weight Loss. Green tea increases the metabolism. The polyphenol found in green tea works to intensify levels of fat oxidation and the rate at which your body turns food into calories. 2. Diabetes. Green tea apparently helps regulate glucose levels slowing the rise of blood sugar after eating. This can prevent high insulin spikes and resulting fat storage. 3. Heart Disease. Scientists think, green tea works on the lining of blood vessels, helping keep them stay relaxed and better able to withstand changes in blood pressure. It may also protect against the formation of clots, which are the primary cause of heart attacks. 4. Esophageal Cancer. It can reduce the risk of esophageal cancer, but it is also widely thought to kill cancer cells in general without damaging the healthy tissue around them. 5. Cholesterol. Green tea reduces bad cholesterol in the blood and improves the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol. 6. Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. It is said to delay the deterioration caused by Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Studies carried out on mice showed that green tea protected brain cells from dying and restored damaged brain cells. 7. Tooth Decay. Studies suggests that the chemical antioxidant “catechin” in tea can destroy bacteria and viruses that cause throat infections, dental caries and other dental conditions 8. Blood Pressure. Regular consumption of green tea is thought to reduce...

Words: 392 - Pages: 2

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Green Technology

...Material selection is full of trade-off decisions, and effective strategies vary widely based on your goals and situation.  Sustainable materials can mean many things, and this page explains some considerations besides the materials’ energy performance. Lifecycle Assessment is the most thorough way to determine the environmental impacts of your building materials. However, LCA can be very costly, varies project-to-project, and is not yet extremely prevalent. Instead, the building and building products industries have a host of measures and “certifications” for green building products. BuildingGreen’s Green Building Product Certification Guide is a fantastic resource for understanding this (sometimes intentionally) complex world.   The following is a quick rundown of factors about how the material is produced and disposed of that can be important to consider.   Materials using recycled content not only require less virgin resources, they also use less energy and chemicals to process.   For instance, recycled ("secondary") aluminum has 90% less embodied energy than virgin ("primary") aluminum.  It is beneficial to both use recycled material, and design your constructions to be recycled as well. Using Recycled Materials To use recycled content in your building, call suppliers to source recycled materials.  Be sure to verify the physical properties (strength, stiffness, etc.) of the material with recycled content.  If they are lower-performance, you may need to alter...

Words: 1433 - Pages: 6

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Go Green

...Proximity Hotel is a LEED Platinum "green hotel" and the building's design and construction followed guidelines of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System, the nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction, and operation of high performance green buildings. Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council, LEED gives building owners and operators the tools they need to have an immediate and measurable impact on their buildings’ performance. LEED promotes a whole-building approach to sustainability by recognizing performance in six key areas of human and environmental health: sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection, indoor environmental quality, and innovation in design. To earn LEED certification, a building project must meet certain prerequisites and performance benchmarks ("credits") within each category. This comprehensive approach is the reason LEED-certified buildings have reduced operating costs, healthier and more productive occupants, and conserve our natural resources Here is a sampling of the sustainable practices at Proximity Hotel: * The building uses 39.2% less energy than a conventional hotel/restaurant by using ultra efficient materials and the latest construction technology. * The sun’s energy heats hot water with 100 solar panels covering the 4,000 square feet of rooftop (enough hot water for a hundred homes). * 700 linear feet of stream was restored...

Words: 596 - Pages: 3