...Green Ox – Executive summary Palmer Jackson has a few issues to address regarding Green Ox. The first issue is which segment to target. Other issues include how the product would be positioned in the minds of its potential consumers, how the product would be priced to the retailer as well as many flavors should be introduced. All these issues need to be dealt with before they can market the product successfully. Since this is a product that crosses over two markets, there are several factors that need to be considered. One factor to consider is that due to the added cost of antioxidants, Green Ox will be overall more expensive to produce than competitor sports drink ($.20 compared to $.15). In addition, getting onto the grocery shelves may be a factor to consider because these types of stores are often hesitant to welcome smaller players due to a big demand fluctuation that seems to be present. On the other hand, grocery retailers view the sports-drink category as more important than club stores due to the fact that club stores trend to ignore products until it has a successful track record. Another factor to consider is that most sales would be four-packs instead of single bottles. When it comes to the flavors, studies showed the only 30% of potential customers were more loyal to flavor than brand. In addition, each additional flavor would require $10 million to introduce. Other factors to consider include which market shops at what type of store and how that might affect...
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...Target Markets • Over 40 years of age (85% favorable of Green Ox) • Male and female (55% male favorable, 58% female favorable) Women increasingly = large proportion of athletes and growing and still primary household shoppers • Higher income (62% favorable making >$75K) with children • Ideals oriented - more likely than any other group to mention anti-oxidants before mentioning health. They actively seek out information in the decision-making process. They look for “durability, functionality, and value” (VALS) in the products they buy. • Grocery retailers (sports drinks patronized by higher income/educated shoppers Product Strategy • Green Ox. The company should stick with the name Green Ox in hopes the design, launch, and reliable product will be easily recognizable and associated in the future. Green makes you think is healthy and ox is a play of the unique ingredient: antioxidant. • Green Ox should release all five flavors to maximize profits. Green Ox has developed Yellowknife, Jasper Mountain, Whistler, Alberta Bound, and Yukon Gold. • Product positioning statement: o Among ideal oriented male and female athletes, over the age of 40 with kids, who have a higher income, Green Ox is the brand of Sports Drink which is the first to add potential cancer-preventing antibiotics to our refreshing sports drink. This performance-enhancing beverage gives you all the electrolytes needed to maintain hydration during workout as well as protects your...
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...Even the cow-dung is a good fertilizer which is generally used in the fields for better growth of crops. When the cow dies, its skin is used in making shoes, bags etc. Its bones are used in making buttons, combs, knife-handles and similar other useful articles. Thus the cow is the most popular domestic animal in the world. The cow is a very useful animal. It is a domestic as well as religious animal. It gives us milk. The people worship it. The cow is given "mother's" status in our religion. It is a pious animal. The cow has a large body. It has four legs, two horns and a long tail. It has two ears. It is found everywhere in the world. Cows differ in shape and size. They are of different colours. The cow eats green grass and fodder. It grazes in the fields. It likes green grass very much. The cow gives us milk. We can make several things from cow's milk. We prepare curd and cheese from the milk. Cow's milk is very useful for the children and patients. The milk makes them strong and healthy. The cow gives birth to calves. Calves grow into strong oxen. Oxen are used for...
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...A Metal and a Man Made for History Have you ever eaten something that grew out of the ground? Of course you have. Some dreaded broccoli, maybe Brussel sprouts, corn, wheat, bread, anything with high fructose corn syrup or sugar in it (everything man made), all of it comes from seeds we sowed in the soil. Planting seeds is easy in the sandy soil of the middle east, and European soil is equally easy with cast iron plows. When we came to the moist and sticky soil of the Midwest, it cohered to the cast iron plows. When the savior of the mid west farming industry invented the first steel plow, John Deere had made it exponentially faster, and facile, to plow the great prairie. The steel plow is arguably the topmost invention in farming in the Midwest since we first put seeds in the ground. The use and impact of the steel plow is just too great to take for granted. John Deere was a blacksmith, And a great one too. Unfortunately, his home in Vermont was overcrowded with blacksmiths like him. They, and John, bounced from town to town racking up debt. Early in his career, he saw a letter that said, “Grand DeTour, Illinois is in need of a blacksmith.” He collected his goods, said farewell to his four kids and expecting wife, and journeyed to the great Midwest ("John Deere"). By the time John arrived, John was so broke that he had to rent a horse to run his new forge. He formed forks, spoons, fixed tools, procured new tools, fixed plows, fixed saws, and did any job involving iron, like...
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...Aquarian Publications P.O. BOX 681 Palm Springs, California 92263 © 2002 Eloise Helm All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. First Edition Illustrations by C.J. Correnti / C2 Media Group, Inc. © 2002 C2 Media Group, Inc. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data ISBN 0-9639204-7-2 Introduction lthough Feng has been practiced in the Eastern hemisphere for thousands of years, it is relatively new to western civilization. Feng Shui may seem mysterious and foreign to our western culture, but it is actually a very sensible collection of ideas and actions. Once you understand its principles, you will be able to produce harmony, comfort and balance in almost any situation or environment. 26 Secrets has been put together to simplify Feng Shui so that everyone can understand and work with its principles to balance their lives and make way for more money, love, health and happiness. Some of these tips will help bring these things to you, while others will make it easier to hold on to money, romance and health once they’re in your hands. When you energize the various parts of your home, your life will improve and you will start to attract more abundance and happiness. Begin to think of balance in all things. For example, you must activate your career and benefactor sections...
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...hummingbirds prefer bright colors opposed to darker colors. The hummingbird has a red throat so considering that I would think they prefer red or something similar to red when it comes to picking flowers to visit. Research Ruby-throated Hummingbirds are primarily in the United States. These small birds are hard to find in the sky because they are only 2-3 in and can flap their wings 53 times in one second. That’s kind of hard to believe or even imagine. When it comes to the type of feeder a hummingbird feeds on doesn’t really matter. They tend to eat from any kind of feeder. When it comes to flowers they prefer, red and yellow are their preference. Experiment Materials: Hummingbirds, red flowers, blue flowers, yellow flowers, green flowers. Instructions: Place flowers 10 feet apart, release the hummingbirds from their cages and see which flowers they’re attracted to. Make a chart with tally’s for how many times to hummingbirds chose each flower. By doing this you’ll be able to tell which color they prefer more. Analysis...
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...The Color Red In Director Sam Mendes’ American Beauty, Cinematographer Conrad Hall utilizes great lengths of visual silence to signify the enveloping, jarring presence of Lester Burnham’s own, imaginary world. Conrad Hall also creates startling visual silence when intensely focusing upon each character of American Beauty, and consistently morphs the lack of apparent objects into an inconspicuous focus on the striking color of Red. Through this enigmatic color, Conrad incessantly portrays the goal and lifelong desire of every character in the movie, starting with Lester Burnham. Each character is faced with a dream that is not recognized starting from the opening scene, but becomes gradually apparent through the blatant indication of Conrad’s color choice on various objects in each subsequent plot point. There are numerous shades of red as well; contrasting between each character’s superficial appearance, such as Jane’s distinct albeit crude lipstick, and the essential, authentic item of desire, such as Angela Haye’s falling rose petals in Lester’s fantasies. With the brilliant amalgamation of red and specified isolation of Lester, Jane, Carolyn and Ricky, along with the enveloping shades of gray in between, Conrad imparts a language of film unique to his own perspective: telling a story not through the conversations of character, but through the stark contrasts of color and use of varied visual silence. Lester Burnham first sights the color red through the lovely, soft rose...
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...Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuff are true, And unafraid of toil; Yellow and Black, “We’ll teach the lot, And treat them just the same.” Welcome to Hufflepuff! Or yet in wide of Ravenclaw, If you’ve a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind; Blue and Bronze, “We’ll teach those whose Intelligence is surest.” Welcome to Ravenclaw! Or yet in wide of Ravenclaw, If you’ve a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind; Blue and Bronze, “We’ll teach those whose Intelligence is surest.” Welcome to Ravenclaw! Or perhaps in Slytherin, You’ll make your real friends, Those cunning folk use any means, To achieve their ends; Green and Silver, “We’ll teach just those Whose ancestry is purest.” Welcome to Slytherin! Or...
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...paramount, but is red light cameras the most effective way to proceed? Once the data is analyzed it is clear that there are far safer alternatives that will also save taxpayers a great deal of money over red light cameras. In a September 2004 study by the Texas Transportation Institute conducted by James Benneson, P.E., many aspects of the way red light cameras operate were broken down by the researchers. It was discovered that in most instances the red light cameras issued citations within the first second of the light turning red. Almost all incidents of people being cited for running the red light occurred when the light turned red while the vehicle was already in the intersection. Due to the delay between the light turning from red to green in the opposite flow of traffic there was little risk of a right-angle collision, which is the most common type of collision caused by people running red lights. In all cases of right-angle collisions but one the accident occurred five or more seconds after the light had changed. Furthermore many infractions were issued...
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...Colour research Our emotions influence our perception of colour and vice versa. Colour’s meaning can change over time with fashion changing social attitudes and also familiarity. Colour’s most important function is to produce information both visually and psychologically. It is important to note however, that it can also create opposing reactions. The artist or designer much try their best to control what the viewer perceives. This influence allows the designer or artist to impart their message effectively. It is important to remember that majority of the time colour is seen by the viewer before the actual image. This information allowed me to think in a more critical way and also made me think about how I can use significant colours to evoke a certain response. Red Red is one of my favourite colours as I feel l gain the most emotional impact from. I find it interesting how I am affected in a physical way for example when I feel warmer wrapped up in a red blanket rather than another colour. The possible double meaning and strength is also appealing to me. Being the lowest wavelength, red is a powerful colour. It has the property of appearing to be nearer to be closer than it actually is therefore grabbing your attention. For this reason, it is the most used colour for traffic lights and signs around the world. It’s affects are actually physical and it has been proven in research to raise the pulse rate in people, giving the impression that time is passing...
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...Aaron Kinowski 2-D Design Andy Goldworthy Response Throughout the video of Andy Goldworthy, it was apparent that line was a major part of his art and life. In almost every piece that was presented, Goldworthy used different types of line to present his feelings and emotion. From aggression to peaceful, Goldworthy presented an array of emotions. I noted some of the examples of how Andy uses line to present emotion. One emotion that I detected was freedom. He talked about how water was so unpredictable and free and in one of his pieces; he connected dozens of green leaves and formed a line with them. He then put those leaves in a river. The leaves’ movement was not predictable and showed freedom. Goldworthy also depicted peacefulness in one of his pieces. Andy woke up early one morning before sunrise and worked on an ice sculpture. Ice is peaceful to me because it his frozen and never moving, depicting stillness and peace. The sculpture was finished just as the sun rose and gleamed perfectly on the piece, which depicted peace in my eyes. Andy Goldworthy was also passionate about the color red. Red in my eyes shows aggression, anger, and power. In one of his pieces, he would grab different rocks from riverbeds that would produce a deep red color. He would then put that color in several places around the river, which in my eyes depicted aggression. Goldworthy is very passionate about the emotion that he puts in his work and it was clear from the...
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...(assumed ground for the amp) pin 2 white with gray stripe (bus input) pin 3 white with orange stripe (bus input) pin 4 not used pin 5 not used pin 6 green with blue stripe (bus input) pin 7 green with orange stripe (bus input) pin 8 gray with blue stripe (bus input) pin 9 gray with orange stripe (bus input) pin 10 not used pin 11 not used pin 12 not used pin 13 not used pin 14 gray with light green stripe (RH dash speaker +) pin 15 gray with dark green stripe (RH dash speaker -) pin 16 gray with yellow stripe (LH dash speaker +) pin 17 gray with no stripe (LH dash speaker -) pin 18 green with brown stripe (LH headliner speaker -) pin 19 green with blue stripe (LH headliner speaker +) pin 20 gray with white stripe (sub -) pin 21 green with white stripe (sub +) pin 22 large yellow wire with red stripe (assumed power for the amp) 16 pin connector left to right / top to bottom pin 1 gray with purple stripe (LH front door -) pin 2 gray with yellow stripe (LH front door +) pin 3 green with purple stripe (RH front door -) pin 4 green with yellow stripe (RH front door +) pin 5 green with brown stripe (sub +) pin 6 gray with brown stripe (sub -) pin 7 gray with dark green stripe (LH rear door +) pin 8 gray with light green stripe (LH rear door -) pin 9 green with yellow stripe (RH rear door -) pin 10 green with gray stripe (RH rear door +) pin 11 gray with no stripe (center dash speaker, didn't...
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...Dance Marathon Philip Evergood 1934 Oil on Canvas Dance Marathon is a representational oil painting of several people gathered in an enclosed area that was painted by Philip Evergood in 1934. These people are unevenly spaced apart throughout the painting, either by themselves or paired with another person. The enclosed area has bleachers surrounding the spider web-like floor that is separated by handrails. On the top left hand side of the painting there is a man who is lounging across a few rows of the bleachers. To the left of this man you see a skeleton hand that is holding a $1,000 that appears to be hanging from the ceiling with the light fixtures. In that same area on the wall there is the word “walkathon” and “first aid station” with a red cross over a doors way. To the left o the door way you see a lady that is in all white from head to toe. To the right of the doorway, there are men sitting and one man standing at a table and they are placed under a red sign that has white lettering that says “Winner takes all Couples $1000 Solo $500”. Right next to the red sign there is another sign that says “49th day” placed above a Mickey Mouse clock. The bleachers on the right hand side of the painting there is a man in a black suit sitting next to a lady in a pink dress. Below the couple, sitting on the bottom row of the bleachers is another man in a suit and a hat hanging over the handle bar. On the bottom left corner of the painting there is an arm of a woman that is wearing...
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...Portrait, the subject matter depicted is like the title aptly puts, himself, albeit in a more unconventional and abstracted manner. This is as opposed to the more realistic manner in which van Gogh has depicted himself in Self Portrait with Bandaged Ear. In Self Portrait, Affandi has characterised himself as a semi-abstracted figure against a plain background, with the highly detailed face in stark contrast with his torso, which as suggested by its dark green contour only (without any colouring within), appears to only be vaguely apparent. Affandi also seems to be placing extreme focus on the human emotions or mood, presumably meant to be conveyed by the extremely detailed expression on the face that he has painted. In fact,everything is lumped together (in fact, most of the colours used) on the face in his painting. Upon closer examination, one would find that Affandi’s face as depicted in this work is actually more of a mass of red rather than anything else, and lined with blobs of different colours (namely yellow and green) presumably to represent the hair. Details on the face are not clearly made out, rather only a faint outline of the eyebrows, eyes and nose is apparent. This is as opposed to Self Portrait with Bandaged Ear in which van Gogh has similarly depicted himself, albeit in a far more realistic manner, where all his facial features are clearly visible and modelled. Close attention is also paid to his body, clothing (as evidenced by the precise and exacting brushstrokes...
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...that energize you? That is right time when your house needs a makeover. Here are some simple decorating tips and recommendations can go a long way to give you that cozy cute home. PLANTS They are nature’s beauty in abundance. Plants can add a refreshing feeling when kept in your room or living room. Surrounded by so many materials and artificial things around can make you feel plastic. Plants allow better flow of air in your room. This inexpensive tip does not only brightens up your room but also give you an healthy air to breathe. ADD NEW PILLOWS TO YOUR SOFA Buy new fabric to stitch your pillow cover. Do not stick to a single fabric design or the same colour. Instead buy colors that will contrast with each other (like yellow and light green). Mix different fabrics together to get that funky design especially if you have youngsters and kids at home (because their visitors will love it). The patterns in vogue now are floral and block prints. Make sure to add a zip to your pillows as it will make it easy for you to wash it and use it again. PURPLE RUG You’ve given a complete makeover to your room but still feel that something is missing. Well a purple rug to your floor can give that exact finishing touch to your perfect beautiful home. A purple rug on the floor of a dull house can bring in the refreshing look that you sort for. A brown wooden floor can be the best combo for a purple rug, though it will look good even on beige or cream coloured floor. It will look the best if...
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