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Submitted By turps23
Words 397
Pages 2
Here you go! This is for the two plugs on the amp under the dash. I completely bypassed my factory amp and cut and tied into the wiring at the amp. My left and right dash speakers and rear headliner speakers are powered from my headunit and the door speakers are powered from my 4 channel amp behind the rear seat. Center dash speaker was left unhooked.

22 pin connector left to right / top to bottom

pin 1 large black wire with orange stripe (assumed ground for the amp) pin 2 white with gray stripe (bus input) pin 3 white with orange stripe (bus input) pin 4 not used pin 5 not used pin 6 green with blue stripe (bus input) pin 7 green with orange stripe (bus input) pin 8 gray with blue stripe (bus input) pin 9 gray with orange stripe (bus input) pin 10 not used pin 11 not used pin 12 not used pin 13 not used pin 14 gray with light green stripe (RH dash speaker +) pin 15 gray with dark green stripe (RH dash speaker -) pin 16 gray with yellow stripe (LH dash speaker +) pin 17 gray with no stripe (LH dash speaker -) pin 18 green with brown stripe (LH headliner speaker -) pin 19 green with blue stripe (LH headliner speaker +) pin 20 gray with white stripe (sub -) pin 21 green with white stripe (sub +) pin 22 large yellow wire with red stripe (assumed power for the amp)

16 pin connector left to right / top to bottom

pin 1 gray with purple stripe (LH front door -) pin 2 gray with yellow stripe (LH front door +) pin 3 green with purple stripe (RH front door -) pin 4 green with yellow stripe (RH front door +) pin 5 green with brown stripe (sub +) pin 6 gray with brown stripe (sub -) pin 7 gray with dark green stripe (LH rear door +) pin 8 gray with light green stripe (LH rear door -) pin 9 green with yellow stripe (RH rear door -) pin 10 green with gray stripe (RH rear door +) pin 11 gray with no stripe (center dash speaker, didn't check polarity...I left it stock) pin 12 gray with orange stripe (center dash speaker, didn't check polarity.. I left it stock) pin 13 yellow with gray stripe (RH headliner +) pin 14 green with no stripe (RH headliner -) pin 15 not used pin 16 not used

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