...Look, you’ve got to grow. It’s what our economy is all about. Hey, it’s what our country is all about! Certainly, it’s what drives me. My father, Constantine Anaptyxi, came to America from Greece because he saw big opportunities here. He worked hard, took a few risks, and realized his dreams. I came to this company as CEO five years ago—giving up a senior VP position at a Fortune 500 manufacturer—because I saw big potential for Paragon Tool, then a small maker of machine tools. I didn’t make the move so that I could oversee the company’s downsizing! I didn’t intend to create value—for our customers, for our employees, for our shareholders—by thinking small!! I didn’t intend to shrink to greatness, for God’s sake!!! Okay, so I’m getting a little worked up over this. Maybe I’m just trying to overcome my own second thoughts about our company’s growth plans. I know it isn’t just about growth; it’s about profitable growth, as my CFO, William Littlefield, is always happy to remind me. “Nicky,” he’ll say, “people always talk about getting to the top when they should be focusing on the bottom…line, that is.” Quite a comedian, that Littlefield. But lame as the quip is, it tells you a lot about Littlefield and what, in my opinion, is his limited view of business. Sometimes you’ve got to sacrifice profits up front to make real profits down the line. To me, acquiring MonitoRobotics holds just that kind of promise. The company uses sensor technology and communications software to monitor...
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...All That I Am by Josh Giles on Monday, March 12, 2012 at 2:28pm The future is bright. There is a plan for me, I know it. However, lately I have gone through the low country. It's eating me away, I said to God. It's rotting in my mind, it's like a cancer. Is there anything at all to numb the nothingness? I need a reason to breathe, it's eating me away. It nibbles at my brain, the question of my existence and this matter of pain. I shake my fist at the cosmos and my insignificance. I need a reason to breathe and it's eating me away. Save me from my rage and my humanity. I'm more nothing than being, is this my legacy? I feel it eating me away. All that I am, all that I want, all that I lack, PLEASE, come on and save me. My pal Edric Prim texted me a quote the other day that I’m trying to remind myself of, from Joel Osteen. It was, “don’t let your setbacks become your identity”. Amen to that. I don’t need to stay here in this state of mind. Nibbling at my brain, I truly think too much and I drive myself crazy. The problem is if I knew exactly how to make my brain stop eating itself away, I would do it. All that I am should be enough to overcome any insecurities that I may have. I’ve never felt like this before. My life has pretty much always been an open book so, here it is. There was a lot of pressure and things happening at once at the beginning of February and then they came crashing down when the one thing I thought I had to hold on to was gone. I never really had any...
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...Home School vs Public Education Most Americans do not home-school their children. However, those who do, certainly have good reasons. There are advocates on both sides of this educational issue, it is important to understand why some parents choose to home-school their children. Although both can provide a quality education to its students, a student can learn in a social environment therefore leading to his/her overall development. One of the many reasons that home school parents feel passionate about home schooling is their religious beliefs. Since religion is no longer permitted in the public school system, many home-school parents feel that their children have been short-changed in this area. It is their wish to raise their children in an environment that not only allows religion but also embraces it. Having deep religion beliefs, parents who home-school for religious reasons are said to be very passionate people. It is this passion that feeds their children’s educational needs. With the parent in charge, home-schooling can be based solely on religious activities if the parent so chooses. It is also this passion that will allow the parents to teach their children to the best of their abilities. Home-schooling allows the parent to be in charge. Another reason the public school system appears to have allowed a stereotype to be attached to home-schooled children is socialization. This stereotype suggests that home-schooled children are confined rather than social. In truth...
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...Home Schooling is very popular nowadays with an annex of 7-15% a year. There are about two million students performing home based studies. According to Steven, Going to school in United States of America is not a legal mandate. Educating the child is a legal requirement. When parents cogitate that they cannot afford their children going to school, they prefer home schooling then. Home schooling can be paralleled at par to chronic schooling. They can learn as much as they can learn in other schools. It’s beneficial for the parents as well. Parents who home school their parents are more educated as they have a hands on experience in teaching their children ample subjects and the skills to edify their children (Steven Dowshen, 2012) Home Schooling pros are discussed below: Home schooling provides the freedom to tutelage. They have the option to learn what they intend to not what they are forced to study. It is wrong to say that home schooling does not cover all the basics well. Some students can cover the basics at the age of five while some can also cover the basics at the age of 10.It all depends on the age, maturity, mental level and interest level. Home schooling provides physical freedom. Most people who home school their children experience a sense of emancipation as they do not have to follow the time hours of school anymore. Their lives do not revolve around schooling hours, assignments, quizzes, school calendar etc anymore. They can plan their vacations. Visit parks...
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...Parents have become more unsatisfied by the public schooling systems and its effects on their children concerned that their children could be exposed to violence, bullying or even drugs. But the question is, is homeschooling really better than public schooling? Could homeschooling advantages out ways it’s the possibility of affecting children’s social abilities? Could our future generations cease to use the public schooling systems and still succeed in their professional life? What is Homeschooling and how fast is it growing? Homeschooling is defined simply as the "education of school-aged children at home rather than at a school. Homeschools, according to those who have observed or created them, are as diverse as the individuals who choose that educational method. Each year, at least 100,000 students graduate from homeschooling in the United States. The United States government and homeschool advocates agree that homeschooling has been growing at around 7% per annum for the past decade, it is not surprising that homeschooling is gaining increased attention. Consequently, many people have been asking questions about homeschooling, usually with a focus on either the academic or social abilities of homeschool graduates. A study conducted in 2008 found that 11,739 homeschooled students, on average, scored 37 percentile points above public school students on standardized achievement tests “consistent with Rudner study 1999”...
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...Exploration of a Journal Article Margaret Schreiber Professor Randi Fass Sociology 100 Homeschooling is an Art, not a Science: The Impact of Homeschooling on Choice of College Major written by Lynn Phillips and published in Sociological Viewpoints is the article that I selected from the Strayer University database. The research and the article were written to support a hypothesis on homeschoolers and college choices more specifically how high school aged children that are home schooled are less likely to major in the natural sciences then children taught in traditional school settings. The article includes a table reporting the results of Ms. Phillips research and a section that discusses the reporting of the results. The discussion section surmises that more research is needed on this subject to make a good conclusion about this hypothesis it is mention that the researcher should further investigate many different variables, for example the education of the parents, setting of the school and state regulations just to name a few, to determine whether these result where typical among homeschooled students. Ms. Phillips choose to survey approximately 800 college students at a small Midwestern college whose population included one tenth teens homeschooled at the high school level. The type of research that was performed was a survey that included roughly 55 questions on various topics. The results of this survey concluded that about 8% of the homeschooled...
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...Home Schooling vs. Public Schools: Which One is Better? Thesis Statement: Many parents question what is best for their child’s education, home schooling or public school. Home schooling can sometimes provide a more direct and focused education than public schools, Public School is better in many ways including the child’s social development. I. Home Schooling vs. Public Schooling II. The Pros and Cons of Home Schooling A. Home schooling can benefit both students and parents by providing individual attention. B. Home schooling gives parents a sense of security. C. Home schooling puts financial strain on parents. D. Home schooling can cause slower social development. III. The Pros and Cons of Public Schooling A. Public schooling provides many free services. B. Public schooling allows both parents time to have a full time job. C. Public schooling allows students to participate in many activities, sports, and organizations. D. Public schooling makes students more likely to deal with bullying and peer pressure . D. Home Schooling vs Public Schooling: Which is Better? A. The pros of public schooling outweigh the cons, thus making public schooling the better choice. When children become of age, and it is time for them to start school, many parents question what is best for their child’s education, home schooling or public school. Both home schooling and public schooling has their pros and cons, but many parents often question...
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...Associate Program Material Appendix D Selecting a Topic and Brainstorming Worksheet Complete the following and post as an attachment. What two objects, people, subjects, or concepts are you going to compare and/or contrast? | Home school vs. public education | What are the similarities between the two objects, people, subjects, or concepts? List as many similarities that you can think of. | I believe there are many similarities between home school vs public education. They both offer a large variety of classes. You have to take the same courses and pass them. You can attend both from kindergarten to 12th grade. | What are the differences between the two objects, people, subjects, or concepts? List as many differences that you can think of. | The differences between homeschool and public education are there will be no social interaction. You will not have access to the different teachers. There will be no activity to do like homecoming games, dances, or basketball games. | Are you going to focus on similarities, differences, or both? Explain your rationale. | I am going to focus on both point of views it will help to show my views of importance of both homeschool and also public education. | What do you want your readers to learn and understand after reading your essay? What is the purpose of your essay? | I would like for my readers to understand what the difference is between homeschooling and public education. With may essay you will understand what your...
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...Public School versus Home School In the world that we have today we seem to have more options than we had in the past. One of those choices is the choice between home school and public school. Several factors can be involved when making this decision. One might ask his or herself; which choice of school is better? Public school is more effective than homeschooling because it allows children to communicate with each other and guides them in the right direction concerning their grades. As I previously said, there are many factors that should be looked at thoroughly in order to make a final decision on your choice of school. One of those factors would be self-discipline. Self-discipline is the action in which you are able to discipline yourself to complete tasks when needed too without anyone helping you. Self-discipline is sometimes hard to have especially as a child or young adult. It is not something that comes easy; it has to be worked on for some time. In order to succeed at home school, self-discipline is something that must be made. There will be many times that students will have assignments that need to be completed, but there are other things that the student really wants to do. If you do not have self-discipline, then you are not going to be able to accomplish the necessary things needed in order to succeed in home school. Public school is not as much of a challenge because you have an adult there to push you and get you motivated to succeed at all times. Sometimes...
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...The first topic I have chosen is “Should regulations for home schools be changed.” I chose this topic because there has been debates for years questioning the effectiveness of children whose parents have chosen to home school them. Excessive budget cuts to educational programs and overcrowded classrooms have led many parents to homeschooling. While many individuals feel that home school hinders students from learning at their grade level which ultimately withdraws social interaction with fellow peers, other individuals feel that home schools provide much needed structure that focuses on the child. The audience for this topic would be parents of school aged children who are thinking of homeschooling their children. The preliminary thesis statement for this topic is “State regulations for home schools should be changed to ensure at-risk children aren’t neglected, students are socially active in the community, and educators have access to adequate funding.” The two sources I plan to use are HSLDA and As Home School Numbers Rise, Regulations Fall an article from The Kansas City Star. The second topic I have chosen is “Should minors who commit violent crimes be tried as adults.” Chose this topic because violent crimes committed by juveniles is on the rise; and many of these crimes are being given a slop on the wrist because of the minors age at the time. Many of these juveniles become repeat offenders because the judicial system has not held them accountable for their actions....
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...Home-school: Is There a Reason? In the Fall of 2000, a six year old girl is sitting in her kindergarten classroom waiting for her mom to pick her up. While she waits, she starts cleaning up around her desk and cubbyhole. When her mom come, the teacher gives the girl a hug and the all students waved goodbye, as the girl walk out of the classroom with her mom. This was the girl’s last day of school, public school that is. The girl’s parents pull her out of the public school to homeschool her. Some friends of the parents told them that they started a home school program, and that they should let their daughter join the program before another year of school starts. So the parents ask their daughter if she want to try home schooling. The girl said she would try homeschooling only if she can go back to public school if she does not like being homeschooled. A couple of months after that, the girl started homeschooling. When you think of Homeschooling, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Do you think of a child being pulled out of public school for bad school environment, such as bullying and negative peer-pressure? Maybe you think of a child with special or personal needs?Or, do you think of a child that would be socially shelter from his/hers peers? For some, these are the first conclusions about homeschoolers, but are any of these conclusions true? That 6 year old girl was me 12 years ago, and I remember the first day I started home schooling, I was quite unsure how is...
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...Home Schooling: A Real Alternative Kevin Sumrall Research and Writing: ENG 215 Professor Kristen Shelton May 15, 2011 The times in which we live are becoming more competitive than ever before. How well one is prepared to step up and meet that competition is what education is all about. The mainstream opinion would say that the only way to the top is through public or even better; private schools. As most of us are already painfully aware, we all cannot afford private schools for our kids, especially if we have more than one or two children. Homeschooling has been viewed by many as a substandard choice, where many others are coming to realize that it is much better than any other choice they may have. There are as many as 2 million children being home schooled right now with a projected growth of 15 to 20% annually. The very high test scores for homeschoolers versus the public school students is one of the main points on the platform for the benefits of homeschooling. There is an alternative to public and private schools, and its right at home. There was a time, not so very long ago, when parents could send their kids down to the bus stop and never think twice about whether or not they would be safe and cared for and taught correctly all of the same things that they learned when they went to school. The sad truth of the matter is that most parents don’t know half of what their kids are being taught in school today. Most of the time, teachers are allowed to show kids movies...
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...Summary 1 Saparito (2010), Discussed on what it is the problems and faults that has led the South Africa football team loose in that tournament, eventhough thay got home field advantage. They would have the chance to win, if was not for the score which was dropped and didn’t have the strength to advance to the next round. Besides, not even supports from the home fans would raise their spirit in the game which would strike down the opponent’s spirits to play the match. They also would not living on their dreams because others say that it not possible to happen in short times. Nigerians are example of people with political sports but they stop because of injuries and mediocre cases. Africa is now in the lowest rank of the world cup which trigger the Africans are not being Africans. To avoid this problem, supporter will be encouraged and help them to achieve the glory. (153 words) Bibliography Saporito, B, 2010, Whatever Happened to Home-Field Advantage?, TIME, July 5, 2010, pp. 36-37. Summary 2 Moore (2010), Discussed about different rules of homeschool in different country. Ure Romeike who sold his treasure to help pay for the move. He decided subvert his family after being fine $10,000 for homeschooling his children. The home-school legal department association was contacted and suggested him to go to the United States and settle in Morristown, Tennesse. This association defends right of the U.S homeschooling community and expanding its overseas outreach. Several...
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...The Socialization of Children: Home Schooling Over Public Schooling Every parent who makes a decision to home school can be assured that they are going to hear the dreaded "S" word. What about socialization? Often that's the extent of the question without any major elaboration. It seems to me that there are 3 basic implications in the question: Socialization is necessary. Socialization is good. And finally, to be properly socialized, children must spend large amounts of time with their peers. This paper will go into detail to consider the question of whether home schooling or public schooling provides the most positive socialization for children, and the least negative socialization. This is the primary concern of those who question the soundness of home schooling. Before dealing with these assumptions however, let's first consider one important question: What is socialization? I looked it up in Webster s Collegiate Dictionary Socialize- 1. To place under group or government control; especially, to regulate according to socialist principles. 2. To convert from an antisocial to a social attitude; make friendly, cooperative, or sociable. 3. To convert or adapt to the needs of a social group. 4. To take part in social activities. (1995) The dictionary gives us clear and rigid definitions of socializing yet because of that rigid-ness, it loses some ability to be practically applied to our changing society. Socialization can and has been interpreted in many...
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...Home Schooling vs. Traditional Schooling Dominic Harden COM/170 07/07/14 Cathy Smith With society gradually changing, parents may consider different options to meet their child’s educational needs. The technology today provides parents with choices regarding what type of schooling their child will be attending. The parent can have their child attend traditional school or resort to teaching their child at home which is commonly referred to as home schooling. Whether the child attends public school or is schooled in their home there are certain things that apply to each type of schooling. Although homeschooling has its benefits, traditional schooling is set in stone when it comes to things like the curriculum, schedule and school environment. How the child learns is a key factor when determining which type of schooling him or her is going to attend. Depending on the child, one type of schoolings curriculum can benefit the child or hinder their progress. The child will receive the basic skills regardless, whether they are home schooled or attend a public school. These basic skills include things like reading, writing, and math skills. The curriculum of traditional schooling has always been based on the state standards that the school is located in. State required curriculums has the teachers keeping all of their students at the same on the same track for the sake of ease. The traditional schooled student can easily become bored and uninterested because they don’t...
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