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EIXERCISE 1.1 Many of today’s Fortune 500 companies employ students with an ITT Technical Institute degree. To me this is reason enough to pursue an education with this Institution. The career markets are constantly changing, gone are the days when you can support a family with only a high school diploma or on-the-job experience. ITT Tech pretty much has all the bells and whistles that I was looking for. Flexible schedule, student to instructor ratio, real world instructors. A degree from Itt Tech, in my opinion is an investment for me that will pay back for a lifetime. Finally, to show my children that it’s never too late. First, I attended Southeast College of Technology in 1999, unfortunately I did not finish. Earning my degree now would fill the void that I left in 1999. To be self-sufficient rather than totally dependent on my Military and VA retirement. At any moment that retirement could be cut in half or taken away altogether. Why take that chance? To set the standard in my home that if I can do it, you can do it, no excuses. Another goal of mine is to be a better provider for my family, both spiritually and financially. Lastly, to walk across that stage with my degree in hand.

First goal is not to cheat myself by not coming to class, participate when asked, stay the course. Learn as much as I can, ask for help. Do the necessary things to keep that “A”, do the little things. Finishing this class is a another step towards the light at the end of tunnel, it’s part of my long-term vision. Second goal, be an astute observer, participant, take control and advantage of what this class can offer me, and help out when I can.
Complete the class so that light at the end of the tunnel is not attached to a train.

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