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Gumption Research Paper

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The word happy is so broad and general. Gumption is a word that derives from happy, but means so much more. This word has such passion, strength, and value to it. The words purpose it to extend the vocabulary and to define at the next level. Gumption has a deep meaning, can be applied to work, and relationships in life.
Gumptions definition in the dictionary is “shrewd or spirited initiative and resourcefulness” (Merriam). This word has many meanings and similes. An important aspect to keep in mind with this word is that it's strongly positive and independent. Gumption is to describe strength, dedication, and motivation. When using this word its tense is intense, and of high regard.
Looking at this word in a career aspect its meaning would be energy, motivation, and desire to engage. To be successful this quality is essential. People that apply this word to their life at work are happier, more efficient, and go further. Gumption is more than just a word, it can be a way to carry yourself. Trying to be better and giving it your all can make the difference of meeting a goal, getting the promotion, and making a difference. Having a sense of gumption requires upside thinking and embracing optimism (Magnusson et al p.177). Gumption is more than a word and can be very impactful. Remembering, applying, and …show more content…
If one can apply the word gumption it can change the game tremendously. Life isn't always easy and thing aren't always good but trying to have gumption in everything makes it easier and gives the ability to focus on the bright side. Applying this isn't easy but the knowledge changes the behavior indicated by a study from an article on the book Snow People World (Allison p.9). This book explains relationships, and what it takes, its important and crucial to be positive, have drive, and value it. The word gumption in relationships can make or break

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