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Gun Control Rhetorical Analysis


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Pages 8
Gun Control Rhetorical Analysis
Bryan Cabrera
Devry University

Gun Control There are many people who argue about the topic of gun control. The topic that is discussed can be heard in television, among people’s conversations, on the radio, and in political debates. In the United States, 36% of the population owns a firearm for their personal use, whether it would be for hunting as a sport, personal defense, or just plain gun collections. So there are always debates on whether there should be stronger gun control enforced. However before anything is discussed, what is gun control? Many people can say gun control prevents the sale of firearms to regular people. However other people can say gun control is merely just restricting sale to people who are mentally healthy. Gun control is defined as “efforts to regulate or control sales of guns”. Therefore, gun control just regulates the sale of firearms. There are two sides to every debate, in the debate of gun control; it’s whether or not to increase gun control. The reasoning behind increasing gun control would be shooting related tragedies. The school shooting in Columbine High School is a prime example chosen by pro control people. However now the top example chosen would be the school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The people who are against gun control base their reasoning on the constitution and common reasoning. People believe that gun control goes against the second amendment of the constitution of the United States. The second amendment states “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”. While the people against gun control use phrases like “guns don’t kill people, people kill people”. The article “Connecticut shootings: guns don’t kill people, lack of gun control kills

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