...No debate! People kill people, not guns. Many people think that guns should be illegal in the United States, but that would infringe on our second amendment. There are three major reasons why guns should not be illegal. First, millions of Americans use guns for recreational purposes like hunting and target shooting. Second, millions of Americans also use guns for personal protection through conceal and carry or just home protection. Third, is just like themy statement above: guns do not kill people, people kill people. This first topic I have a lot of knowledge in because I am a hunter. I have hunted since I was ten. I have hunted everything from a big buck to a little dove. There are also 200 million gun owners that hunt in America who would...
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...killed many people. This shooting along with countless others across the country brings a question to the table, “Does increased gun control actually protect people?” For many years, this question has been asked again and again, but with mass shootings on the rise, it is a question that has been brought up yet another time. This is a hot topic amongst politicians, presidential candidates, and even the general public, but is increased gun control actually the best thing for the people? In Australia, gun control has been tried in the past, with surprising results, the opposite of what the government...
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...Not a lot of people want guns banned but there are some people that live in America that do. There are a pretty good bit of reasons why a lot of people want them illegalized. But there are also reasons why people want them to stay legal. One big reason that people want them illegalized is because of school shootings, and criminal murders. But a lot of people them to stay legal because of hunting and protection in their home from robbers and criminals that have guns to do their crimes. Banning our guns will yet take away more of our liberty. Police are often too overwhelmed to protect all citizens from violent crime, usually if a police officer comes up on a shooter they stay back instead of going in and shooting the shooter...
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...Guns do not kill people. People kill people. The person is the one who pulls the trigger, killing someone. A gun cannot kill a person by itself. Some people disagree, and because of this, there is an issue on gun control, whether people should freely possess them or not. The debate is between making gun laws more or less strict, letting people wield them freely or not.Though the results of laws being less strict are far more acceptable than laws being more strict. Some reasons include that when guns are removed, crime increases, possessing a firearm can help with self defense, and when guns are taken out, gun violence still exists. Primarily, removing guns causes more crimes. Samuel Francis, contributor of Gun Control: Opposing Viewpoints,...
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...Gun Control in the U.S. It is not difficult to find news concerning gun incidents, where many innocent people are killed or injured by firearms in the U.S. Some people think that the solution to the gun problem, during which many innocent people are killed or hurt, is simply making laws concerning gun control. However, they would never think that gun control is a simple problem to solve, if they knew about this issue concerning the basic right to protect oneself according to the Second Amendment in the U.S. There are always fierce debates about gun control between supporters and opponents of regulation of firearms. As a result, the key of debates can be summarized into two subjects; ‘personal right to have guns for protecting oneself’, and ‘government’s right to control gun possession for protecting our society from violent crimes’. Supporters of gun control argue that there have been many crimes and murders by firearms and if we make a strong gun control law, the crime rate will be lowered and we can save many innocent lives including young students. On the other hand, opponents argue that they need to carry firearms because gun possession is the basic right to protect themselves from violent crimes according to the Second Amendment. They claim that if there are strong gun control laws, many innocent people will suffer from brutal crimes because they can’t possess firearms. Although some people believe that being able to carry a gun is one of the basic rights according...
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...December 7, 2012 Gun Control Obviously, guns have been a very big part of our history but because it was use inappropriately gun control was created. Guns are weapons that can take a life in an instant (“Does Gun Control…”). Guns have been part of American society since the arrival of the first European settlers (“Topic Overview…”). Arms in this country are part of our history, part of our culture. It has been passed down, generations to generations, as just an important part of who we are (“Topic Overview…”). Prior to the civil war, gun control laws were enacted in the slaves states principally due to the fear of firearms in the hands of free blacks and slaves who might rebel against their masters (“Special Interview…”). In the 1960’s after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, and Senator Robert F. Kennedy, gun control became a major subject of safety. Certain individuals cannot handle firearm safely, and some individuals choose to use firearms inappropriately. Our society has passed laws regulating the ownership and use of firearms, and more legislation is being considered (“Special Interview…”). Throughout history violence has plagued the human race. We have passed laws to protect society, but the violence continues. Laws attempt to change human behavior, but laws are not able to change human nature. Laws are not enough to protect people from aggression. Xiong 2 While gun control advocates contend that guns leads to crime, injury, and...
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...| 3 | Gun Control: Pros (i) Disarm and Control Citizens (ii) Better Management (iii) Reduce Crime Rate and Death Rate | 3-4 | 4 | Gun Control: Cons (i) People’s Life Unsecured (ii) Women’s Safety Unguaranteed (iii) Spring Up of Black Markets (iv) Conflict with Democracy | 5-7 | 5 | Conclusion | 8 | 6 | References | 9 | Introduction: A gun is a normally tubular weapon or other device designed to discharge projectiles or other material (The Chambers Dictionary). The first devices identified as guns appeared in China around 1000AD, and by the 12th century the technology was spreading through the rest of Asia, and into Europe by the 13th century (Herbst). Gun control is a policy that the government limits the keeping and using of guns by citizens. According to Firearms and Federal Law: The Gun Control Act Of 1968, the Gun Control Act is designed to "provide support to Federal, State, and local law enforcement officials in their fight against crime and violence." (Journal of Legal Studies). Firearm is an epochal invention. But unfortunately, no matter in the past or now, guns and firearms are often misused. Therefore, gun control policy exists. In fact, the gun control policy leads both pros and cons. Policy of gun control is always a hot topic argued by gun control advocates and gun rights organizations. In this assignment, we will discuss about the pros and the cons that may causes by the gun control policy. Gun Control: Pros Since guns and firearms...
Words: 1986 - Pages: 8
...Gun control is one of the most highly controversial topics in the United States today because of all the deaths involving firearms and the two sides of the debate. Those who support gun control believe that guns cause thousands of intentional and accidental deaths in the United States. Some advocates claim that police and military protect citizens, not vigilantes. Furthermore, proponents of gun control think that most countries don’t allow guns and they have less crime and fewer deaths. For example, according to the article “Gun Control”, “in 2014, the CDC reported that 11,008 of the 15,872 homicides committed in the United States that year involved a firearm. Of the 42,826 suicides reported that year, 21,386 involved a firearm” (Gun 2017). On the other hand, those who oppose gun control think that citizens need self-defense against criminals. Critics also argue that the Second Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms. Lastly, opponents believe that gun control laws unfairly punish people who are trained to use their guns for recreation and who are responsible. In closing, the article “Gun Control”...
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...are hurt from guns every day, in which twelve children are injured and seven children are killed. These are only just children. Imagine how many people become victims of gun violence every day. There is a lot of debate between whether or not more laws should be passed to control the ownership and manufacturing of guns in the United States. Can gun control laws reduce the amount of gun violence? The clear answer is yes. First, the suicide rate will lower if we enact more gun control laws. Next, making people undergo background checks before owning a gun will help reduce the risk of a firearm ending up in the hands of a criminal or a mentally ill person. Third, there will be more gun deaths if it is easier to obtain a...
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...American Government 3/14/2013 Gun Control The gun control debate is clearly one of the most contentious and controversial issues in America today and the battle over gun control is now being waged through intensive media campaigns from both sides of the political spectrum to influence public opinion and to assert pressure on policy makers. It is a debate that has not been resolved and will never be. “The right to bear arms”, an amendment prioritized by our founding fathers, which earned the very second spot on the list of birth rights as Americans. However, with constant tragedies striking the United States, such as massacres in public high schools and universities, mall shootings, and attempted assassinations on state representatives, it’s no wonder law makers are constantly debating the topic of gun control. Given the strong evidence that the level of gun violence is related to “relaxed gun laws”, why don’t we do more to enact stiffer gun laws? In America guns have been a part of the country’s society since its birth. Throughout history, the citizens of the US have used firearms to protect the nation, protect their families, to hunt for food and to engage in sporting activities. Criminals on the other hand, they don't listen to laws, and will take advantage of the newly unarmed law abiding citizen. As shown in statistics and studies, cities with more gun control have more gun murders, due to the fact that a law abiding citizen can't carry a gun with him, but a criminal will...
Words: 1939 - Pages: 8
...Imagine somebody breaks into your house with a gun and you can’t purchase one due to gun control laws being overly excessive. What are you going to do to protect yourself and your family? Are you going to try to escape or fight back? Are you going to hide? These are only a small amount of the questions you have to ask yourself before you support gun control. Gun control takes away from the rights of people like past felons and other people who have faced criminal charges but have been rehabilitated and taken from people who practice the sport of hunting.That is why we don't need as many gun control laws as we already do as it takes away the basic human right to defend yourself from tyrannical government and other threats. Gun control and gun...
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...Gun Control Essay 1 Gun Control Essay 06/14/2015 The right to bear arms is guaranteed in the constitution by the Second Amendment. Many politicians are looking to amend the constitution any way they can to ban handguns or at least Gun Control Essay 2 restrict sales. The argument between pro and anti gun control has been debated for years, both with valid points. Many studies and factual data shows that strict gun control only removes guns from law-abiding citizens, but does not actually help reduce crime. Studies have shown that gun control cannot stop people from committing the crime because if a handgun ban were issued, there is evidence that citizens would not comply with the law, strict gun control does not reduce homicide rates, and studies have found that high crime rates have stimulated purchasing of guns rather than high gun ownership stimulating crime. While the Founding Fathers of this country were developing the system of government, as set forth in the Constitution, many feared that a standing army controlled by a strong central government would leave them helpless. The Federal Constitution contained no provisions to prohibit a standing army or allow states to create their own militias. The Constitution was signed by thirty-nine men from the twelve states represented at the Constitutional Convention on September 17 1787; three delegates refused to sign because of the absence of a bill of rights. Two years later, the First Congress agreed on...
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...Gun control paper Gun control is a big thing in the United States nowadays. There are people that think the American people would be better off without any guns at all and there is people that think that it would be better with guns and firearms. My opinion is in the middle of being for and against gun control. Some places it would be good to not have guns and other places should have guns. People that are for gun control might think that there shouldn’t be any guns in America so that their wouldn’t be anymore crime and murders with a firearm. But with this idea, the government would have to destroy all guns in the world because if America goes gun free there will be people that will want guns. With that people from different countries...
Words: 481 - Pages: 2
...Gun Control is when you keep firearms plus guns away from people. Many people think that gun control is right because they think keeping people away from guns will reduce the amount of deaths each year. They also think that guns cause many of the deaths that had been committed each year. Also when ever people hear the word gun, the thoughts are of violence and negativity. Many people, myself included think gun control is wrong because we know that it is not necessary, since we know that guns were not involved in many of the deaths caused each year. While many other people disagree and think it is good because of the safety for people. In this essay I will tell you why gun control is unnecessary and why there shouldn?t be any gun control at all. There have been many gun control laws established throughout the U.S., but they vary from state to state. For example, in Colorado you can purchase any type of gun: handgun, machine gun, shotgun, rifle, automatic rifle, etc. at the age of 18, while in other places you would need a hunting license.1 I think this is unfair because when I?m at the age of 18 I would want to buy a gun, but I can?t because I?m living in California and another 18 year old could in Colorado. Also, another example is that in some states, they allow citizens to carry concealed weapons, while in other states citizens can?t. I don?t think this is fair at all because I think they should make laws that suits the whole U.S., and not make different laws in different...
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...Gun Control Rhetorical Analysis Bryan Cabrera Devry University 12/08/2013 Gun Control There are many people who argue about the topic of gun control. The topic that is discussed can be heard in television, among people’s conversations, on the radio, and in political debates. In the United States, 36% of the population owns a firearm for their personal use, whether it would be for hunting as a sport, personal defense, or just plain gun collections. So there are always debates on whether there should be stronger gun control enforced. However before anything is discussed, what is gun control? Many people can say gun control prevents the sale of firearms to regular people. However other people can say gun control is merely just restricting sale to people who are mentally healthy. Gun control is defined as “efforts to regulate or control sales of guns”. Therefore, gun control just regulates the sale of firearms. There are two sides to every debate, in the debate of gun control; it’s whether or not to increase gun control. The reasoning behind increasing gun control would be shooting related tragedies. The school shooting in Columbine High School is a prime example chosen by pro control people. However now the top example chosen would be the school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The people who are against gun control base their reasoning on the constitution and common reasoning. People believe that gun control goes against the second amendment of the constitution...
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