Premium Essay

Gun Safety Programs


Submitted By Runyard
Words 1053
Pages 5
The topic on “Gun Safety Programs” was chosen for this paper, the reason I chose this is because I believe in not having a gun, but for those who need and have guns need to learn “Gun Safety” to use it for only good reasons. Some people like guns and some do not; it depends on people who believe in the need of having a gun or guns for protection, self-defense and/or hunting. Also, there are many people out there that have guns because it is required for work, war, peacekeeping and other reasons. Guns are often used for preventing intruders, criminal assaults, murders or suicide attempts than in self-defense since it’s available easily for people to purchase. There are some people who don’t need guns to protect themselves because we have police officers in each town, city, and state. They are there to protect and serve the community with the responsibility to take care and to protect good people from bad people. At hand are many reasons as to why they choose to have a gun to defend them in any effort to keep their themselves, families and friends safe. There are some who prefer not to have a gun at all. Therefore, I’ll expand to explain the reasons why it is important to know about “Gun Safety”. In the article, “Why Own a Gun? Protection is Now Top Reason” written by Michael Dimock, Carroll Doherty, and Leah Christian, mentioned about between pros and cons of gun owners and non-gun owners and they are concerns about the dangers of guns for safety reasons. Some people may have their own personal reasons for gun ownership and some who don’t own guns can’t understand the need of gun safety to own one. The authors quoted as “Nearly six-in-ten (58%) of those in households without guns say they would be uncomfortable having a gun in their homes” (Dimock, p. 1). I believe that there are people who feel this way since they are not comfortable having one due to the idea of

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