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Gunpowder Empire Research Paper

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Narrative Essay: Gunpowder Empires

Dear Sultan Suleyman, My name is Talia Yahoodain and I am a 9th grade student at Valley Torah High School. I am very interested in your failures and achievements, so that’s why I am writing this letter to you! I will be writing about your time in the Ottoman Empire from 1300-1923. I did research on your achievements and failures and here are some I will be explaining. You had many achievements like encouraging legal code, and declaring capitals, however, you had failures like losing kingdom, and failing to invade. These are comparable achievements and failures to some of the other leaders like Akbar, Shah Abbas, Humayun and Babur.

Your main achievements were encouraging legal code, and declaring capital. …show more content…
You lost parts of the kingdom from Europe and Persia (TCI). In my opinion, this is not good, because losing a kingdom causes your empire to look smaller, and you have less power. Also, the next person who rules after you, will also have a smaller empire because of your loss of kingdom. This failure of yours is very similar to the failure of Humayun. Humayun's failure was also a loss of kingdom (TCI). This happened because when Humayun died and Akbar took over for him, Akbar realized there was only a very small part of the kingdom around Delhi left. This is also not a good thing as I mentioned before, because now the empire will be smaller. The next failure of yours is failing to invade. You tried to invade Vienna but failed because Vienna had a stronger army and defense system than yours (Britannica). This is not a good thing and it should have been a lesson to you and your army to step up your army system. This failure is the opposite of Babur’s achievement. Babur succeeded in invading India in 1526. It led to achievements in art, architecture, and governance (TCI). We see here, you failed at invading, however, Babur was successful and his outcomes were

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