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Gynecologist Career Goals

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My career goal is to become a gynecologist. A gynecologist is a doctor who diagnose and treat disorders of women’s reproductive systems. They also monitor pregnancies and performs childbirth. There is a lot of hard work involved to become a gynecologist, such as obtaining and maintaining good grades, long hours of studying, and not having much of a social life. To become a gynecologist, a person must earn a bachelor’s degree first, there are a wide array of degrees one can choose from for this profession but some of the most common are science majors.
After earning a bachelor’s degree, its required to take and pass the MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test). The MCAT is a computer based standardized exam for prospective medical students. This test consists of problem solving, chemistry, physics, reading and writing …show more content…
An American psychologist at Indiana University, Norman Triplett, is generally credited with having conducted the first empirical social psychological study. In 1895 Triplett asked the following question: “How does a person’s performance of a task change when other people are present?” The question was prompted by Triplett noticing that a bicycle racer’s speed was faster when he was paced by other cyclists than when he raced alone. In this study, he asked children to quickly wind line on a fishing reel either alone or in the presence of other children performing the same task. As he had predicted, the children wound the line faster when in the presence of other children. Published in 1897, this study is credited with introducing the experimental method into the social sciences. Despite the significance of this study, it took a full generation for researchers to understand the social psychological dynamics underlying Triplett’s

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