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Hades: The Creation Of Greek Mythology

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When one thinks of Greek gods, we tend to think of the heroes. While even the heroes had faults and were known to make less than stellar choices, we may tend to overlook the “bad guys” that were also Greek gods. For instance, we may not readily think of Hades, god of the underworld. Hades was also referred to as Pluto because the Greeks feared speaking the name “Hades” would result in an earlier death. Hades was born to Cronus and Rhea (his sister). They had six children. Cronus believed that one of his children would overthrow him because of an oracle placed on him by his mother. He, therefore, swallowed five of his children. Their mother, Rhea, tricked Cronus into swallowing a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes believing it was Zeus. Zeus was hidden until he was grown. It was at that time that Zeus fought Cronus and forced him to vomit out his siblings, including a now grown Hades. The siblings waged a war with the Titans. This ten-year war resulted in the Titans being overthrown and the younger gods taking over. …show more content…
Hades drew the Underworld. While he was not death itself (Thanatos was the god of death), he was the god of the dead and ruler of the dead. Many people today refer to Hades as the person and the final destination for souls. While Hades could (and did) visit Mount Olympus, he preferred to remain in his kingdom, the Underworld. Once souls arrived at the Underworld via ferry, they were greeted by Hades’ three-headed dog, Kerberos. Some believe that Kerberos had serpents coming out of his body. He stood guard at the gates to keep souls in rather than keep others out. He was referred to as the Hound of

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