...Cover Page Company Name: Express Yourself Proposed by: Submitted to:(BUSN319) Date: 01/20/2016 Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 2. Company Description 3. Strategic Focus and Plan a. Mission/Vision Statements b. Goals c. Core Competency and Sustainable Competitive Advantage 4. Situation Analysis a. SWOT Analysis b. Industry Analysis c. Competitor Analysis d. Company Analysis e. Customer Analysis 5. Market –Product Focus a. Marketing and Product Objectives b. Target Markets c. Points of Difference d. Positioning 6. Marketing Program a. Product Strategy b. Price Strategy c. Promotion Strategy d. Place (Distribution Strategy) 7. Financial Data and Projections a. Past Sales Revenues b. Five-Year Projections 8. Organizational Structure 9. Implementation 10. Evaluation and Control 11. Bibliography Executive Summary: Express Yourself offers on-site and online skyping services for DIY projects. Providing personal care to clients who are in need of a more personal touch to help them perfect any DIY project. Express Yourself offers a variety of services to clients such as needing some assistance, guidance, or wanting Express Yourself to do the project for them. Company Description: Across Texas the DIY business has seen a lot of growth within the last few years. Houston, Texas is a city with many homeowners and renters needing our services. While there are currently several...
Words: 1929 - Pages: 8
...Society is a place where you believe your own beliefs, correct, well funny fact, this society is nothing like you’ve ever imagined. In “No Monsters,” a film that may or may not haunt you for the rest of your life, describes a dystopia where you are going to be judged by appearance and intelligence. This story entails a lot of meanings about the way the world might become if we don’t make a change. It shows a little girl and her mother reading a story about another little girl who was trying to runaway from her “monsters,” but what you don’t realize is that the little girl was a woman who was trying to runaway from the robots. This is a warning call saying we need to be careful about how much power we are giving our government....
Words: 380 - Pages: 2
...perfect for quick and easy evaluations without the need for a second person to hold one end of a measuring tape in place. Bosch makes incredibly high-quality laser distance measures that can come with their pouch that attaches conveniently to the tool belt. Ideally, you'll want one that measures up to 130 feet with extraordinary accuracy and allows you to quickly convert to the metric system if needs are. The bonus is that some models include a nifty, easy to use area and volume calculator for onsite calculations. All in all, a handy piece of equipment that offers ease and efficiency when gathering measurements at construction sites. Makita 18V BHP 454 Cordless Drill This top of the range cordless drill is a must for contractors and household handymen. The Makita BHP is one of the best cordless drills on the market: it’s compact, powerful and at only 5.3lbs, it’s also super lightweight. One of the most attractive features is the 18V lithium battery: it charges incredibly quickly, going from flat to full in a maximum time of thirty minutes, and offers an impressively extended runtime. As a hammer drill, the Makita BHP performs well with a minimum of 0-6,000 blows per minute and a maximum of 22,500. The soft rubber handle makes it easy to grip and maneuver, while the sturdy side-handle provides serious support when driving the stubborn material. A nice finishing touch to this drill is the handy built-in LED light to illuminate the drill area when working in dark places such as cupboards...
Words: 506 - Pages: 3
...He made it sound like that was all they were set to be; maids or handymen, instead of lawyers or doctors. Instead, her classmate helped her realize that they have gone through worse than that and they still pushed forward. They could at least take advantage of their education and choose to go against that white man’s expectations. I am thankful to have had the privilege to read this essay. Anyone reading this essay will end with the inspiration to aspire to reach their goals and change this world one day at a...
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...Global Business What is global business? It is not difficult to define this word. By definition, global business basically stands for a business which operates across the globe, rather than just in a country. However, global business is not something new or strange in today’s society, yet the exchange of goods over a great distance has already existed since very long time ago. Back in the Stone Age, anthropologists have already established trading in Europe over a long distance; According to the history, the Silk Road, a historical network of interlinking trade routes for the lucrative Chinese silk trade, is also a type of “global business” back in the old time. Although these two examples cannot perfectly represent what global business is, still, they had the same characteristics. In the 21st century, today’s society, global business has a much bigger and broader meaning, it could include creation and transfer of goods, skills, information, resources, and even services. Resources may include raw materials, capital, and energy, etc.; whereas goods include tangible goods and intangible goods, such as manufactured parts, sub-assemblies, and assemblies. Intangible goods, like service, may include financial, accounting, import and export. It is no longer defined only by the distance or number of offices companies have in countries around the world or how many products they sell internationally, yet, according to an article published on Business Inquirer, by James G. Velasquez...
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...Mission “To provide business and residential customers a repair and maintenance service that is professional and reliable.” Vision “To become the preferred handy-man service providers in the twin cities within the next 3 years” The Need/Description/Value proposition Due to the changes in our social structure and economic-need fulfillment taking precedence, people are trying to juggle maintaining a balance between home and excruciatingly demanding careers. With these dynamics, home-repair tends to be neglected more often than it used to be because of the sheer amount of time and attention it requires. The need now is for timely services that are provided as requested and executed perfectly, reducing the physiological costs of the customer. Customer security is another issue that requires attention in these tumultuous times and a focus needs to be paid on getting the job done right the first time considering the demanding nature of lives today. “The Fix-Its” set out to do just that. Our customers will not have to loom around, catering to the demands of “Mr.Handy-Man” and can instead focus on other important issues that require their attention. Work will be efficiently broken down to maximize time utility and will be executed by highly skilled and professional individuals. Security-needs fulfillment will be insured by providing bio-data on the assigned handyman along with a sealed envelope that will be handed over by the professional upon arrival which will contain the...
Words: 624 - Pages: 3
...carefully taken into account at these vacation rentals. Island vacation rentals make by a wide margin the best Florida vacation rentals. These rentals give an extraordinary ordeal of having an island available to you. This is an extraordinary path for families to get to know one another and reconnect. There are few issues to be considered when one picks a Florida vacation rental. Tourists ought to guarantee that the rental unit is situated in a sheltered and secure spot. Cleanliness is another issue that ought not be bargained upon. In the event that conceivable one ought to likewise check whether the units and apparatuses are in a decent condition. After all you don't need your vacation time to be taken up finding circuit repairmen and handymen to repairs apparatuses and plug spills. Taking in the sun at the beachfront, sharpening your hitting the fairway aptitudes in stunning mood or touring whatever your vacation plan is, you can improve the experience by finding one of the best Florida vacation rentals. ...
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...Progress can be both good and bad, like everything the good is nearly always better than the bad. “Good” in this case it can be defined as “innovation that’s not only sustainable, but also restorative and resilient” (Hollender 2012, p6). Hollender expresses his opinions that there is no such thing as bad nowadays, instead it should be classified as “less bad” meaning the generation of less waste, less CO2, pollute less water and utilize a greater amount of recycled materials (Hollender 2012, p6). He expresses these views on his idea of “less bad” as the world has revolutionized itself to a point where that almost everything innovative that we now do will harm something else in a negative manner. This is evidently proven from the things that have been invented over time. Going back 100 years from now it is evident that changes have been significant everywhere across the world and in nearly every case it is the tools that we have shaped that are now shaping us, this is becoming a problem in many cases. Starting right back when the hammer was invented. It can be proven that the tools that we make definitely have an influence on the way we interact on a day-to-day basis. There is no specific date on when the hammer was first utilized or invented but it can be said that the cavemen used to use rocks to help them hit something with more force. Essentially this is what a hammer is used for nowadays but in a much more technical manner. Back when the cavemen were using the hammer...
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...their cattle to graze. Whether it was a herd of cows, horses, or goats, there was a propensity for these grazers to wander off into the wilderness. Therefore, a need arose creating an occupation whose title became known as the ‘cowboy’. The job description of this new found career was quite merely to herd cattle and prevent the animals from wandering astray or being devoured by predators. During the 19th century, 20 million cows were thrust into the infamous cattle drive headed to railheads and more extensive ranges to be sold for meat in order to help feed an expanding population. Cowboys, or “Cowpunchers,” would ride along the trail with the herd to deliver them to the next ranch or railhead. Equally important, the cowboys were also handymen around the ranch. After the cattle drive, many would help cut hay and secure odd and end projects around the ranch house. The clothing the cowboys wore served an utilitarian purpose and varied according to the region in which they labored. For example, cowboys in the southwest wore heavy canvas-like jackets to protect them from thorns; while, Northern cowboys had knee-length, fur-lined coats. Additionally, some men wore buckskin gloves to protect their hands from rope burns. Furthermore, all cowboys wore a hat. Along with his saddle and boots, the cap was the cowboy’s most prized possession. This precious commodity, the hat, was used to protect the cowboy from the sun, rain, branches, and hail. As well, it was, at times, used to carry...
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...Gein would act more like a girl than a boy so he was targeted for bullying. Classmates and teachers would see him with random laughter. His mother would scold him whenever he would try to make friends, despite his poor social development he did fairly well in school. The boys would try to please their mother but she was rarely pleased, she would abuse them believing that they would turn out to be failures like their father. During their teen years and early adult lives they were detached from all the people outside the farm and they only had themselves for company. George Gein died of a heart attack in 1940 and the boys had to get odd jobs to help pay expenses. Both were considered reliable and honest by residents. They both worked as handymen. Soon Ed’s family was starting to become smaller. Henry Ed’s brother was starting to realize that their mother was the crazy one of their family. He would talk badly about her in front of Ed and his mother. He was trying to get Ed to realize as well but his attachment with his mom was to close. One day Ed and his brother Henry were fighting a bush fire next to their home. When the fire was put out Ed called the police saying that he lost his brother putting out the fire. When they went searching for him Ed led them straight to Henry’s body. It was just him and his mother now but his mother died a little while after and then he was all alone. He never got married or had any children of his own he was a loner. Before he was caught by the...
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...the other hand, seemed interested in Kay Francis, but it was not nearly as significant to her. The most memorable part of the seventeenth chapter for me is when Bailey dashes in front of the train on the way home. The event stood out to me because I think it really showed the state of his mind at this point in his life. I think it showed that he is tired of the unexciting life in Stamps and this was how he added thrill to his life. Chapter eighteen was all about the revival. I enjoyed this chapter because it revealed a lot about how Angelou saw religion as a child. The first part of the chapter that stood out was when Angelou said, “Would God the Father allow His only Son to mix with this crowd of cotton pickers and maids, washerwomen and handymen?” (Ch. 18, pg. 123). This seemed significant to me because it questions whether the Christian God accepts to be worshipped in suboptimal conditions. The modern religious climate sets the standard of coming to church dressed in above average clothing. This made me think about the way in which people worship their respective gods and how that changes their experience in doing so. I have also thought about this subject before like Angelou. I have concluded that I think a benevolent god should have no reason to expect perfect conditions for worship. Another part of the chapter that I found significant was when Angelou states, “It was our first look at Charity among preachers.” (Ch. 18, pg. 130). I do not know if Angelou means this as criticism...
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...Smith). Henderson depicts the events of the Harlem Rebellion, a riot fueled by racial tension, of 1964 in his poem, “Keep on Pushing (Gates, Jr. and Smith).” The poem is conveyed through the eyes of a male speaker. The speaker portrays an attitude of strength and determination to the audience early on in the poem. The speaker shares the image of the men of his community descending the streets and describes them in line 6 as, “vigiling Negro males (Gates, Jr. and Smith).” Henderson goes on to describe the men of the community. Each one is capable of contributing something to society and the local community. One example of Henderson’s depiction of a strong man and the hope of a better future can be seen in the lines 33-37: I see black handymen put to work because of the riots boarding up smashed storefronts They use sparkling new nails The boards are mostly fresh hewn pine and smell rank fresh (Gates, Jr. and Smith). While the men must face the destruction caused by racism, they continue to work and to create new. In Henderson’s words, they keep on pushing. Each author portrays their own image of strength in their respective poems. Brooks’ idea of a strong woman is one who challenges her restrictions and opens herself the world around her. Henderson’s idea of a strong man is one who pushes forward despite the negative road blocks he may encounter. However, each author shares the theme of a stronger black community in their works. Despite the riots and the army of...
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...to modernised facilities whilst having to complete gruelling farm work. Employers hired women in relation to cheap labour and casual jobs “I was gradually getting less time at Bowman's Arcade perhaps three days a week, sometimes two days” . Wealthy women would use charity events to boost their public persona through offering their services, rather than attending the cause. These charitable events were held for rich people in order to receive donations for the underprivileged; only the wealthy held the opportunity of attending; oysters and champagne was often served. Rich people were contributing to the unemployment of working class families as they used their money to become more self sufficient, rather than paying for the services of handymen. As rich people had a sufficient income, they were required to pay taxes which were used to administer charity events, much to their disapproval. Children, who were fortunate, were schooled, whereas poor children were required to search for jobs at minimal wages or become domesticated so their parents could explore work opportunities. Public schools had crowded classes and services were in short supply. Slum children scavenged around looking for leftovers; poor children had a diet of stale loafs and drippings. In South Australia the last drops of water were salvaged; “Blocks were wrapped in newspaper so they could be rationed longer.” , whereas wealthy families would cook hearty meals of meat and vegetables. Wealthy investors of the stock...
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...felt no shadow” (Bradbury 11). Like the majority, Mildred drowns herself in technology, enabling her to be empty and unsure. Therefore, she is unable to be touched by the beautiful, pure touch of nature. Incapable to be with the beauty and purity of nature, the people of the society are left to suffer in the everlasting emptiness they are surrounded in; disabling them from revealing creativity. “Go on, anyway, shove the bore down, slush up the emptiness, of such a thing could be brought out in the throb of the suction snake” (Bradbury 12). The people in this hollow society are forced to be associated with evil. They are treated with machines, not proper care, due to the fact that “you don't need an M.D., case like this; all you need is two handymen, clean up the problem in half an hour” (Bradbury 13). The society drowns themselves in technology and get shunned from the beauty and purity of nature. Bradbury uses various references to nature in his novel, depicting the vivid image of purity and peace. Together, hands and nature create the central theme of truth and creativity being revealed in the society. The society denies all from exposing their true selves, however, the author displays the use of both hands and nature as a way to expose the hidden creativity and truth in the society. Hands allow people to mold the things around them, displaying the change needed in the society. Granger’s grandfather was one of the few who revealed their innovativeness. According to Granger, his...
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...afford the fourth parlor wall she want's it because she thinks what she want's is more important than what Montag and her actually need. (CS) Technology has caused people in the society to neglect and put themselves before their family. (MIP-2) The people in the society put their own priorities before the safety of other people in the community. (SIP-A) The people who are supposed to help others do not do so in this society and only put citizens life in more danger. (STEWE-1) Doctors have become so selfish that they don't even treat patients with a common injury, "'...we get these cases nine or ten a night. Got so many, starting a few years ago we had the special machines built... You don't need an M.D., case like this all you need is two handymen, clean up the problem in half an hour'" (Bradbury 13). The doctors no longer treat patients with common problems because they get so many that they are too selfish to have to treat all of them. They put their own time before their fellow citizens. (STEWE-2) The firemen don't even help their society, they weaken it "'Is it true that long ago firemen put fires out instead of going to start them?'"(Bradbury 6). The firemen are not their to help people, but burn the innocent ones for reading. Even if reading is illegal, burning people with their books is not a reasonable punishment for having them. (SIP-B) The people in the society put themselves in danger and are too selfish to care about how it may affect the people around them. (STEWE-1)...
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