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Harvest Local Foods Mission Statement

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Description of Harvest Local Foods concept: Harvest Local foods which is located in Philadelphia was founded in 2006. Their main aim is to promote healthy living among their consumers. Their company mission is to promote and educate consumers about the benefits of eating fresh locally grown organic food products. The Harvest Local foods currently have only one branch which is currently located in Lansdowne, Philadelphia. Their commitment to promote healthier lifestyle would work well if they open additional branches to make sure that their consumers get the full benefit of consuming organic food products. They work with more than 50 local farmers from both Philadelphia and New Jersey to make their mission statement a reality. There are …show more content…
Since, they would be comfortable picking the organic products by themselves. They are mostly likely be shopping on a weekly basis.
Benefits: These consumers value the quality and economy very seriously. Since, they like to get good quality organic foods as cheap as possible.
So, it would be very profitable for the company to target, these above two potential consumer segments, where there are a considerable number of working males and families with a middle class income, who are into a healthy lifestyle.
Geographic Region Segmentation: Geographic Segmentation would help the company to narrow down the potential hot spots to open new branches of Harvest Local Foods in Philadelphia as well as New Jersey. The company could open their stores, in the areas where the population and the median household income are much higher than other areas in order to be fully profitable. The below table 1 gives a brief look at the areas where the company can be more profitable.
Table 1
Areas with Large Population (2015 census) & Median Household Income (2015 census) for counties in Philadelphia
Area Population Median Household Income
Chester 512,784 …show more content…
In terms of the Harvest Local Food, their value proposition is that by people purchasing their food products, are much more inclined to lead a healthier lifestyle and be fit.
Functional Benefits: The Harvest Local Foods would help their consumers to lead a healthier lifestyle, since it would help avoid disease like cholesterol as well as some dangerous toxins, pesticides with their fresh organic food which is generally used in cultivation practices, since their products are home grown essentially without any chemicals.
Emotional Benefits: Consuming the organic food products, helps the consumers to recognize the healthy diet changes that their body undergoes and also the fact that they would be free of any kind of diseases like cholesterol, tuberculosis etc., which would be mostly be unhealthy that would potentially affect their lifestyle.
Self-Expressive Benefits: Producing organic foods involves mostly reduced or complete absence of environmental pollution due to the negligible to zero carbon dioxide and methane emission and also there is no pesticides or insecticides used in the farming process. This exactly aligns with the motto of the Harvest Local Foods to be socially conscious and also be environmentally

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