...Hillside Project At the beginning of 1994, Alusaf was considering building the world’s largest greenfield primary aluminum smelter, a 466,000-ton-per-year facility at Richard’s Bay, a deepwater port on the east coast of South Africa’s province of Kwa-Zulu Natal. Alusaf was the sole primary aluminum producer in South Africa, operating 170,000 tpy of capacity at the existing “Bayside” facility at Richard’s Bay. Alusaf’s 1993 revenues were $220.2 million, up 1% from 1992. Income was $8.6 million, up 122% from 1992. A feasibility study for the proposed “Hillside” smelter had been completed over the past two years. During this time, South Africa’s political regime had undergone a dramatic transformation with the 1993 passing of the Transitional Executive Council (TEC) Bill. This bill removed absolute power from the hands of whites and created a multi-racial body that would share responsibility for organizing and overseeing the general elections to be held in April 1994. Within days, Nelson Mandela, leader of the African National Congress party, addressed the UN Special Committee Against Apartheid in New York, calling on the international community to lift sanctions against South Africa. The European Union, the Organization of African Unity, Canada, China, Sweden, Singapore, India, and the United States all responded quickly with announcements that they would begin the process of restoring normal economic relations with South Africa. Aluminum prices had fallen dramatically since the...
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...Alusaf Hillside Project At the beginning of 1994, Alusaf was considering building the world’s largest greenfield primary aluminum smelter, a 466,000-ton-per-year facility at Richard’s Bay, a deepwater port on the east coast of South Africa’s province of Kwa-Zulu Natal. Alusaf was the sole primary aluminum producer in South Africa, operating 170,000 tpy of capacity at the existing “Bayside” facility at Richard’s Bay. Alusaf’s 1993 revenues were $220.2 million, up 1% from 1992. Income was $8.6 million, up 122% from 1992. A feasibility study for the proposed “Hillside” smelter had been completed over the past two years. During this time, South Africa’s political regime had undergone a dramatic transformation with the 1993 passing of the Transitional Executive Council (TEC) Bill. This bill removed absolute power from the hands of whites and created a multi-racial body that would share responsibility for organizing and overseeing the general elections to be held in April 1994. Within days, Nelson Mandela, leader of the African National Congress party, addressed the UN Special Committee Against Apartheid in New York, calling on the international community to lift sanctions against South Africa. The European Union, the Organization of African Unity, Canada, China, Sweden, Singapore, India, and the United States all responded quickly with announcements that they would begin the process of restoring normal economic relations with South Africa. Aluminum prices had fallen dramatically since the...
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...and plastics is forecast to make significant inroads. Should Avery consider entering plastics? If so, in what segments, and should they build their capability or acquire someone? Who? (3) Expand the product line to a full line of metal containers, not so focused on beverage and aerosol? (4) Diversify into other packaging materials and product categories? (5) Diversify into other less-related businesses? (6) Exit, or sell the business? How should we go about addressing these issues? Presumably we should analyze the appropriateness of Crown’s future competitive strategy. We must first understand the industry in which Crown competes and then identify and evaluate the strategy that Connelly followed to see if it is indeed time for a change. Finally, we will return to the question of what should Avery do? Question 2. If we are going to analyze the industry that Crown competes in, what is the appropriate...
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...consumers, and in return be compensated. They might do a very good job and even make a considerable profit. Other individuals, seeing the success of this industry, would try to enter the market in order to compete. This idea is the very basis of free market and capitalist economies. But sometimes there are situations where an individual will have a product or service that is better, cheaper, or quicker than everyone else; so much so that they are the only ones that can effectively provide it. When this occurs, competing businesses and giant government entities will stop at nothing to shut it down. The Sherman Antitrust Act, the Clayton Act, and the Federal Trade Commission Act make up the current US antitrust laws. The antitrust laws are supposed to promote and protect competition. The philosophy behind the laws is that trusts and monopolies will stagnate markets and prevent others from engaging in healthy market competition. A monopoly is defined as a situation in which a single company owns all or nearly all of the market for a given type of product or service. (Investorwords, 2010) Antitrust law legislation started with the Sherman Act that was passed in 1890. The intent of the law was put in place to challenge the unchecked growth of corporations. By 1888, large corporations gained enough market muscle to dominate entire industries. The Sherman Act outlaws all contracts, combinations, and conspiracies that unreasonably restrain interstate trade. This includes agreements among...
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...Aluminum Recycling How many times have our parents asked us to take the trash out? Probably more than most of us care to remember. Instead of asking if we took out the trash, parents are now beginning to ask if we sorted the trash. The purpose of my Senior Project was to promote awareness to the benefits of recycling. My community service consisted of promoting, researching and participating in the recycling of aluminum cans. There are many financial and environmental benefits to recycling aluminum and aluminum can be easily collected and reused over and over again. People need to be aware of what is happening in the environment and also be educated on what they can do to help. We need to recycle aluminum because it saves natural resources, time, money, and energy. In one year, the United States produces 160 million tons of garbage, this is enough metal to build two million automobiles, enough wood to construct a million homes, enough paper to publish all the daily newspapers in the country, enough aluminum to rebuild the entire American fleet 71 times, and would fill 11 million garbage trucks. Landfills are quickly increasing in number and size. One of the advantages of recycling is that it helps keep extra waste out of our landfills and incinerators. The sum of existing landfills is increasing because of the lack of care to help the environment. People are lazy and they cannot understand the effects of not recycling. Landfills take up space and...
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...Situation Analysis AWC Inc. is a small-scale Southern Ontario aluminum fabrication plant. AWC employs 100 people (Exhibit 1). It is employee friendly and also works for community welfare. Thus, AWC has a highly motivated and loyal workforce. Also, many of the present employees are the second-generation employees for AWC. Since there are more than 37 competitors operating in southwestern Ontario, slowdown in construction industry over 1989-1991 period has further added to the cut-throat competition and reduced the profit from earlier five to seven percent to only three percent. To survive the competition, Alex, President and owner of AWC, has reduced the workforce through attrition with much heartache, drastically cut prices, margins and profits, and increased efficiency. The implementation of Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement in the near future will further add to the competition in the aluminum fabrication industry because of the lower priced products offered by U.S. To counter the competition, AWC has recently developed a superior door design. Because of its lower price and higher quality with respect to comparable products, AWC had a significant increase in its sales. This new design has led to full-time usage of the welding line, requiring second-shift frequently although the production is done in one-shift most often. AWC now has to either move to second-shift on welding line or install a second one. Following are the issues with the implementation of second-shift: ...
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...produced and blends light weight with electrifying responses to create a driving experience that customers will remember and will be a unique driving experience. The Lotus is innovative because of the lightweight body frame and gives the driver benefits of steering, braking, handling. The lotus is also reduces fuel consumption and emission levels. Lotus Elise The Lotus Elise is designed to be strong with lightweight bonded aluminum chassis with a suspension and midmounted power train is bolted. The Lotus is designed without power steering, but does have ABS powered brakes. The performance of the lotus comes 1.6 that produces a time of 6.7 in zero to 60 seconds and the technology is programmed for the Lotus to reach 60 miles per hour in second gear. The gear shifting is designed to be smooth and satisfying thanks to the lower friction cable and is very accurate to allow fast shifting. Designers of the Lotus created the sports car with style and wanted the Lotus to stand out from other sports cars. The Lotus was introduced in 1994, but did not hit the market until 1996 and named after Elisa the granddaughter of Romano Artilio. The Lotus is the lightest performance car sold in the United States. The Creativity of the lotus was built to show immediate results resulting in light weight, aerodynamic, and special car for the money. Luxury Goods Luxury goods are products not considered essential and come in many of forms such as furniture, automobiles, home...
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...(Wells, The 11 most toxic vaccine ingredients and their side effects., 2012b) Scott A. Goodman EN1320-E4 01-12-2013 Thesis Professor L. Hansen Scott A. Goodman EN1320-E4 01-12-2013 Thesis Professor L. Hansen The Following will include my homework for Chapters 7.3 and 7.5 from our student textbooks. The Following will include my homework for Chapters 7.3 and 7.5 from our student textbooks. 2012 2012 Class Project: Thesis Class Project: Thesis The following will include our class project of writing an argumentative Thesis. It will project my opinion and supporting arguments of my viewpoint. The following will include our class project of writing an argumentative Thesis. It will project my opinion and supporting arguments of my viewpoint. The FDA negatively effects the lives of everyone in the world with their desire to control enslave and poison everyone on a global scope. The FDA, Big Pharmaceuticals, and Governments make trillions of dollars, not caring for the health or welfare of the population of the world. There is massive corruption between these organizations with very strong ties. Big Pharmaceuticals such as Bayer, Mereck, BASF, Monsanto, and Pfizer are just a few of the influential lobbing companies, with strong ties to the FDA government regulators of products Pharmaceutical companies produce and invest heavily in. Keeping the masses sick, controlled, and monopolizing every aspect they can. From food, crops, medicine, natural...
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...Malaysia. In this report Malaysia Trade laws and economy will be discussed and strategy will be formulated to overcome any obstacles that may be encountered. A country overview of Malaysia will appear in this plan as well as the various costs to be considered. Various strategies for the elements of the marketing mix will be formulated based on options that are best suited to entering foreign markets. Target Markets will be identified and also any possible competitors that may already exist in the Market. Basically the overall purpose of this plan is to formulate specific export strategy for SuperBoatbuilders to enter the Malaysian Market. Introduction: SupaBoatbuilders Pty Ltd is a company that manufactures and distributes Aluminum boats commonly use for military and coastal patrol purposes. The company is currently looking to expand and export its products into foreign markets, specifically Malaysia. SuperBoatbuilders’ pride stems from the success of designing and building high speed Patrol boats. In 1987 it introduced its first ever power boat to South African Markets, the GreatWhite, the name inspired by one of the most resilient creatures in the...
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...bus PROJECT FINAL REPORT ON “Working capital management at Nalco” BY RAKESH KUMAR BARAL (PGDM) Accman institute of management Summer Internship Project (Batch of 2008) PREFACE To start any business, First of all we need finance and the success of that business entirely depends on the proper management of day-to-day finance and the management of this short-term capital or finance of the business is called Working capital Management. Working Capital is the money used to pay for the everyday trading activities carried out by the business - stationery needs, staff salaries and wages, rent, energy bills, payments for supplies and so on. I have tried to put my best effort to complete this task on the basis of skill that I have achieved during the last one year study in the institute. I have tried to put my maximum effort to get the accurate statistical data. However I would appreciate if any mistakes are brought to my by the reader. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT A work is never a work of an individual. I owe a sense of gratitude to the intelligence and co-operation of those people who had been so easy to let me understand what I needed from time to time for completion of this exclusive project. I am greatly indebted to my guides Prof. DENESH SINGH ,faculty guide for Finance (summer internship),...
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...Special Advertising Section 2008 Abu Dhabi Plan 2030 Innovation and Sustainable Development Abu Dhabi is the capital of the seven-member United Arab Emirates and its largest and wealthiest member. It has enormous reserves of oil and natural gas, as well as a pristine and beautiful natural environment encompassing sea, islands, coastline and desert. The Plan Abu Dhabi 2030 details how Abu Dhabi will succeed in managing its growth in a way that is good for business, for residents and for the environment. And by doing this, Abu Dhabi will achieve its goal of becoming a global capital city, worldrenowned for its cultural, tourism and business offerings. Special Advertising Section 2008 Abu Dhabi 3 Abu Dhabi: Creating a Modern Metropolis isit Abu Dhabi, even for a short time, and the quiet confidence of this dynamic capital city is quickly apparent. It’s a confidence that prioritizes planning and getting things right from the start. What’s the source of this confidence? Perhaps it’s the $350 billion in infrastructure, real estate and industrial projects already in progress for the city. Maybe it stems from the Persian Gulf emirate’s enormous oil and gas reserves and growing human capital base. It could also be the awareness that most elements of the city’s future growth have already been studied and planned out. But it is likely a combination of all these factors. This city’s ambitious and deliberate approach to growth was behind the creation of “Plan Abu Dhabi 2030:...
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...Chapter 8 1 2 3 Strategy and the Master Budget 1 Teaching Notes for Cases 8-1: Emerson Electric Company Background • Emerson is an $8 billion company. • Its successful strategy is efficient, quality, and low cost production. R&D does not get a great deal of attention from top management. Planning Process • Top management sets sales growth and return on total capital targets for the divisions. • Each fiscal year, from November to July, the CEO and several corporate officers meet with the management of each division at a one or two day division planning conference: ▪ Prior to its division planning conference, the division president submits four standard exhibits to top management: 1. Value measurement chart 2. Sales gap chart 3. Sales gap line chart 4. 5-back-by-5-forward P&L • The division president and appropriate division staff then meet with top management to present a detailed forecast for the coming year based on the result from the division planning conference and conduct a financial review of the current year’s actual performance versus forecast: ▪ Contingency plans for several lower levels of activity also developed to protect profitability at lower sales levels. ▪ However, changes to the division’s forecast are not likely unless significant changes occurred in the environment or in the underlying assumptions. Changes in the forecast must...
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...Introduction Automobiles industry produces automobiles and other gasoline-powered vehicles, such as cars, buses, trucks, and motorcycles. The automobile industry is one of the most important industries in the world, affecting not only the economy but also the cultures of the world. The automobile industry is considered the single largest manufacturing sector in the world (Turnbull et al., 1992). It provides jobs for millions of people, generates billions of dollars in worldwide revenues, and provides the basis for a multitude of related service and support industries. Automobiles revolutionized transportation in the 20th century, changing forever the way people live, travel, and do business. The energy that automobile industry use to produce vehicles will result carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions which the most significant of the green house gases(GHG). Historian Mark Foster has estimated that “fully one-third of the total environmental damage caused by automobiles occurred before they were sold and driven.” He cited a study that estimated that fabricating one car produced 29 tons of waste and 1,207 million cubic yards of polluted air. Extracting iron ore, bauxite, petroleum, copper, lead, and a variety of other raw materials to process steel, aluminum, plastics, glass, rubber, and other products necessary to construct automobiles consumes limited resources, uses great amounts of energy, and has serious environmental repercussions. Nowadays, environmental problems are becoming...
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...James was born James Ambrose Johnson Jr. in Buffalo, New York, in 1948. He was one of eight children in a family headed by an abusive father who left when James was just seven. From his mother, once a Katherine Dunham dancer who had worked at some of Harlem's most prestigious nightclubs, James learned at an early age about the possibilities show business offered. But with eight kids in her single-parent household in Buffalo, Mabel Johnson's glamorous days were long over--instead of dancing, she worked as a cleaning woman and ran numbers on the side for a local organized crime racket. Through this she was able to clothe and feed her children, and was also able to send some to private school. James went to a Catholic school for a time--even serving as an altar boy--but its strict rules and his love of sports could not keep him out of trouble by the time he entered his teens. His formative years were marked by an increasing penchant for cutting class, petty crime, and a burgeoning relationship with juvenile authorities. Though James seemed on the road to a dead-end future, it was a talent show he entered in high school that finally provided him with the focus his life needed. When he took the stage, "I started off with a bongo beat," James wrote in the manuscript for his autobiography, Memoirs of a Super Freak, reprinted in a 1996 Rolling Stone interview with Mike Sager. "Then I began to sing out this chant. I asked the crowd to sing along, and they did. The feeling of the crowd...
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...NUCOR STEEL Nick Hartnett & Matt Ketellapper FNCE 4820 Professor Madigan 4/7/2011 “The safest, highest quality, lowest cost, most productive, and most profitable steel and steel products company in the world.” - Nucor Mission Statement Executive Summary Nucor Corporation (“NUE” or “the Company”) is the second largest steel manufacturer and fabricator in the US. Key Drivers of Value 1. 2. 3. 4. Increasing steel spot price Successful economic recovery Government protection Cost control mechanism Key Risks 1. 2. 3. 4. Steel & scrap prices Cyclicality Exposure Foreign competition & government policy Other raw materials prices DCF Valuation Discounted cash flow valuation produced a stock price of $66.22 per share, indicating that Nucor is undervalued. A bull market scenario could reach a stock price of $120.62 and a bear market scenario could reach $28.85 per share. Multiples Analysis Multiples analysis based on P/CF, P/E, P/BV, P/S, EV/EBITDA produced an average stock price of $52.74, indicating that NUE is currently undervalued. The strongest multiples were P/CF and EV/EBITDA. Base Volume G-rate Composite price G-rate Total Capacity G-rate 10 year Average Growth Stock Price Bear Volume G-rate Composite price G-rate Total Capacity G-rate $ 4% 2% 4% 66.22 Volume G-rate Composite price G-rate Total Capacity G-rate Stock Price Bull $ 8% 11% 9% 258.04 Stock Price $ -4% -4% 0% 28.85 Volume G-rate Composite price G-rate Total Capacity...
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