I love every subject in health 100 class but my favorite subject was exercises, because I
play soccer and I know how important is to exercise. Exercise make me feel good and other
Being physically active can help me
1) Increase my chances of living longer
2) Feel better about myself
3) Decrease your chances of becoming depressed
4) Sleep well at night
5) Move around more easily
6) Have stronger muscles and bones
7) Stay at or get to a healthy weight
8) Be with friends or meet new people
9) Enjoy myself and have fun
Exercise has always been a necessary evil for me. Actually, for a while it felt like an unnecessary evil, one to be avoided at all costs: I perfected the list of excuses that would get me out of gym class
the habit has just never stuck—I’d fall off the exercise wagon for weeks, even months, at a time, citing work, travel, illness, or any other excuse I could think of. Fitness, not weight, is what is really important in health. And that's good news because most people have more control over exercise than they do over their weight, which has strong genetic component. Exercise is one of those rare things where the hype actually meets reality. Next to not smoking, getting regular physical activity is arguably the best thing you can do for your health. Any amount of exercise is better than none. The more you get, though, the better. And remember: Cutting back on television-watching and other sedentary pastimes is just as important as becoming more active.
I think health 100 was my favorite class so far and I really enjoyed my classes.