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Health and Social Care Btec


Submitted By vickybrown198
Words 1184
Pages 5
M2: Assess the hazards identified in the health or social care setting.
D1: Make recommendations in relation to identified hazards to minimise the risks to the service user group.
A risk assessment is used to assess the hazards and risks that can cause harm to individuals in an environment. I did my risk assessment for my placement which is a day nursery setting called Quince Tree. Many parents and their children visit this health and social care setting daily and a risk assessment was needed to make sure their safety was to a high standard.
There was five hazards at Quince Tree that I had recognised which could have put the service users and staff at risk, most of these hazards was at a medium risk and only a small amount were high. Firstly there was a slip and trips hazard this could have caused harm to someone who may suffer from vision impairment or to the younger age group of children who don’t have much awareness, and would easily walk or run into them or even decided to climb up onto them. The reasons for this would be that there had been a recent delivery for necessary items such as nappies, wipes and paper etc. the boxes was left in the walk way at the entrance to the main room for children aged 3 to 5. This occurred as the manager had become quickly occupied with another task. I rated this risk at a medium level as it could have caused harm to any of the service users who may have fallen over these items although it could have easily been resolved. To resolve this risk it would have been better for the manager to have either asked the delivery man or another member of staff who was not busy at the time to move and store the boxes in a safe place. Such as in the staff room or an unused cupboard and placed on shelves so they could have been opened and stored at a later stage. This would minimise the risk of any individual tripping over them and causing

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