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Health And Social Care Level 3 Unit 30 D1

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In task 2 M1, M2, and D1 I will produce a written piece which I will choose 1 dominant inherited condition and 1 recessive inherited condition. The disease I have chosen are cystic fibrosis which is a recessive disease and Huntington’s disease which is a dominant disease. I will assess the relationship between them both and discuss the impact on individuals of genotypes resulting in development delay of normal body functioning. Also, I will evaluate the support available for individuals with the two chosen conditions.
The dominant inherited condition I have chosen is Huntington’s disease. This is a disease that damages certain nerve cells in the brain. This brain damage becomes progressively worse over time and will have an effect on movement, cognition (perception, awareness, thoughtful, judgement) along with behaviour and conduct. Early functions normally include personality changes, mood swings, fidgety moves, becoming easily irritated along with altered behaviour, despite the fact that these are generally frequently unnoticed along with due to something different. …show more content…
Cystic fibrosis will cause signs commencing starting in childhood years or even as a baby but Huntington's doesn't normally show until eventually in adulthood years. Both diseases can be lethal; until recently cystic fibrosis seemed to be lethal within adolescence but new treatments are usually greatly increasing life expectancy, since Huntington's occurs within adulthood many people die of other causes even though showing signs. Cystic fibrosis can be a real health issues while many patients with Huntington's disease have mental deterioration which includes, mood swings and personality changes. Each disorders can now become diagnosed by means of hereditary examining. Both conditions can now be diagnosed by genetic testing.

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