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Health Care Museum


Submitted By fascinatedtobeme
Words 1449
Pages 6
Health Care Museum
Latesha Leftwich
Health Care Delivery in the U.S. - HCS235
June 17, 2013
Elaina Mahlan, Facilitator

Health Care Museum The United States health care system did not always exist and before 1920, most people did not have health care treatment. In order to understand our current healthcare system you need to know about the history of healthcare, how it started, and its evolution. In my research, you will learn about the history of and present usage of the American Medical Association, hospitals, nurses, Medicare/Medicaid, and the HMO Act of 1973.
Exhibit A: The American Medical Association
The American Medical Association (AMA) came about to make sure that traditional medicine and scientific concepts was used in colleges that deemed themselves as medical schools (Encyclopedia, 2001). A group of doctors who were a part of different local and state associations formed the AMA. They thought that medical education was not keeping up on a national level, that there were no consistent curriculums, and that medicine was not about healing arts associated with mystic beliefs (Encyclopedia, 2001). Since its start, the AMA has closed huge gaps in how medical students are taught and how healthcare is delivered (Lazarus, J. 2013). I believe that the AMA should be a part of my museum because without the AMA science would not have been applied to healthcare and without those sciences how would we have developed in the knowledge of healthcare today? The AMA is committed to helping physicians navigate and thrive in healthcare transformations with the “one size doesn’t fit all” motto. They want all doctors to be prepared and able to sustain professional satisfaction for themselves, which will optimistically lead to better health outcomes for all patients (Lazarus, J. 2013).
Exhibit B: Hospitals
Hospitals are used to help in the aid of health care and

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