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Health Care Terms


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University of Phoenix Material

Week 4 Health Care Terms Worksheet

Understanding health care terms is a prerequisite for both academic and professional success. This assignment is intended to ensure you understand some of the basic terms used in this course.

Complete the worksheet according to the following guidelines:

In the space provided, write each term’s definition. You must define the term in your own words.
In the space provided after each term’s definition, use the term in a sentence as it applies to the health care industry. You may wish to consider the following:

o How has it influenced heath care? o What role has the term played as health care developed over the years?

Save the completed worksheet as a Microsoft® Word document with your name in the file name.

Submit the file to your facilitator.

Submitted by:

|Term |Definition |Use the term in a sentence as it applies to the health care |
| | |industry. |
|Digestive System |It is the system that makes the food we |Since my digestive system is very weak, the doctor has |
| |intake absorb into ones body. |recommended honey with my meals. |
|Obesity |Is one that is overweight, too much body |Childhood obesity is becoming a growing threat in young |
| |fat. |generation today. |
|Circulatory System |Ones body system where blood is circulated|When one sprains their ankle, rotating between hot and cold |
| |through. |water is recommended to stimulate the circulatory system. |
|Hypertension |One that has high blood pressure. |My husband’s results came back stating he has hypertension. |
|Immune System |This is a collection of organs, cells and |Diabetes is caused by a problem with the body’s immune |
| |tissues that work together to protect ones|system. |
| |body from bacteria and viruses. | |
|Cardiac Disease |Is a disease that involves the heart, the |An enlarged heart is a very common symptom of cardiac |
| |blood vessels and/or both. This is also |disease. |
| |known as heart disease. | |
|Respiratory System |Respiratory system is the system that |Without the use of ones respiratory system, their vital |
| |oxygen is gasped into your body and then a|organs would not function properly. |
| |trade of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes | |
| |place. | |
|Nervous System |Nervous system is the system of cells, |Multiple sclerosis is a nervous system disease that includes |
| |tissues, and organs that controls the in |inflammation. |
| |and out responses to ones body. | |
|Cancer |Cancer is a disease that is caused by |Due to the stage of cancer my uncle is in, the doctors gave |
| |abnormal cells in a part of ones body. |him 10 days to live. |
|Skeletal System |This is the bone and cartilage that |The skeletal system is made up of 206 bones in ones body. |
| |provides the frame for ones body. | |
|Endocrine System |This is the gland where it produces and |The endocrine system plays a role in the regulation of the |
| |helps control body activity. |reproduction and water balance. |
|Diabetes |This is a disease where ones body has |The doctor will advise of how to treat diabetes during |
| |produced too much sugar in ones blood. |illness. |

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