...and Values Initiatives in Health Care Introduction The relationship between the external quality and value initiatives in health care has been widely discussed in academic literature. Actually, this issue is of great importance as it reflects the role of patient satisfaction in healthcare. According to researchers, “in health care, the whole notion of quality has become a source of confusion and sometimes a distraction from genuine value improvement” (McClellan, 2008, p. 23). Quality is affected by patient outcomes and satisfaction. At the same time, quality helps to determine the value in healthcare. Many quality and value initiatives are aimed at reducing health care disparities that exist in American healthcare system, as well as at improving the quality of care (McClellan, 2008). Generally speaking, various quality of care initiatives contribute to the overall success of any health are organization, including financial success and success of nursing practices. To achieve higher level of quality of health care services, it is necessary to use effective mechanisms, which involve certain changes, such as additional staffing, new equipment, adequate audits, and other changes. Health care organizations should be focused on overcoming any barriers to successful quality improvement. Quality and values initiatives in health care help to achieve this goal. The major goal of this paper is to discuss the relationship between the external quality and value initiatives...
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...Organizational Change Plan – Part II Cindy Keshavarz HCS/587 June 21, 2014 Laura Rainey The role of the traditional physician, clinician, and patient is changing to incorporate the increased use of technology in the delivery of health care. Home health care is no exception. Patients today are fully informed consumers and insist on participating in their health care and being fully knowledgeable of all options available. Physicians need the most time effective and accurate measures to help care for their patients. Home health care must be able to maintain the competiveness, maintain financial security and deliver quality patient care. These are some of the factors motivating our current change of implementing the Tele health Program. Monitoring the Implementation of the Tele health Program Monitoring the implementation of the telehealth program begins with the training and education of nurses and physical therapists so that they may acquire the skills required for hands on use of the new system. All current and newly employed clinicians will need to complete the learning modules on the use of the telehealth program system. Practice monitors will be made available and kept in the office classroom for those who wish to practice with the unit. Team managers will also be trained as an additional resource persons for those needing...
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...person centred values must influence all aspects of health and social care work. Person centred values influence all aspects of health and social care work, for the reason that by law requirements in regards to the Human Rights Act 1998, Health and Social Care Act 2012, along with Codes of Practice for Social Care Workers, health and social care should be based on person centred values. In the interest of individuals who are receiving care, it enables them to be treated with respect and dignity, involving their own needs beliefs and identities, as well as to be supported to remain independent as much as possible. Person centred values also involve individuals to be supported to access their rights, as well as providing anti-discrimination practices together with promoting equal opportunities for individuals, and presenting choices and safety. Ultimately, it is all about diverse people who are involved in health and social care work, so therefore, the values that influences care must be person centred. 1.2 Evaluate the use of care plans in applying person centred values. For information regarding individuals such as patients/service users, a care plan otherwise known as a support plan is used as a vital source of document. Individuals who generally have a long-term condition require a care plan as it is an agreement involving themselves and their health care professionals. The document enables the health of an individual to be managed daily, involving what care they require...
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...“Value-adding is the enhancement a company gives its product or service before offering the product to customers. Value-added applies to instances where a firm takes a product that may become considered a homogeneous product, with few differences from that of a competitor, and provides potential customers with a feature or add-on that gives it a greater perception of value” (Gebremenden, 2016). “Achieving high value for the patient must become the main priority of health care delivery for every dollar spent” (Porter). The concept is valued by the customers in medical health care to determine the best qualities and solutions in the healthcare system. To implement value-based healthcare, transformation needs to become done by both health providers...
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...HSA 510: Economics of Health and Medical Care Student: Lucy Njoya Assignment 3: The Management Challenge of Delivering Value in Health Care Strayer University Professor: Dr. Jeff Kaluyu Due: Week 8 Introduction: The healthcare industry is evolving both nationally and globally, and as a result, the challenges facing health care services delivery organizations are also increasing. Health care professionals are the decision-makers and also the ones closely associated with the day-to-day decision making processes affecting the delivery of health care services and goods to patients. The economic evaluation of the health care services delivery systems has proven to play an important role in the different types of health care decision-making. For example, formulary decisions, reimbursement decisions, high health cost decisions, and e-prescribing. This makes it a point of interest to assess the influence of economic evaluations on health care decision-making both at the macro, me so, and micro levels. Even though the impact of economic evaluation studies on health care decision making has been limited, there is an increasing requirement for the cost-effectiveness of the health care intervention to be considered when formulating and implementing guidelines for clinical practices. What is encouraging at this moment is the fact that health care decision-makers do recognize the usefulness and necessity of published economic evaluations that rightly inform the public about...
Words: 4084 - Pages: 17
...of Ethics Stormont-Vail Health Care is an integrated health care organization that is comprised of multiple health care facilities and employees more than 200 physicians. Stormont-Vail’s goals, ethical principles, and ethical values all play an important role within the organization. This organization strives to maintain a positive relationship between cultural differences and ethical decision making. Stormont-Vail Health care stands by their mission to work together to help improve the health of the entire community ("Stormont-Vail Healthcare", 2014). Stormont-Vail displays social responsibility for their organization and community. This organizations main goal is to provide quality healthcare to the community. Their core values are serving others, quality health care, teamwork, respect, and viability. In a recent survey conducted by the American Hospital Association, Stormont-Vail Health Care facilities ranked very high in patient satisfaction. This organization’s mission statement is not just a marketing tool to bring in patients. It is important for Stormont- Vail employees to know and understand the mission statement as it effects the organization ethically. The main goal of Stormont-Vail Health Care is about people caring for others, improving the quality of care, utilizing the best and latest medical technology for treatment and procedures. Stormont-Vail Health Care is committed to respond and adapt to the needs of the community as health care changes. The vision for...
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...management,education and research 1 domains. This Code is framed by the principles and standards set forth in the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; the World Health Organization’s Constitution and publication series entitled Health and Human Rights; and the United Nations Development Programme Human Development Report 2 2004: Cultural liberty in today’s diverse world. In considering this Code and its companion, the Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses in Australia, it should be borne in mind that they are designed for multiple audiences: nurses; nursing students; people requiring or receiving nursing care; the community generally; employers of nurses; nursing regulatory authorities; and consumer protection agencies. It is also noteworthy that the concepts of ‘ethics’ and ‘morality’ are substantially the same and have been used interchangeably throughout this Code. This Code outlines the nursing profession’s commitment to respect, promote, protect and uphold the fundamental rights of people who are both the recipients and providers of nursing and health care. It is supported by, and should be read in conjunction with, the Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses in Australia and the National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse, National Competency Standards for the Enrolled Nurse and National Competency Standards for the...
Words: 7529 - Pages: 31
...installment models from fee-for-service (FFS) to Value Based Care (VBC) and responsible care organization (ACO) models. While the require for this move has been a hot point for a few a long time, the Office of Health and Human Services (HHS), along with major payers, moved past conversation and started arranging this year and took striking action towards quick selection (“A Strategy for Health Care Reform - Toward a Value-Based System”, Lockwood, 2015). “FFS reimbursement rewards providers for delivering more services and fails to differentiate payment based on quality”. (“Can value based reimbursement model transform health care, 2013”). This framework too has been a perplexity...
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...Comparison Paper This paper will discuss three terms and there definition that relate to each other in the health care system. The three terms that will be discussed is value, derived demand and terms of trade. These all relate to each other in the health care because, patients or the people will benefit from the care they receive. Value because, what people are willing to pay for services of their health, terms of trade because, the buyer and seller will decide what is best for the facility or business to give the patients or their people the best products possible and derived demand because, it will do good for others and not just for itself. Definition of Terms Value is where health is all the things we possess. People are willing to pay the cost of health care because, if a person wants the proper care or treatment to stay healthy they are willing to spend the money on physician training, public health and health insurance to satisfy their needs and what the physicians or health care facilities or insurance companies produce to their patients or the people is or will be valuable to the patients and the people who are seeking the treatment they need (Getzen, 2013). Value is also the physical health and the sense of well being achieved at the right cost and means getting the right care at the right tie to the patient or person at the right price. According to Muir Gray (2013) value is also expressed as what we gain relative to what we give up is the benefit relative to cost. Terms...
Words: 1770 - Pages: 8
...Era of Health Care Reform Strategic Planning in an Era Of Health Care Reform ‘Volume to Value’ Abstract The White House and the current administration of President Obama made the passage of Health Care Reform a top priority and signed the bill into law March 23, 2010. There are two laws that make up the reform package; the first is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act. Critics both in support and opponents claim the bills do little to alter healthcare inflation or uneven delivery of care (Ferman, 2010). The goal of the bill is to change a volume based model in to a value based business model. A comment by Moody’s Investor services exclaimed that the reform will undoubtedly require healthcare leaders to focus even more on multi-year strategies to ensure long term financial stability (Kim, Majka, & Sussman, 2011). Leaders will have to establish a long range plan that includes financial projections and goals, long range capital expenditure requirements, debt capacity, capital position analysis, capital shortfall analysis and sensitivity and risk analysis (Kim, Majka, & Sussman, 2011). There will be substantial increases in the number of newly insured that will place a tremendous amount of stress and unknown consequences on an already burdened healthcare infrastructure (Tyson, 2010). The objective of this paper will attempt to examine the implications of reform on strategic planning of health care institutions...
Words: 3600 - Pages: 15
...Health care policy 1. What is/are the problem/s to be solved in the most fundamental terms? One of the problems that have to be solved by health care policy is lack of availability to health care services to the people in the United States. High cost of health care services that hinders people in the United States from getting health care services. 2. What is the history of the problem/s in the United States? The history of health care problems was as a result of amplified inaccessibility by the poor and the lower-middle class people in the United States 3. What are the various theories about the causes of the problem/s? Based on this, what do you think is/are the most important causes/s of the problem/s? The policy objectives, value premises, expectation, and target populations 1. Policy objectives—overt and covert objectives: What are the stated objectives of the policy? In your judgment, what are the covert objectives of the policy? Main objectives of health care policy are decrease growth of health care expenses while encouraging high- value and efficient care. A strong emphasize on primary and preventive care that is related to community prevention system. Another objective of the health care policy is making sure that there is accessibility to quality, ethnically skilled care that includes enduring services and supports for defenceless population. Improving health care and population health through meaningful use of health information is another objective...
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...Cultural diversity has brought cross cultural interactions beyond geographical boundaries. Every culture has values and beliefs which reflects cultural and social influences, relationships, and personal needs in an individual. Health cultural values “shape human behaviors and determine what individuals will do to maintain their health status, how they will care for themselves, and others who become ill, and where and from whom they will seek health care” (Edelman & Mandle, 2010). Transcultural nursing is a practice to transform health care and help people of diverse cultures. An analysis of Leninger's vision for the work of transcultural nursing indicates that there are many barriers and issues in health care, particularly for persons from diverse cultures. For instance, health care for poor Americans and ethnic minorities is less than optimal because they are unable to pay for services because of lack of insurance (Edelman & Mandle, 2010). Ethnicity is a reference to a collective identity, a sense of uniqueness within the larger society, and a distinction from nonmembers. Ethnicity denotes a sharing of customs, food, dress, music, religion, and of symbols, such as language, among those who see themselves as fellow members of the group (Edelman & Mandle, 2010). An ethnic group may have “common geographic origins, family patterns, language, religion, values, traditions, symbols, music, dietary preferences, and employment patterns” (Edelman & Mandle, 2010). The ethnic...
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...Age Discrimination and Age-Based Rationing of Health Care Crystal LaShae Hunter HMP671 – Ethics in Health Care - Fall II 2015 (Week 6) Valparaiso University Author Note: “I have neither given, received, nor have I tolerated other's used of unauthorized aid." Age Discrimination and Age-Based Rationing of Health Care Health care as a social good, requires a tremendous amount of a nation’s expenditures; and health care is not the only social good that a nation must consider, there are also the social goods of defense, education, public health, and infrastructure, to name a few. In the United States alone, the percentage of the GDP spent on health care over a three year period, from 2011-2013, averaged 17.066% (17.1%, 17.0%, 17.1%, each respective year) (The World Bank Group, Inc, 2015). In retrospect, despite the passing and subsequent implementation of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, with the final aspects of the bill effective January 1, 2015, the ever-rising cost of health care may never truly subside, as the nation’s baby boomers continue to age and subsequent chronic conditions often associated with aging such as coronary artery disease, diabetes, and certain cancers increase with the aging population. In fact, according to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (2015), Medicare accounted for 20% of total US health care expenditure in 2014, growing 5.5% and expected to “accelerate after 2015” in direct correlation to the expected increases in use of medical...
Words: 6513 - Pages: 27
...Health care demand – the expression of a desire to obtain a health care good or service given its price does depend on individual preferences and resources. Health Care Need – does not depend on Individuals preferences rather it depends on their health status, the availability of an effective service that can improve health and social judgement as to what constitutes a need as opposed to a want. the investment demand for health care is positively related to an individuals earning ability. Following from the Grossman model discussed in Chapter 5, other things equal, the higher an individuals earning capacity, the more value they place on good health status. Why do we expect high and low income individuals demand different quantities of health care when care is free at point of service and they have the same level of ‘need’? The principle investment demand for health states that an individual’s demand for health capital is derived from the monetary benefits associated with improved health. The monetary benefits originate from the increased time available for work due to the improvement in one’s health. An important assumption of this principle states that individuals will demand health only due to its impact on their ability to work and earn income. Therefore, the investment demand for health care is positively related to an individuals earning ability; the higher an individuals earning capacity, the more value they place on good health status. A high income individual values...
Words: 352 - Pages: 2
...Higher Education Core Value Paper/ Commitment Marie-Germaine Rancy Molloy College Identification and analysis of the identified Core Value Presently, there are many aspects of Higher Education. Some are physical; the campus and its classrooms, laboratories, and library. Those spaces are occupied by students, faculty, and staff and some are nonphysical. “The activities of Higher Education are learning, research, dialogue, and reflection. Thus far, none of these attributes are unique” (Shephard, 2007, p. 87). The most distinctive attributes of Higher Education today are its commitment to their students. “Higher Education for Sustainability: seeking affective learning outcomes” Shephard concluded, after a systematic literatures review of relevant educational in effective learning; Higher Education should focus on effective outcomes of values, activities, and performances. Some areas of Higher Education, however, have effectively pursued effective outcomes and these use particular learning and teaching activities to do so (Shephard, 2007). The important issues for consideration include assessing outcomes and evaluating courses, by providing academic credit for effective outcome. The important roles for role models are designing realistic and acceptable learning outcomes in the effective realm. To sustain, educators should use this relevant theoretical foundation and knowledge collected from different specialty in education to attend their learning teaching skills (Shephard...
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