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Healthcare Delivery in the U S


Submitted By judigirl
Words 623
Pages 3
Health Care Delivery in the United States is provided by both public and private sectors. However, most facilities and physicians fall into the private arena. Non - profit hospitals make up approximately 70 % of the nation’s hospitals, the remaining are for-profit hospitals and government hospitals such as the VA. There are also “other” types of facility type providers such as surgicenters, hospice, and specialty clinics. Individual licensed physicians provide care in such facilities or in private practices. U.S. healthcare costs exceed those of other countries; in 2009 2.5 trillion dollars was spent. This is 17.3% of the gross domestic product. Health Insurance costs are rising faster than wages or inflation, and medical causes were cited by about half of bankruptcy filers in the U.S. The Congressional Budget Office has found that "about half of all growth in health care spending in the past several decades was associated with changes in medical care made possible by advances in technology." Other factors included higher income levels, changes in insurance coverage, and rising prices. Economist Hans Sennholz has argued that the Medicare and Medicaid programs may be the main reason for rising health care costs in the U.S. CMS believes that 20-30% of healthcare spending is a waste due to overtreatment, failure to coordinate care and fraud. Hospitals and physicians are generally funded by payments from patients and insurance plans. Around 85% of Americans have some form of health insurance, either through employers, privately purchased or provided by government programs (medicare/medicaid). “Charity Care” for those who cannot pay is sometimes available, and if funded by foundations, donations or religious entities. The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act require virtually all hospitals to accept patients regardless of ability to

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