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Hebrew Bible Is Very Powerful in the Eyes


Submitted By amirataki
Words 287
Pages 2
The Hebrew Bible is very powerful in the eyes of many. It provides faith and support to the weak and empowers the believers. One particular story within the Hebrew Bible is the tale of David and Goliath. This story has been made very popular. It has been passed down from one generation to the next. David and Goliath together, have shown faith can supply a person with much strength and that the under dog is never to be underestimated. Without David's belief in his God, he never would have come up with the power to overcome Goliath and all of his strength. It is told in the story that Saul, David's king, offers David a helmet, armor, and a sword. Unexpectedly, he refuses to accept the equipment. David says that he has not proved them. Instead, he only wishes to rely on his faith for his God to help him during his fight with Goliath. These words from the story are so vivid because they make it easy to picture David, a smaller man, shocking everyone when he decides not to use tools that may help him save his life while dueling a man so much larger than him; Goliath. So much meaning is hidden beneath the story's words. David himself, represents the average man. Temptation, struggle, and evil are represented through Goliath. The only way to get rid of all of the things Goliath stands for, one must use the power of God to put those aside, just as David did. Although Goliath appeared much more stronger and intimidating, David overpowered Goliath by putting his trust in God. So through the worst of times, an individual can always turn to God for the correct direction.

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