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Hedgehogs Research Paper

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Hedgehogs, Their Unusual Breeds, And Your Guide In Choosing The Right Type

Are you tired of the usual canine and feline companions? If you’re searching for an interesting and unique pet, you might want to explore the adorable hedgehogs. These cute creatures belong to the Erinaceidae family which is mostly based in Europe, Africa, and Asia.

Typical features of these species are round bodies, pointed noses, and short tails. Its distinctive attribute is its prickly spines which you can see throughout its body except for its face, legs, and belly. While these fun critters are considered low-maintenance, you still need to efficiently care for it so that it will stay healthy.

If you’re interested in becoming a hedgehog owner, continue to read this article …show more content…
In the wild, its favorite food consists of insects, worms, centipedes, snails, mice, frogs, and snakes. Although, it is found that it will most likely perish with rattlesnake bite since its defensive protein is only supplied in little amounts.
One hedgehog has about 5000 spines. It lasts about a year then a replacement spine develops.
These fun creatures are born blind.
There are several cultures that make hedgehogs as their food source. It is documented that the Bedouins in the Middle East, regard hedgehog meat as a good treatment for arthritis. On one hand, the Romani’s are still known to eat boiled or roasted hedgehog meat. They use the fat and blood for medicinal purposes.
When hunting for food during the day, it relies on its sense of smell and hearing since its eyesight is tailored for night-time vision.
Hedgehogs are known for being solitary and only pair up to mate. The male persuades the female, which sometimes takes hours. After mating, the pair will separate, and the male has no role in bringing up the family.
There are US States and Canadian municipalities which bans hedgehog ownership. In the UK, wild hedgehogs are endangered, thus ownership is

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