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Submitted By Omphile
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ngineering Ethics

Questions 1 & 2:

The film Henry’s daughters covers a wide range of ethical issues that can be experienced in and out of the work environment. The following are a list of ethical issues witnessed in this film in order of importance (highest to lowest). 1. The sexual harassment issue experienced by Julie from her co-worker, as well as the “ogling” she faced 2. Henry using favors to influence decision-making to benefit himself without consideration of external parties involved, including both his daughters. He should be thinking as a father first and foremost rather than a businessman. 3. Intellectual property sharing issues between family and friends- Laura and Julie, as they live together, do not avoid talking about the project. Laura and Julie discussed proprietary information when together. 4. All three family members are involved in this project and are working for a prize; this creates an ethical issue as well. 5. There was some discussion pertaining to applications of the technology; there are issues existing with gathering private data about individuals using the technology, which is an ethical issue. 6. Finally, decisions in this situation are being made based on political and social factors rather than technical/engineering based factors.

3. Perspectives a. Henry’s Perspective: There are a wide variety of ethical issues surrounding Henry. i. Henry had an idea for an automated driving system for cars and other transportation vehicles, such as boats. However, he did not have the funds needed for the project. Therefore, Henry meets with his friend who is a senator and asks him to fund a competition. With this competition, his client, GUIDEME, can compete to win prize money that will fund the technology. However, this competition would exist under the assumption that Henry’s client will win no matter

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