...1. 14, CHS, band hi hih ih idoajofija pa p p p oo , instrumentaly talented and a great swimmer, I have two dogs, a fish, and a parrot, I am broadly expanded in a languages hfaihsih wieh iaowei hhihih hih ihih hih hih ih ihih ihi hih hi hi hi hi h I hi hi hi hi hi hi I hi hi h I hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi h ihi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hBibliography (from Greek βιβλιογραφία bibliographia, literally "book writing"), as a discipline, is traditionally the academic study of books as physical, cultural objects; in this sense, it is also known as bibliology (from Greek -λογία, -logia). Bibliography (from Greek βιβλιογραφία bibliographia, literally "book writing"), as a discipline, is traditionally the academic study of books as physical, cultural objects; in this sense, it is also known as bibliology (from Greek -λογία, -logia). 14, CHS, band hi hih ih idoajofija pa p p p oo , instrumentaly talented and a great swimmer, I have two dogs, a fish, and a parrot, I am broadly expanded in a languages hfaihsih wieh iaowei hhihih hih ihih hih hih ih ihih ihi hih hi hi hi hi h I hi hi hi hi hi hi I hi hi h I hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi h ihi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hBibliography (from Greek βιβλιογραφία bibliographia, literally "book writing"), as a discipline, is traditionally the academic study of books as physical, cultural objects; in this sense, it is also known as bibliology (from Greek -λογία, -logia). Bibliography (from Greek βιβλιογραφία bibliographia, literally "book writing"), as...
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...fraternity brothers at the University of Missouri. Beetle was a college student at Rock view University, he quit school in the first year and enlisted in the U.S Army on March 13, 1951 and has remained there ever since. Beetle Bailey is a sort of lazy private who just think he can sleep his way through the army, he always wears his headgear below his forehead so you never get to see his eyes, in the rare instance he is without headgear his eyes are covered by his hair he a misfit and suffers through constant physical and verbal abuse from his company sergeant and nemesis sergeant first class Orville P. Snorkel. Beetle Bailey was circulated in the stars and stripes newspaper which is a military paper to boost military morale but it was banned from the japan issue because it was said be disrespectful to officers. The civilian papers thought it was funny and it continues to run today. The stories change to fit the times but beetle is still a private and still wears the same uniform. Beetle is one of the funniest comics strips that is still running to date and the only one to have family with their own comic series, Beetle’s sister Lois Flagston and her husband Hiram “HI” are the star characters of HI and Lois another famous comic strip created by Mort Walker Although beetle goes through such scrutiny, K.P duty, being beat up by Sgt. Snorkel all the time....
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... Word Count: Specific Purpose: To inform the audience of the Nelson Mandela’s challenges and the difference he made in many lives. Central Idea: To discuss how Nelson Mandela overcame his challenges. Introduction * First Main Point –(Attention Getter) I had a dream about a black American friend who was always bullied by her classmates and she did nothing about it. * (Reveal your topic) While watching her being ill-treated, I wondered what it would be like to stand up for oneself or show others your standards. * (Establish Credibility) I will give a brief history of Nelson Mandela and what he had done for the world. * (Relevancy Statement) Nelson Mandela did not have a lot of parental support as a child. His father died when he was 12 years old. He fought for fairness and equality. He had many struggles to overcome. He sacrificed his family to gain support for the armed struggle. He went to the extent of leaving the country illegally. This encourages everyone to stand for what is right. * (Preview of Main Points) I will summarize responses about his life and how he began to change the world. Transition: Due to Nelson Mandela’s experiences, it is important to take example and follow in his footsteps. Body First Main Point- Could we imagine how Nelson Mandela felt when became such an icon? * Maybe he felt like a king or boastful Response: I was not a messiah but an ordinary man who...
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...The Curse The Curse - Time, point of view, symbolism and figurative language by Nicki Time Looking at the “time” in any kind of literature, is to be viewed at, in two different ways. First there’s the level of events, which describes what happens in the story, as it actually happens. It’s a chronological timeline if you want to say so. Then there’s the level of thoughts, making room for flashbacks, flash forwards in a timeline. In “The Curse” the level of events and level of thoughts follow each other most of the way. So if I put up a timeline, they would be very alike. The timeline for the level of events starts out with our main character Mitchell, is in the bar a late night in august, when a group of young men, probably affected by drugs, enters the bar. After the “last call” a girl enters the bar, asking for some change for the cigarette automat. The men begin to rape this girl, and when Mitchell tries to call the police, he’s being shoved. The next thing that happens is, that the police arrives and start to treat the girl and interrogate Mitchell about what had happened. When the police are gone, Mitchell is in the bar alone with Bob (who’s the manager of the bar). Mitchell gets home, and sits by himself until his wife joins him while he start to tell what had happened. The next day he tells his children about the incident and goes to work, where he talks with Reggie, a customer. To the level of thoughts, Mitchell starts in the bar after the police have left...
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...After watching the assigned video, I found Mr. Hedges to be very thought provoking in his deliverance that the well sought after American dream is ending. Chris Hedges’ stance is that our county has transformed into a corporate America and governs its own citizens through a prominent illusion. Although his point of views came across as negative, his predictions are likely inevitable. In the beginning of Allan Gregg’s interview, Hedges uses television and wrestling as an example of how the storylines serve as reflections on the outlook of our society, and exposes how it feeds our fascination for spectacle. We crave the shallow and materialistic aspects of these types of tv programs. Perhaps the most vulnerable are the youths of today. For example, I have younger siblings who are practically glued to the television screen every time these programs are on, enticed in the drama and action with no realization that they are often scripted. Reality television is also another example of how badly our culture is detached from “reality”. These shows have been around for quite some time but only seem to be popular in the recent years. Our generation has come to believe that fame is the ultimate achievement that one can accomplish. Instead of living their lives people are more concerned with the every day drama of another person. With shows like the ‘Bachelor’, we can watch clingy women sob their way off the show, after being rejected by a guy they’ve not even spent an hour with. As a...
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...children with those base skills in math and geometry. In the summary of this fun book, the young cowboy has his two hands full with five little ducks. They need three sacks of food and four bundles of hay. And when they each bring home a friend, it's twice as much work. For 10 little ducks, he needs double the food, double the hay and double the hands. Double Ducks is a level one book for children age of 3 and up. I choice this book because it has a cute and fun story that children will have more interested in reading. Also, I like the author use ducks (something children have for daily basic) to put in the story, and there is a cute boy show his daily task to take care of animals. However, the book is not only about basic math concept but also include the love for animals and friendship. After reading the book, I would have two activities follow up for children to do. One activity is building a block tower between 1 and 10 blocks tall. I will ask children to count the number of blocks and help building a second tower using the same number of blocks. Then, let children find the total number of blocks it took to build both towers. Second activity is double game by 2 dices. Children start with 10 points. Then, each of children will take each turn to roll dices. If doubles are rolled, the player win 1 point, but if not then lose 1 point. The first kid to get 20 or more points is the...
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...Detailed Lesson Plan I. Objectives: within the given session, the students are expected to: * Identify the steps in different napkin folds * Perform napkin folds within a given range of time * Appreciate the importance of napkin folding in the industry. II. Subject Matter : Table Napkin Folding References: Technology and livelihood Education 4 textbook ,pp. 140-190 Basto,j.,2014. Retrieved from http://www.slideshare.net/janehbasto/detailed-lesson-plan-in-science-and-health-grade-3?related=4 on july 30, 2015 Materials: Table napkin , video clip , printed materials Strategy: cooperative learning, Demonstration III. Procedures Teacher’s Activity | Student’s Activity | A. Preparatory activities 1. Warm-up/Drill a. Prayer b. Checking of Attendance-Good morning class. How Are you today? Who is absent? c. Action song/ Ice breaker * Before we start our lesson for today, let us have an action song entitled “ Act as what I’ve say” 2. ReviewClass, what was our lesson last meeting? Very good! What are the diff. types of table setting? Give her 3 claps. Give a keyword to identify the types of table settings.Ok. Good. I’m glad that you had mastered our previous lesson. Give Yourselves a round of applause . 3. MotivationAll, stand up. I want you to imagine that you’re in a five star hotel, sitting in one of their VIP tables. Now, observe their preparation and enjoy their service. What can you found in...
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...After the makeover, Tai feels more certain and starts to dress like a high class and in this way starts to act like a big snob. Cher and Dionne's yearning to give Tai a makeover depict what the perfect female body ought to look with a specific end goal to get attention of a male. Still about herself. She can't get away from her narcissism as everything turns into an impression of her. Truth be told, she's idealistic to the point that her ideal man is a gay fellow. What I'm getting is that these adolescents are being pushed into a grown-up world, yet their leisure activities and education have neglected to show them to settle on better choices. As we saw before, Tai has been pushed into a universe of sex and drugs, Dionne and her sweetheart showcase an adult relationship, and Cher immaturely mirrors her dad's lawful language. The adolescent’s undertaking is to harden a testing so as to feel of self and incorporating different roles. Cher demonstrates this when she tries to begin viewing the news rather than toons, with a specific end goal to seem to have more culture. Tai demonstrates this by totally changing from a New York city girl to a valley young lady. Cher...
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...If I Would Have to Die in a Year? Mortality is something that binds us all. We may have different personalities, different colors, different accents, but we all are human. Sometimes death sneaks up on someone and takes him by surprise. Sometimes it lingers until the person he's visiting knows the friendship will go on a deeper level soon. First I would take a lovely first class cruise around the world for one entire year, or, maybe just use the ships as a constant base from which to explore other worlds, until the fateful day. I would try and travel to every place on Earth, and have as many deep and spiritual conversations as possible, meet the great spiritual and influential philosophical thinkers in the world today, starting with His Holiness the Dali Lama. Then, when the time of passing to the next existence comes, have those that love me, who know me, all around me, for a peaceful, calming, soul releasing experience, and to let them know, it is not a moment of emotional disaster, but one of triumph and transition, for the human spirit. However, life is beautiful and amazing, and probably for us its too early to think about death, because we have so much unfinished work to do and make our families happier,Mortality is something that binds us all. We may have different personalities, different colors, different accents, but we all are human. Sometimes death sneaks up on someone and takes him by surprise. Sometimes it lingers until the person he's visiting knows the...
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...inner space. We've cleaned up the air, but polluted our soul. We've split the atom, but not our prejudice. We've higher incomes, but lower morals. We've become long on quantity but short on quality. These are the times of tall men, and short character; Steep profits, and shallow relationships. These are the times of world peace, but domestic warfare, More leisure, but less fun; more kinds of food, but less nutrition. These are the days of two incomes, but more divorces; Of fancier houses, but broken homes. It is a time when there is much in the show window, and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, And a time when you can choose, Either to make a difference .... or just hit, delete. - His Holiness the Dalai...
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...How to write a Literature Review: Step 1: Read a lot. Sounds simplistic, but the fact is that you do have to read a lot, and read with care and purpose. There are things that you can do within the process to make your life easier, and the purpose of this short document is to point some of them out. Hopefully, this will help. However, there is no substitute for good, thorough, and hard work. When you start your reading, start broadly. If you have an area you are interested in, such as computers in education, multi-media, distance education, web-based instruction, or some other specific concentration, start your reading in those areas. Course assigned reading will help, but you will have to branch outwards and inwards. Don’t be afraid to follow an area that seems not to be related to your area. You are trying to define your interests. Allow yourself the freedom to do that. Here are some tips on how you might branch out, and/or focus in: A. Look carefully at the references. Should the author raise a salient point that interests you and they happen to cite somebody, look up the citation and read the original source. The original source will have its own references, follow these. Repeat as necessary. B. Read from tangentially related fields. Don’t be afraid to look outside of the literature in IT to other areas. Educational Psychology, Human Resources, Computer Science, and Communications Studies are but a few of the related fields with important information...
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...“American Beauty” - An analysis of the movie with focus on Carolyn & Lester Burnham The Burnham’s seem to live the ‘American Dream’. They have good jobs, two expensive cars, and a nice home in the suburbs, and a healthy teenager. The family is portrayed as a normal, happy family, but if you do as the film tag says and “look closer”, you see that it isn’t true. Instead, they are living in a “suburban prison”. Carolyn Burnham is the lonely wife of Lester Burnham and can be summed up in five words: materialistic, ambitious, seemingly successful, yet insecure, and a perfectionist. You see her fragile and insecure sides in a few scenes, for instance, when she tries to sell a house, and it doesn’t go as planned, she get’s more and more desperate. She’s alone in the house when she breaks down and allows herself to cry, but first she makes sure that nobody can see her by closing the blinds. She only let herself be vulnerable for a quick moment, before she gets angry, and starts to slap herself in the face, screaming: “Stop it! Shut up! You’re weak! You Baby! Shut up!” It’s a way to remind her that she’s strong, but the slapping is also a way of punishing herself for being weak. To most people crying is a natural thing to do when you’re sad, but for Carolyn it’s a shameful behavior. After the big fight scene at the dinner table, Carolyn goes to Jane’s room to talk, and she tells her daughter: “You cannot count on anyone except yourself. You know, it’s sad but...
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...Winning Book Review Welch, J., & Welch, S. (2005). Winning. New York: Harper Business. In the book Winning by Jack Welch with Suzy Welch, Jack Welch talks about how winning is everything in business. If you are not in it to win it, then do not be in it at all. When companies are winning, there are far more opportunities than when a company is losing. A winning company can give back to society by providing more jobs and resources. A losing company is worried about finances; and because there isn’t a lot of profit going around, people can become scared of things like their jobs and families. The book breaks down on how to win into four sections. The first section is the philosophy on management such as mission and values and how everyone should have a voice in any kind of business. The next section is about the inside of a company. It talks about the mechanics of a company which are “people, processes, and culture” (pg.8). The next section talks about the outside of a company such as competitors, growth, and strategic advantages. The next section is the professional life. This section talks about how to find the right job, working with a bad boss, and getting promoted. The final section is about how Jack Welch “answer[s] nine questions that did not fall into any of the above categories” (pg. 8) such as the “China threat” diversity. The purpose of this book is to show that winning isn’t impossible. From these four sections of the book, Jack Welch shows us that in every aspect...
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...other people, specifically those in my area of work”. Be specific. Don’t talk in “generalities” such as “these tools will help me communicate better.” In my case, I believe that the SDI has allowed me to better understand myself, and why I’ve always considered myself as a leader. But I believe the real power is using this tool to help me better understand others and what makes them do what they do. As a manager I find myself dealing with several people with many differing motivational values. For example, there is one guy in my department who is very assertive and ambitious. He wants to move up in position quickly and is always looking for opportunities to take on more projects that would allow him to show his abilities. He likes to push others around to get his own way and he is also quick to blame others when things go wrong. Then there’s this a field guy that has been with the company for about 10 years. He is a true Blue; he is a warm and friendly person that likes helping everyone. He is really devoted, modest, supportive and loyal. The trouble is, he also tends to allow people to take advantage of him. I intend to apply many of the tactics I’ve learned in this class in order to improve the way I manage these two...
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...The penis By Hanif Kureishi This essay will focus on how Hanif Kureishi uses humor and different points of view to portray his image of the human relationship to and appreciation of objects and likewise. Hanif Kureishi makes use of two of the three theories that has been set around humor. Hanif Kureishi uses ‘the relief theory’ and ‘the incongruity theory’. The relief theory is based around the fact that the reader is going to have a set of taboos or subjects that they do not like to talk about or discuss. Some of these taboos are often things as pornography, genitalia and sex in general, all of which we see in the story. Talking about or being confronted with these taboos will often cause an individual to feel ashamed or nervous. So by confronting the reader with his or her taboos Hanif Kureishi is forcing the reader to deal with his or her shame and/or nervousness and the most common way of doing so is by laughing. Hanif Kureishi implements this in the text by creating a main character, in this case Doug, whom is an “actor” in the industry of pornography, and by writing very obviously about Doug’s work experiences, doings and deeds. And of course there is the huge walking and talking penis… Should it be the case that pornography, genitalia nor sex is not included in the readers list of taboos Hanif Kureishi also makes use of the incongruity theory. The incongruity theory is base aroung the fact that the reader has an assumption about how the world is and works, about...
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