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High Performance Development

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Stages of high performance development
Every teams performance is determined by their commitment to required changes and acceptance of ongoing evaluations. For a team to be high performing, members need to be able to effectively resolve conflicts, have clear goals and show trust towards each other and the management. The team will reach high performance levels, when they learn to support individual member, recognise their achievements and understand what works better within the organisation and what does not.
According to Psychology professor Bruce W. Tuckman for the above to happen, team need to go through 4 stages of development: Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing. His research is based on a belief that each stage is necessary for …show more content…
Members are also cautious in regards to how they behave towards each other, which can hinder work performance. It is crucial that during first stage team is made aware of the rules of the organisation, structure of the work environment and tasks each individual member will carry out to meet the overall group goal. At the moment payroll team resides in this category, which is seen through the development of individual cliques, luck of motivation and the culture of putting the blame on another team member. The team doesn't like to have their status quo disturbed and structure reorganised. They are trying to judge new leadership and team objectives. Challenge I face as a manager is to bring together group of people who have worked together with me previously as colleagues and get them to accept me as a manager and fallow …show more content…
Individuals argue about decisions that are being made and how the work is carried out.
As a manager I understand that once the current team passes phase one, there will be more issue arising, due to hiring the new member. As is the norm all people have different opinions and it is my belief that new employee will challenge the way we do work and might cause the team to return to their old habits. To combat this new member must be "made aware of the team goals, roles and rules, before they Join".
• Orientation or an induction day will be prepared for the new member, which will explain how things are done internally and reasons behind them.
• Proper structure of the team will be laid out and questions will be answered
• New member will be introduces to the team, where his/her qualifications will be explained to the members. This will help the team to accept an addition to their group and develop a sense of open and effective work relationship.

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