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High Performance Team Research Paper

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Effective high performance teams have several characteristics as listed below:
• Clear Goals:
Clear goals are critical to ensure that everyone on the team is heading in the same direction. Much time and money, and energy - to say nothing of motivation and enthusiasm - are lost when everyone on the team is not aiming for the same outcome.
• Defined Roles:
Usually members of a team have a fairly clear idea of what their roles are and it is only during times of crisis when role clarification poses a problem. But role issues may also come up during problem solving, when new roles may be required. They may also occur when the crisis is thought to be too daunting to manage or outside the team's scope or when there is a lack of clarify about who …show more content…
Working to improve communication with other team members will increase trust, decrease problems and rework, and build healthy interpersonal relationships.
• Effective Decision Making:
Effective decision making is essential to a team's progress. Teams must have a grasp of various decision making methods, their advantages and disadvantages, and when and how to use each. Teams that choose the right decision making methods at the right time will not only save time, but they will also most often make the best decisions.
• Balanced Participation:
Without participation, you don't have a team. You have a group of bodies. Balanced participation ensures that everyone on the team is fully involved and that each team member joins the discussion when his or her contribution is pertinent to the team assignment. It also means that everyone's opinions are sought and valued by others on the team.
• Valued Diversity:
A diversity of thinking, ideas, methods, experiences and opinions helps to create high performance teams in the workplace. Whether individuals are creative or logical, fast or methodical, the effective team recognises the strengths each person brings to the team.
• Managed

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