Free Essay

Highway to Hell


Submitted By pumbasimo
Words 3001
Pages 13
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a posuere turpis. Donec facilisis volutpat condimentum. Vivamus maximus mauris dui, sed molestie orci dapibus quis. Proin vitae turpis luctus ligula imperdiet vestibulum. Nulla facilisi. Morbi a ex risus. Ut non velit non erat blandit fringilla vitae nec nisl. Fusce accumsan, mauris vel finibus euismod, tellus mi euismod nunc, a molestie tellus est eget est. Nunc molestie elit vestibulum, mollis urna in, ultrices magna. Nunc id rutrum quam. Morbi purus urna, fringilla sit amet odio non, porttitor scelerisque eros.
Mauris in quam turpis. Morbi sit amet sem eu lectus consectetur ultrices non ullamcorper sapien. Aliquam nec purus a justo efficitur tempus eget non turpis. Vestibulum orci justo, pretium a odio vitae, vulputate tincidunt ligula. Aenean porttitor magna sed velit suscipit, vitae cursus libero sollicitudin. Aliquam in tincidunt ante, at ornare felis. Phasellus ut congue erat. Nulla vitae magna vitae nibh imperdiet pellentesque. Integer tincidunt lorem sapien. Aenean semper mollis sapien sed hendrerit. Maecenas magna lacus, bibendum at pretium vitae, placerat at tellus. Sed augue sem, venenatis et malesuada nec, efficitur sed ipsum. Aenean sagittis sagittis massa, in mattis tellus pretium nec. Maecenas efficitur, eros et convallis gravida, mi nisi rutrum mauris, quis ultricies magna augue eu libero.
Integer malesuada congue posuere. Donec magna sapien, scelerisque eu risus aliquet, pellentesque suscipit nibh. Praesent tristique nunc sit amet velit condimentum, eget gravida arcu lacinia. Praesent consectetur lacus id congue eleifend. Donec mattis porttitor erat. Morbi iaculis lorem tortor, scelerisque consectetur erat aliquam ac. Fusce ut elementum justo, id facilisis purus. Suspendisse tincidunt ante turpis, in faucibus nibh tempor sed. Aliquam gravida felis massa, sit amet ornare ante elementum vitae.
Quisque nisl nisi, ultricies vel ipsum et, euismod porta augue. Phasellus eget orci nec est bibendum consequat. Fusce pharetra ex in ante lobortis scelerisque. Phasellus sollicitudin sollicitudin arcu, quis sagittis massa posuere et. Nullam convallis consectetur semper. Nullam maximus justo ex, vitae vehicula dolor sagittis sed. Nullam eu nulla elementum, sodales quam in, sagittis ex. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer scelerisque urna quis efficitur tempus. Fusce vestibulum nisi at tortor rutrum finibus. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean et nulla risus. Curabitur id quam non nisi ultricies dignissim.
Nulla hendrerit eu neque sit amet elementum. Sed venenatis ipsum ipsum, vitae convallis felis ultricies ut. Ut placerat consequat egestas. Sed eget tristique est. Etiam turpis metus, elementum nec vestibulum sit amet, volutpat vel augue. Nunc eget nunc ac sem ornare laoreet. Integer molestie dolor nec dignissim pellentesque. Duis quis ultricies nisl, sed sollicitudin neque. Sed euismod nulla varius, egestas dui vel, tempus dui. Nunc pellentesque, magna a convallis vulputate, velit eros rutrum justo, gravida dictum libero dui quis dui. Praesent ornare sapien eu rhoncus posuere. Vivamus lobortis est eget efficitur laoreet. Donec sed aliquam leo. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce imperdiet, metus at dapibus euismod, lorem est ultrices dolor, sed sollicitudin ipsum felis et metus. Duis mattis leo vitae dolor sagittis vehicula.
Donec at arcu mi. Morbi eu mollis enim, dictum pharetra nisi. Integer quam mi, condimentum euismod tellus a, aliquam fermentum sapien. Proin tempor efficitur scelerisque. Donec in lectus ultrices arcu convallis venenatis at eu metus. Aliquam sit amet tristique risus. Sed commodo, dolor et auctor maximus, metus enim finibus purus, sed imperdiet tortor justo eget orci. Integer sit amet accumsan nulla. Suspendisse placerat felis facilisis elit maximus bibendum. Mauris fringilla vestibulum erat at pharetra. Quisque condimentum maximus leo, viverra tincidunt ipsum porta sit amet. Pellentesque ornare, massa et tincidunt blandit, justo nibh consectetur ante, in maximus purus nunc et libero. Phasellus pulvinar convallis ex, id rutrum dolor tincidunt finibus. Nulla mollis elit ut rutrum ultrices.
Fusce tortor risus, feugiat sagittis augue sed, iaculis malesuada elit. Fusce fringilla, sem sed tincidunt vehicula, tortor enim sollicitudin tellus, sit amet iaculis leo lectus vitae dui. In dapibus velit sed felis egestas, non lobortis arcu varius. Sed euismod consectetur urna maximus eleifend. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec urna lorem, laoreet eu convallis vitae, malesuada at dolor. Cras sed nisi id risus rhoncus interdum. Curabitur scelerisque, nibh a sollicitudin elementum, justo tellus varius nunc, ut suscipit magna nunc sed tellus. Fusce elementum velit orci, vel tincidunt arcu commodo ornare.
Aliquam eu pellentesque eros. Cras et posuere nulla. Proin id eros turpis. Vivamus ante ante, bibendum vitae pretium vel, lobortis a metus. Maecenas sodales nisl ac egestas lacinia. Nunc quis ex ligula. Sed risus tellus, auctor et quam in, tempus ornare nunc. Ut augue ipsum, imperdiet quis mollis at, sollicitudin vitae enim.
Vivamus sit amet viverra libero. Suspendisse vitae diam pretium, ultrices purus vitae, accumsan diam. Proin id libero eget odio ultricies mattis. Duis in enim et lorem euismod suscipit condimentum vel est. Donec pharetra felis ut turpis scelerisque, nec aliquet ligula tincidunt. Proin ut nunc sit amet neque viverra ultricies. Vivamus volutpat efficitur ligula, finibus venenatis orci scelerisque eget. Vivamus molestie congue turpis ac consectetur. Donec dictum semper congue. Donec a feugiat tortor. Praesent sodales non nulla vel vehicula. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec id odio ac neque viverra rutrum nec eu lacus. Suspendisse semper efficitur enim, eget vestibulum dolor sagittis a.
Aenean lorem risus, sollicitudin vel pellentesque quis, pulvinar aliquam magna. Donec eleifend magna sit amet urna porta imperdiet. Nulla interdum arcu ac ligula sagittis, eu interdum lectus hendrerit. Aenean tempus et purus in facilisis. Donec accumsan mi velit, quis sollicitudin magna tristique quis. Fusce lacus arcu, mattis quis gravida at, elementum vel erat. Fusce id nibh ut lectus tincidunt vehicula non ornare enim. Vivamus posuere sollicitudin leo. Aliquam massa tellus, fringilla in suscipit quis, pretium et justo. Quisque pharetra elit eu turpis auctor ornare. Mauris ut imperdiet eros. Suspendisse tempor suscipit laoreet. Ut odio ante, luctus ac mi sed, vulputate pulvinar elit.
Proin malesuada ornare dolor sit amet porta. Integer neque lorem, tempor et hendrerit ut, commodo vitae dui. Integer ut augue orci. Praesent interdum aliquet sem, non posuere lectus ultrices eu. Pellentesque sed sapien molestie, faucibus ex egestas, blandit libero. Nunc ac arcu quis sapien sagittis ultrices. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam et scelerisque quam. Donec lacinia enim quis enim tristique cursus.
Cras vel lobortis sem. In non aliquam mi, id rutrum nibh. Duis tempor ullamcorper imperdiet. Praesent a arcu volutpat, pharetra elit nec, pulvinar urna. Quisque vitae leo orci. Vivamus suscipit quis ipsum vel ullamcorper. Pellentesque est purus, dictum et arcu commodo, fringilla tincidunt sapien. Sed vestibulum, lorem in rutrum porta, mi neque efficitur velit, non dapibus nisl eros sed ipsum. Donec efficitur magna non ipsum ullamcorper feugiat. Cras suscipit lectus vitae condimentum cursus. Maecenas nunc enim, congue non accumsan vitae, auctor ut metus.
In vulputate arcu lectus. Morbi ultrices blandit felis. Maecenas aliquet urna eget lorem faucibus, eu hendrerit dolor dapibus. Donec hendrerit laoreet sollicitudin. In est quam, faucibus sit amet mollis in, hendrerit eget nisi. In est ipsum, hendrerit id lacus pulvinar, semper laoreet tellus. Maecenas finibus egestas metus vitae faucibus. Maecenas pharetra semper ex sit amet feugiat. Sed faucibus lectus quam, in luctus lectus imperdiet at. Sed scelerisque nulla ac mi accumsan consequat. Ut ut vehicula ligula. In arcu nisi, consectetur gravida augue et, maximus commodo sapien. In eget diam vel odio faucibus eleifend. In quis aliquet lectus, sit amet auctor risus.
Sed malesuada non lectus in mattis. Donec in tristique risus, eget facilisis massa. Donec suscipit neque vitae diam efficitur fringilla. Nunc nec purus id eros eleifend blandit. Quisque maximus turpis ac nulla pulvinar, mollis aliquam purus sagittis. Proin aliquam cursus pharetra. Nunc placerat dui a maximus porta. Integer in lorem justo. Fusce varius interdum leo, nec vestibulum augue imperdiet a. Sed pellentesque ligula leo, et ornare urna finibus id. Phasellus congue pulvinar quam, et mattis purus tincidunt eget.
Curabitur vestibulum vel tellus vel commodo. Integer et arcu orci. Cras bibendum elit sed viverra pulvinar. Cras id consequat tellus, in blandit augue. Sed id erat sem. Maecenas volutpat diam egestas, semper quam vitae, accumsan libero. Sed sit amet augue nec justo laoreet fringilla.
Nullam vitae dui non tortor condimentum semper. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam porta erat auctor augue maximus, vel ullamcorper lorem commodo. Donec ut velit sed lectus tristique pulvinar fermentum eget tortor. Aenean at odio eu turpis aliquet euismod eu at enim. Quisque vel turpis erat. Cras eu ligula feugiat, pellentesque sem vitae, lobortis quam. Curabitur id cursus quam. Nam id ante mauris. Vestibulum in augue sagittis, viverra felis eu, molestie nibh. Morbi congue scelerisque urna vitae finibus.
Curabitur at convallis arcu, nec vehicula eros. Morbi mauris sem, porttitor id hendrerit vitae, posuere sit amet augue. Curabitur vel ipsum quam. Sed tempor sem at elementum efficitur. Integer malesuada orci eget laoreet rutrum. Pellentesque dolor sem, gravida et ultricies at, interdum sit amet sem. Morbi fermentum, nunc vel bibendum venenatis, nibh ex viverra nunc, at sollicitudin turpis ex laoreet massa. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Cras congue pulvinar dolor, in convallis ante mollis eget. Ut ipsum neque, semper tincidunt ultricies sit amet, aliquet vel sapien. Cras maximus, purus ac venenatis gravida, ligula tortor pharetra ipsum, lacinia gravida lacus metus quis urna. Phasellus dapibus tellus eget libero dignissim blandit. Donec eleifend pharetra euismod. Donec nulla tortor, volutpat ac gravida lacinia, finibus et lacus.
Praesent euismod magna enim, in sagittis lacus molestie et. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse non diam sed mauris mattis imperdiet rutrum et quam. Ut nec pretium lacus. Mauris laoreet urna sed nulla pulvinar maximus. Etiam sit amet augue vel libero cursus egestas ut a eros. Pellentesque non interdum libero. Cras vel diam ut enim commodo laoreet. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse ac lorem diam. Curabitur blandit pulvinar augue, a mollis sem convallis nec. Quisque justo mauris, consequat ut urna vel, consectetur tempor nisi. In condimentum urna in malesuada euismod. Curabitur dapibus dolor ultrices, ultrices diam nec, accumsan purus. Fusce bibendum ipsum sit amet enim vestibulum, ac mollis leo malesuada.
Aliquam iaculis, magna commodo mattis efficitur, nunc eros lacinia diam, vitae sagittis felis augue vel lectus. Duis id semper est, non interdum urna. Praesent tristique in metus ac facilisis. Nunc mattis orci vitae pulvinar ultrices. Nulla imperdiet, justo sit amet iaculis hendrerit, nisl lectus auctor nisl, et molestie dui est vitae sapien. Proin sit amet viverra ante, quis placerat orci. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam pellentesque eleifend efficitur. Morbi vel luctus ante. Integer sollicitudin non ligula bibendum scelerisque. Fusce et sollicitudin ex. In nisi odio, consectetur eget nunc id, bibendum commodo purus. Mauris ipsum tortor, sodales in arcu vel, imperdiet dignissim nulla. Aenean fermentum lectus non nisl lacinia, ut finibus dui pretium. Etiam vel lorem efficitur, feugiat odio eget, iaculis elit.
Proin leo libero, porttitor bibendum euismod quis, hendrerit eget augue. Sed porta sapien efficitur consectetur sodales. Praesent interdum id erat sit amet sagittis. Quisque a est elementum, ultrices nulla vel, cursus odio. Nam posuere lectus sit amet lacus placerat, quis cursus sem ornare. In sit amet commodo nulla, sit amet commodo nisl. In cursus nibh et tellus faucibus, tempus tempus tellus dapibus.
Integer vel tincidunt risus, at laoreet nisl. Nullam congue aliquet massa, quis lobortis justo vehicula eget. Pellentesque iaculis auctor arcu, vel consectetur arcu interdum eget. Vestibulum vulputate at ipsum et condimentum. Vestibulum eu ultrices massa. Cras vitae tristique sem, at imperdiet tortor. Cras lectus velit, scelerisque eget urna at, posuere tincidunt ante. Vivamus et urna feugiat, viverra justo nec, interdum orci. Nunc quis mi sit amet neque euismod pellentesque. Etiam elementum tortor magna, id tincidunt odio lobortis in. Phasellus aliquam ligula at lectus malesuada, vitae luctus ligula faucibus.
Praesent finibus elit vel pellentesque vulputate. In odio ante, ornare ac fermentum nec, facilisis non dolor. Curabitur commodo quam lacus, et accumsan sapien dapibus egestas. Donec et commodo felis, vel convallis risus. Donec non erat sit amet dolor varius malesuada. Proin vel congue diam, sed mattis odio. Nulla facilisi. Sed non nulla ut tellus semper laoreet et at nunc.
Vestibulum sem ligula, feugiat nec consectetur vel, congue vel metus. Maecenas vitae justo dui. Vivamus dolor eros, volutpat eget aliquam at, volutpat at ipsum. Vestibulum porta diam diam, et imperdiet nulla lobortis ac. Integer sed ultricies erat. Mauris molestie vestibulum elementum. Curabitur et felis nec lacus faucibus facilisis at sit amet ipsum. Sed ultrices felis non tortor vulputate, a laoreet nulla aliquet. Aliquam tincidunt risus nec odio malesuada, in mollis ante efficitur. Fusce felis nunc, bibendum sed odio sit amet, tempor interdum velit.
Quisque eleifend turpis sem. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec dapibus in eros in viverra. Aliquam facilisis mattis est, et euismod massa lobortis nec. Sed vehicula magna sed neque faucibus, at ultrices nibh vestibulum. Nulla imperdiet cursus ligula ut elementum. Vestibulum consectetur, erat ac efficitur sodales, enim ligula elementum odio, sed ullamcorper velit lacus eget nibh. Donec tempor mollis ante, vestibulum sodales tellus. Aliquam id nisl id libero porttitor tempor vel sed neque. Maecenas et elit congue, tincidunt lacus quis, gravida ante. Vestibulum volutpat molestie elementum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Nulla urna nibh, dictum ac aliquet sed, tincidunt imperdiet quam. Integer sit amet odio consectetur, ornare libero bibendum, imperdiet enim. In placerat lacus velit, vitae ullamcorper lacus venenatis quis. Duis risus enim, lacinia quis faucibus et, porta vel nisl. Donec cursus egestas justo vitae aliquet. Vivamus et ornare urna, quis porta quam. Integer ligula metus, dignissim et dui ut, luctus facilisis quam. Curabitur ac cursus massa. Nullam ultrices massa at mi venenatis, efficitur vehicula tellus vulputate.
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus dapibus neque nec dolor iaculis, id tempor dui semper. Vivamus lacinia volutpat hendrerit. Sed mollis enim vitae neque ornare semper. Quisque semper hendrerit sapien id rhoncus. Fusce arcu ex, placerat vitae nisl quis, finibus pellentesque lorem. Vivamus eu arcu a massa euismod aliquet et a quam. Fusce eleifend fermentum hendrerit. Curabitur auctor tortor ut justo rhoncus euismod. Morbi id viverra nunc. Integer ut ligula nec nibh cursus blandit. Vestibulum commodo metus id erat fringilla, sit amet varius magna convallis.
Praesent quis magna a lorem laoreet consequat. Sed imperdiet massa ac metus euismod elementum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aenean ut lobortis neque. Ut diam sem, molestie sed luctus et, lobortis nec est. Maecenas consectetur dui ac semper bibendum. Nunc posuere nec dolor vel sodales. Mauris vel nibh mi. Suspendisse sed nibh eget massa tristique gravida at a est. Etiam tempus orci at ultricies bibendum. Integer at elit tellus. Sed fermentum est at nunc egestas volutpat. Nam semper mollis sem, id vulputate diam euismod vel. Proin scelerisque tincidunt eros imperdiet aliquet. Vestibulum vel dapibus mi, id fringilla nunc.
Nullam fermentum, nunc at iaculis porttitor, massa dolor commodo velit, laoreet tristique neque diam sit amet metus. Duis eget porttitor magna, eget posuere ante. Curabitur sed nisi quis libero facilisis posuere sit amet at tortor. Proin consequat commodo erat, non eleifend nisl aliquet non. Donec eget erat in mi elementum aliquet. Phasellus accumsan, sem ac euismod tempor, ipsum tortor suscipit nibh, in consectetur diam tortor et leo. In dignissim orci sit amet lacinia pretium. Ut hendrerit, lacus non faucibus viverra, lectus sapien egestas odio, et ultricies velit est in odio.
Morbi est leo, tincidunt at porttitor nec, blandit vitae dolor. In ac aliquam massa. Fusce eu efficitur urna. Proin malesuada congue arcu et pretium. Morbi gravida eu diam non elementum. Nam porta vitae libero tempus maximus. Proin suscipit lectus nec luctus consequat. Nullam vitae diam magna. Maecenas consectetur augue eros, sed scelerisque neque scelerisque a. Mauris id odio massa. Ut sem nulla, consequat ultricies risus ut, gravida sagittis ipsum. Donec scelerisque ullamcorper est sit amet ultricies. Curabitur rutrum dolor a augue ornare, eu varius ante molestie. Sed velit sem, hendrerit non quam id, auctor scelerisque eros.
Integer sodales, tellus at efficitur porta, lorem urna fringilla ipsum, eu rutrum turpis est vitae ipsum. Nullam vulputate ligula eu leo varius tincidunt. Donec nec accumsan nisi. Praesent congue libero ut viverra hendrerit. Suspendisse tempor, orci a lobortis bibendum, sapien libero vehicula purus, eget condimentum erat lectus et ligula. Vivamus ultrices venenatis mattis. Proin semper nibh et mauris tincidunt consequat. Donec condimentum dictum turpis, eget aliquet nisl. Sed vel enim gravida, aliquam orci ac, semper purus. Nullam vel lectus in felis gravida porta at ac massa. Phasellus et felis in risus ornare vehicula.
Morbi in accumsan lorem, ac mollis urna. Vivamus imperdiet sodales lorem eget ultrices. Etiam cursus, erat at bibendum ullamcorper, quam velit laoreet lorem, ut aliquet urna diam a odio. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer vitae eros ultrices, interdum erat eget, cursus urna. Nullam convallis venenatis tellus ullamcorper placerat. Vestibulum consectetur enim vitae pretium malesuada. Nulla tincidunt porta neque sed laoreet. Pellentesque tristique magna ullamcorper ex aliquam, sit amet condimentum mi tristique. Nunc malesuada dolor in ullamcorper cursus. Mauris at molestie nisl, lobortis rhoncus ipsum. Vivamus volutpat et augue vel vehicula. In scelerisque, ex eu posuere eleifend, enim eros viverra orci, in suscipit ipsum velit at massa.
Phasellus porta felis et lectus rutrum, nec tempus velit hendrerit. Maecenas ultrices tempus metus, sit amet blandit ligula sagittis aliquam. Nulla in cursus arcu. Mauris molestie sodales sapien, at posuere lectus rutrum eu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed in placerat mi. Vestibulum molestie sagittis eros, et ullamcorper ante gravida ut. Pellentesque turpis mi, vehicula nec dapibus sit amet, rhoncus vel erat. Duis ac lacus a lacus scelerisque gravida. Sed a erat aliquet, accumsan purus ac, ornare augue. Etiam et efficitur magna, vitae commodo sapien.
Donec molestie condimentum arcu, ut ullamcorper justo viverra rutrum. Donec viverra, leo sit amet gravida blandit, orci erat euismod augue, ac euismod ligula massa eu augue. Vivamus sodales pharetra massa, eget laoreet sapien efficitur sed. Sed euismod nulla convallis nunc tincidunt, a tempus enim interdum.

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..."Hotel California" The Eagles On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air Up ahead in the distance, I saw shimmering light My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim I had to stop for the night There she stood in the doorway; I heard the mission bell And I was thinking to myself, 'This could be Heaven or this could be Hell' Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way There were voices down the corridor, I thought I heard them say... "Hotel California" The Eagles On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air Up ahead in the distance, I saw shimmering light My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim I had to stop for the night There she stood in the doorway; I heard the mission bell And I was thinking to myself, 'This could be Heaven or this could be Hell' Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way There were voices down the corridor, I thought I heard them say... (Chorus) Welcome to the Hotel California Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place) Such a lovely face Plenty of room at the Hotel California Any time of year (Any time of year) You can find it here Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes bends She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys she calls friends How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat. Some dance to remember, some dance to forget So I called up the Captain, 'Please bring me my wine' ...

Words: 411 - Pages: 2

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Crack Of Dawn Poem

...The sirens are screaming and the fires are howling, way down in the valley tonight. There's a man in the shadows with a gun in his eye, and a blade shining oh so bright. There's evil in the air and there's thunder in sky, and A killer's on the bloodshot streets. Oh and down in the tunnel where the deadly are rising, Oh I swear I saw a young boy down in the gutter, He was starting to foam in the heat. Oh baby you're the only thing in this whole world, that's pure and good and right. And wherever you are and wherever you go, there's always gonna be some light. But I gotta get out, I gotta break it out now, Before the final crack of dawn. So we gotta make the most of our one night together. When it's over you know, We'll both be so alone. Like...

Words: 741 - Pages: 3

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Biker Gang Informative Speech

...According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, an estimated 7.1 million motorcycles were registered in the United States as of 2008. The vast majority of motorcycle riders are law-abiding citizens who enjoy motorcycles as a hobby or form of transportation. Some enthusiasts even belong to clubs or groups devoted to motorcyclists; for example, an estimated 230,000 riders belong to the American Motorcyclist Association, one of the largest motorcycle clubs in the United States. What I will be talking about today is a small portion of motorcycle clubs that function as gangs and engage in a variety of deviant behavior and criminal activities. Individual members of such clubs proudly call themselves “One Percenters,” a nick name that originated from a comment made by the American Motorcycle Association that “99% of bikers follow the law.”! ! In an article; Leathers and Rolexs: The Symbolism and Values of the Motorcycle Club by! James F. Quinn and Craig J. Forsyth wrote “It is difficult to distinguish a modern one percenter from other bikers unless the patch is present. Further, the core traits of one percenters and their clubs are merely the extreme of a continuum that runs from law-abiding to crime immersed and from the countercultural gang member to the sophisticated subcultural entrepreneur.”! ! There are 4 distinct types of offending that can be observed with these groups:! Spontaneous expressive acts, which are typically violent crimes that arise between...

Words: 900 - Pages: 4

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Creative Writing: The Chameleon

...“Maybe they had a water fight.” Burroughs not in the mood for jokes, “Listen to me, Jenkins from head to toe they were damp, not wet, damp I did a little more homework. The kids' temperatures, exactly the same 98.6, their blood pressure all normal. If you were scared to death, in a state of shock, your blood pressure would shoot Sky-high.” “What the hell are you talking about blood pressure 98.6 scared to death?” Jenkins asks and then proceeds to read the riot act. “I’ve been telling you since day one, we have a freaking nightmare on our hands. I told you the kids were attacked by something, and it wasn’t a man. I told the captain that Fillmore Rose some 46 years ago had similar conditions. “I told you, God damn it, that we might be dealing...

Words: 1488 - Pages: 6

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Food Blog

...The Curiosity Every morning during the spring and fall semesters I would take I-27 south bound. Making my daily commute to WT, I would always pass by this random building that caught my eye. So much so that I was intrigued to find out what was inside. The outside of said building had two large jalapenos with the name "Willy's" on it. I thought to myself, maybe this is a chiles market or something...either way I wanted to go in! My palate for spice is exceptionally high from the average person so it would have been a plus if they served spicy foods. Stepping Into The Unknown Come to find out, this place was actually a restaurant. I didn't know it at the time but I stumbled upon an amazing hidden gem. The atmosphere is very welcoming and the staff treats you like family once you walk into the door. It makes sense that they are a locally owned and operated business. The walls are filled with old West Texas memorabilia ranging from paintings of the high plains to Native American Chiefs in traditional clothing, six shooters and rifles staked into the wooden beams. Everything in here screams authentic southern culture. Saddling Up Kicking my experience here up a notch I finally decided what I wanted to order. Glancing at the menu, I immediately went for the "Green Chile Willy's Chicken Fry". Ladies and gentlemen I swear to you this has got to be the best chicken fried steak I've ever eaten.Boom son! The juicy steak was fried to a crisp perfection (golden). It laid...

Words: 976 - Pages: 4

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Brown vs Usher Young Goodman Brown in Nathaniel Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown" with Roderick Usher from Edgar Allan Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher," one must first understand the motivating factor each man has of the world around him and how they react to that world. Both Brown and Usher suffer from disillusionment and an emotional seperation from family due to a traumatic experience they were unable or unwilling to recover from, thereby tarnishing their lust for life. Neither man is able to rise above the feelings that resulted from these occurrences. Although Usher and Brown are two different men, they fear the same thing, death. Usher had an irrational fear of death itself, whereas Brown was afraid of falling victim to sin and burn in Hell for all eternity. Young Goodman Brown is a true Puritan, motivated by his faith. Brown is innocent and somewhat naive in his view of the world around him. He partakes of a journey through the dark woods one night with a man presumed to be the devil himself. This experience awakens him to the abundance of deceit and sinful behavior of not only those he once respected but his family as well. While discussing Brown's solid christian family history, the stranger comments "I have been as well acquainted with your family as ever a one among the Puritans" (391). Brown realizes that even good christian men and women fall to the temptation of sin. However, knowing this does not lessen the fear and shame he feels that he himself might also succumb...

Words: 601 - Pages: 3

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Effects Of Censorship In Fahrenheit 451

...knowledge, and lack of communication/awareness. One way Fahrenheit 451 proves that censorship is harmful is the amount of suicide in the book. This can be seen when Mildred overdoses with sleeping pills, and they had to use a stomach pump to clean her stomach, “‘Neither of you is an M.D. Why didn’t they send me an M.D. from emergency?’ ‘Hell!’ the operators cigarette moved on his lips. ‘We get these cases nine or ten times a night. Got so many, starting a few years ago, we had the special machines built.”’ (Bradbury 7) Spoke the operator. In Fahrenheit 451 There are a lot of deaths. Mainly suicide. It is sad that, since they have so many overdoses, they had to make a special machine to pump out all of the ‘bad stuff’. Another way Fahrenheit 451 proves that censorship is harmful is due to the...

Words: 647 - Pages: 3

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Hell for Certain

...Heather Hayes September 4, 2015 Paper One Hell for Certain A few years ago, I decided to move out of Indiana. I had never lived anywhere except Indiana in my life. I had been offered to opportunity to be a caretaker for a friend. I have never liked change and couldn’t imagine stepping out of my comfort zone. However, this was my chance to experience something new. So in March 2011, I relocated to the Appalachian Mountains in Hyden, Kentucky. Hyden borders on the Daniel Boone National Forest and has a population of approximately 350 people. Upon my arrival, I quickly realized I was in a very different place. While driving on the interstate signs were all along the road to watch for falling rock. I had never seen signs like this before and hoped I wouldn’t get hit by falling rock. While trying to locate the address of my destination, I realized I was lost. I stopped at a small mom and pop gas station. As I approached the attendant, I sensed he knew I was an outsider. Before I could ask for directions he said, “You ain’t from these parts are you?” No I certainly was not. I asked him where I was and he said, “Why girl you’re in Hell for Certain.” I thought to myself, “Oh know what have gotten myself into!” I know I am a long way from home but I didn’t think I would end up in hell when I left there. “What do you mean I am in Hell for Certain,” I said. He responds “Well missy that is the name of the town...

Words: 1260 - Pages: 6

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Dnv Planning

...DNV planning IN A DECEPTIVELY simple essay entitled Earth Day and the War Against the Imagination, Pulitzer prize-winning poet and eco-essayist Gary Snyder says, "Real estate and business people like to argue that economic growth and development are inevitable." In what's become a landmark statement, he argues: "It is not selfish for any community or neighbourhood to try to find ways to check unwanted growth and expansion in its own backyard." And: "Those who try to shove growth down our throats are precisely the people who profit from it." An old English teacher like District of North Vancouver Mayor Richard Walton should appreciate this. As they say in the TV cop-shows, "Follow the money." Swelling density and slamming huge residential towers into other people's communities is a surefire strategy for the wealthy to grow very wealthy. The ownership of North America's professional sports teams includes a preponderance of real estate developers, and we know what it costs to buy one of these franchises and pay the all-star employees. Next time you spot one of those colossal holes being excavated for another highrise tower, remember the builder's maxim, "Where there's muck, there's money." Somewhere along the line while everyone was watching hockey reruns or Desperate Housewives, people in North Vancouver stopped caring about big residential growth the way they used to - the kind that's preparing to steamroll the district under its current developer-cosy, Talk Big, Do...

Words: 989 - Pages: 4

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Personal Narrative: My Life In Honduras

...Nor were any of the following. As the smooth paved highway turned into a bumpy pothole filled dirt road, our drive was almost completed and our journey just beginning. The alley ways of Talanga were filled with stray dogs, the poorest of poor, and reeked of poverty. Our van stirred up dust as we made our way out of Talanga and to Proyecto Manuelito, the orphanage for street kids the mission team would be staying at for the next two weeks. As we rolled to a halt in front of a mural painted gate and sank into the 3 foot deep puddle of rainwater, the gate opened and the van took off once more, only to come to a sliding stop twenty feet later in front of a run down building. The 13 of us fought to get out of the vehicle and tumbled onto the dirt, thankful to be on solid land once...

Words: 768 - Pages: 4

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Ups Strategic Business

...hotel California by the Eagles On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair, warm smell of colitis, rising up through the air. Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light. My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim, I had to stop for the night. There she stood in the doorway; I heard the mission bell and I was thinking to myself, "This could be Heaven or this could be Hell". Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way. There were voices down the corridor, I thought I heard them say, “Welcome to the Hotel California. It’s such a lovely place, such a lovely face. Plenty of room at the Hotel California, any time of year, you can find it here”. Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she has the Mercedes bends. She has a lot of pretty, pretty boys she calls friends. How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat. Some dance to remember, some dance to forget. So I called up the Captain, "Please bring me my wine.” He said, "We haven't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine." Still those voices are calling from far away. Wake you up in the middle of the night just to hear them say, “Welcome to the Hotel California. It’s such a lovely place, such a lovely face. They’re living it up at the Hotel California. What a nice surprise, bring your alibis.” There are mirrors on the ceiling, the pink champagne on ice. Then she said "We are all just prisoners here, of our own device.” In the master's chambers, they gathered for the feast. They stab it with their steely knives...

Words: 337 - Pages: 2

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Research Paper: Paradise Lost

...Paradise Lost -John Milton- John Milton (9 December 1608 – 8 November 1674) was an English poet, polemicist, man of letters, and a civil servant for the Commonwealth of England under Oliver Cromwell. He wrote at a time of religious flux and political upheaval, and is best known for his epic poem Paradise Lost (1667), written in blank verse. Milton's poetry and prose reflect deep personal convictions, a passion for freedom and self-determination, and the urgent issues and political turbulence of his day. Writing in English, Latin, Greek, and Italian, he achieved international renown within his lifetime, and his celebrated Areopagitica (1644)—written in condemnation of pre-publication censorship—is among history's most influential and impassioned defenses of free speech and freedom of the press. William Hayley's 1796 biography called him the "greatest English author," and he remains generally regarded "as one of the preeminent writers in the English language," though critical reception has oscillated in the centuries since his death (often on account of his republicanism). Samuel Johnson praised Paradise Lost as "a poem which...with respect to design may claim the first place, and with respect to performance, the second, among the productions of the human mind," though he described Milton's politics as those of an "acrimonious and surly republican". Because of his republicanism, Milton has been the subject of centuries of British partisanship. The phases...

Words: 1872 - Pages: 8

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Breaking The Cell Phone Monologue

...I figured that I better relieve my bladder while I was up and that’s exactly what I did. On my way to the bathroom, I heard the buzzing noise again. What in the hell was that? I thought to myself, as I tip toed back to Trent’s side of the bed. When I bent down I saw a green light flashing from under the nightstand. I stuck my hand through the opening and grabbed at whatever it was. I was shocked to see that it was a cell phone. As I looked on top of the nightstand I saw Trent’s phone. While the phone vibrated in my hand, Trent woke up and tried to grab the it. I quickly ran into the bathroom and locked Trent out. “Lyric, please baby, I can explain” “Who’s phone is this Trent? Is it yours?” I asked, as I flipped the cheap phone open. There was a lock on the phone. After I entered Anna’s birthday 7787, the phone didn’t unlock. I tried a few more codes and the phone still didn’t unlock. Just as I started to throw the phone against the wall, it started vibrating in my hand....

Words: 763 - Pages: 4