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Hijab Research Paper

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As an American born citizen. I do not have to worry about wearing a Hijab (headscarf) because of my freedom here in this country.

As an Afghan girl living in America I have the option to marry the person of my choice, for instance the person has to be just Muslim, and I will not be shamed from the community.

As a thin girl, I can eat anything I want and not gain any weight.

As an attractive female, I assume I don’t have to wait on lines when going out, and receiving special VIP treatment.

Origins of My privilege

First historical moment I ever experienced was on September 11 ,2001. I will never forget this day. It’s like a flashbulb memory every time I try to recall the …show more content…
As mentioned in the media, “It was a terrorist attack by the Muslims. Muslims were in danger, a lot of parents made the girls take off their hijab for their safety. I saw a footage in T.V a black lady crying to the T.V saying if she witnessed a Muslim person dying on the street she will not stop to help. When I use to go Masque for Qur’anic lessons, there were police patrolling the area day and night. Muslims and even Hindus who wore a turban was mistaken as Muslims were victims of “hate crime”. This shows that people were not aware of the difference between religions, culture and solely acting out of hurt, and wanted …show more content…
For instance, I met a really practicing Dominican Muslim who converted to Islam during 9/11 attacks, and we shared that commonality of struggle as Muslim. He began to motivate me to wear the hijab, and not be ashamed of being a Muslim. I was stuck between American culture and my religion, and if I was to reject, I am rejecting my true self. I started to apply for jobs, successfully I was asked to come for interview at T-Mobile located in Manhattan home of twin towers and tourist from all over. I took a chance, and was hired with my scarf on. I was receiving too much attention. People felt nothing but pity for me. They assumed I was oppressed, quiet, shy, reserved, but under the Hijab I was the opposite. I was being treated with so much respect, because people who understood it, knew women were scared and it needed protection. I assumed it would change my sales experience with European customers, knowing France bans hijab, and covering of face. They treated me like I was something less, and I had to be extra careful for that reason. Unfortunately, shortly after I removed it, because I stood out and was not use to that kind of attention. I felt normal again, and blended in with everyone

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