...DON BOSCO COLLEGE CANLUBANG COLLEGE DEPARTMENT CHAPTER III SYSTEM DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT This chapter discusses the feasibility study of the proposed system and the software methodology used in developing the system. This chapter also discusses the GUI (Graphical User Interface), Data Dictionary and the HIPO that identifies the processing step to produce an output. 3.2 Project Design This section discusses the applicant’s proposed system, the programming language to be utilize, the graphical user interface and program functions and data dictionary. 3.2.1 System Introduction The Inquiry System is a system software application that will help the Registrar’s Office of Dualtech Center to manage the records of the applicants and the students easily. 18 DON BOSCO COLLEGE CANLUBANG COLLEGE DEPARTMENT 3.2.2 Fabrication or Development Procedure Fig. 3.0 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 19 DON BOSCO COLLEGE CANLUBANG COLLEGE DEPARTMENT System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) modified with feedback at every stage. This model is using an embedded real time system projects. The proponents followed the interrelated steps of the System Development Life Cycle. In System Planning phase, it describes what is being built and why it is being built. In System Analysis phase, it defines users needs, understands the problem, and establishing functional requirements. In System Design phase, defines users’ needs and transforms to detailed/final systems specifications...
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...Solutions to REVIEW QUESTIONS –Chapter 1 1. An accounting information system is a collection of resources designed to provide data to a variety of decision makers according to their needs and entitlement. 2. The users of accounting information fall into two broad groups: external and internal. External users include stockholders, investors, creditors, government agencies, customers and vendors, competitors, labor unions, and the public at large. Internal users are the managers in an organization. 3. Electronic data processing (EDP) is the use of computer technology to perform an organization's transaction-oriented data processing. Management information systems (MIS) use computer technology to provide decision-oriented information to managers. In a decision support system (DSS), data are processed into a decision-making format for the end user. An expert system (ES) is a knowledgebased information system that uses its knowledge about a specific application area to act as an expert consultant to end users. 4. The four common operating cycles of business activity are the revenue cycle, expenditure cycle, production cycle, and finance cycle. 5. The term internal control suggests actions taken within an organization to regulate and direct the activities of the organization. 6. A controller is in charge of the accounting function. The treasurer is responsible for the finances of the business. 7. Internal audit is charged with monitoring and assessing...
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...ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to design a computerized voting system based upon the electoral process adopted in Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila. In recent years, information technology has greatly affected all aspects of life, and to a large extent, this includes politics. In order to choose people to various positions different methods have been set up, with researchers continually trying to find improvement to the existing methods. The most recent method to be devised is electronic voting (e-voting). It is meant to phase out outdated paper ballot, punched cards and other mechanical voting systems with paperless electronic or online voting systems. Computerized voting systems endeavour to make elections simple while reducing the total cost of the election. Designing an air-tight and reliable computerized voting system is therefore a great task, in that, the system that must be developed must protect the privacy of the voter, be easily understood and used by the entire voting populace - no matter who they are or where they come from. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter I The Problem and its Background | | Introduction | 1 | Background of the Study | 2 | Objective of the Study | 5 | General Objectives | 5 | Specific Objectives | 6 | Statement of the Study | 6 | Significance of the Study | 7 | Scope and Limitations of the Study | 8 | Scope of the Study | 8 | Limitations of the Study | 9 | | | Chapter II Review of Related...
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...Computerized Student Information System For ISU-E Laboratory High School A Research Project Presented to Mr. Darios B. Alado Subject Instructor In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirement for the Subject Research Project (Ca63) By Ramel P. Gasmin Maricar C. Medina Jonathan G. Lazaro October 2011 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The researchers would like to express their sincerest gratitude and thanks to God Almighty for his divine guidance and assistance, for enlightening their thought and prompted to proceed with perseverance until their work was done. Those people who generously shared their expertise assistance and guidance in realization of this study. No piece of work has ever been brought to success without the aid of others. To their parents and family, who were always there for them in moral and financial support, for understanding them in every way possible, and for instilling in their responsibility. To their classmates, friends, and boardmates who were always also there in times of their sadness and happiness, thank you for giving them an inspiring advice and we owe them so much. To Professor Darios B. Alado, thesis adviser, for the valuable efforts and supervision he patiently rendered; A profound thanks and appreciation are also to their professors and instructors of IICT and CBAPA department who gave their best knowledge to what they are now. Once again! The authors offers thanks and praise...
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...Introduction My 48 hour exam project is a case study of A. P. Møller – Maersk Group (Maersk); the objective of my assignment is to elaborate on Maersk`s talent management challenge, focused on development. Furthermore I will describe the cosmos of Maersk learning and competence development and provide alternative angles of conducting in this cosmos, in accordance with my own perspective. My ontological standpoint for this exam is constructivism (Olsen & Pedersen, 2005). The reality perceived is therefore not objective but created, or constructed, by man’s interpretation. This does not signify that I will avoid handling theories that are ontological objectivistic in order to discuss and compliment the various learning and competence development challenges of Maersk; but rather discuss the objective views and theories, and its contrasts to my standpoint. Organizational Change at Maersk Maersk have developed from a very standardized, family run company with certain and specific ways of running things; to a worldwide organization that have had to change in order to keep up with the time and trends. The major change in Maersk way of dealing with their learning and competence development occurred in 2008; Maersk had before 2008 a very objective approach to learning which were aimed towards trainees (Case, Page 7). In 2008 the People Strategy Sessions (PSS) is created and a shift towards a more individual development process has begun. PSS is developed to identify individuals...
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...CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Today’s society belongs to the information age where information is considered to be a valuable asset with this, different technologies are made so as to ensure the proper handling of information. There are databases and computer to name a few. The above-mentioned however are bulky and thus, their use is limited to offices and/or house only. People nowadays need to get and manage information whenever they want it. This is why, handheld devices or smaller versions of database and computers are developed. Mobile class records belong to this category. Android Mobile phones are increasing in popularity, not solely for business and personal but also for educational use. At all educational levels, android mobile phones are being use in the classroom to increase student’s organization, fasten collaboration, and maximize portability of technology. The teacher, being one of the major sources of information has to make sure that the pieces of information they impart and handle are systematic and organized. They have to strictly record attendance and monitor the performance of their students. Proper classroom management is therefore very vital to a teacher. Not being able to do so will greatly affect the effectiveness and efficiency of the teacher which would, in turn, somehow damage to the development of the student. Having mentioned the potentials of Android mobile phones, it can largely be of help to a teacher. Its portability will help a teacher manage the class...
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...Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter presents the related studies and literature both local and foreign that serves as guide in the development of the proposed study. Foreign Literature India’s higher education system is the third largest in the world, after China and United State. The main governing body at tertiary level is the University Grants Commission. Which enforces its standards, advises the government, and help coordinate between the center and the state? Accreditation for higher learning is overseen by 12 autonomous institutions established by the University Grants Commission. As of 2009, India has 2 central university 215 state universities, 100 deemed universities, 5 institutions established and functioning under the state act, and 13 institutes which are of national importance. Other institutions include 16000 colleges, including 1800 exclusive women’s colleges, functioning under these universities and institutions. A software development and IT service firm implemented its catalyst in Governor Andres Pascual College was integrated web platform to provide content management, transaction processing, marketing and interactive community functions to the two rice schools. Catalyst delivers on the Jones Schools two primary criteria for selecting web-based platform simplifying content management, and enabling user’s response to information such as event RSVP and course registration. The content management tools let the Jones...
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...HISTORIA CLINICA MEDICINA INTERNA DATOS DE FILIACION: nombre, sexo, edad, nacionalidad, estado civil, hijos. Fecha de redacción de la HC. MC: 1 palabra o frase corta. No es el diagnostico. AP: Alérgicos ( RAMC (si no esta seguro se indica por si acaso) ≠ a intolerancia FRCV ( HTA, DM, DL, Obesidad, Sedentarismo Tóxicos ( alcohol (gr/d= vol x % x 0.8 ), tabaco (IP/año= cig/d x años /20) , drogas (cantidad diaria, desde cuando, hasta cuando) Médicos ( Enfermedades actuales crónicas y Enfermedades agudas pasadas (ETS!!!! EDO!!!) Ingresos ( previos y por qué. Quirúrgicos ( Intervenciones quirúrgicas (pasadas/pendientes) y Ginecológicos (FUR, Gestacion; Menopausia) AF: Padres, hermanos, hijos (FRCV, geneticos, cáncer, ginecológicos, graves) SITUACIÓN BASAL, Funciones corticales conservadas, dep para AVD/L, discapacidad, dominancia manual, continencia, ants vs desp enf SITUACION SOCIAL – En que trabaja, a que se dedica, vive con alguien FACTORES AMBIENTALES - Donde vive, lugar de trabajo, animales en casa TTO HABITUAL – todos los fcos que toma, cuándo los toma y las dosis (MUY IMP QUE SEA ACTUALIZADO!!) ENFERMEDAD ACTUAL: Varón/Mujer de x años que acude al servicio de Urgencias por que refiere… Cúando comenzaron los 1º sínts y como fue el inicio. Orden de aparición y evolución hasta el momento actual. Como se encuentra ahora Descripcion del cuadro: localización, extensión e irradiación; intensidad, cualidad, duración, momento, (o ( evolucion...
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...CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter discussed an overview of the study. It explained the background of A. Briones Trading that included its history, the mission and vision initiated by the founder and its members. It emphasized the role of the system and its design suited for the company. It discussed the general idea of the proposed system on how it aided the company’s problems and switched it to a more productive solution. Employees of the company were listed together with their corresponding duties and responsibilities. It will also showed an illustration of the organizational chart and the map presenting the exact location of the company. 1.1 Introduction and its Background Technology had affected society and its surroundings in a number of ways. It had already offered a great contribution for the betterment of every human and its society. It had made difficult jobs into an easier and much productive one. Nowadays, computerized systems were mostly needed for an establishment to be able to advance its production and developed an agile organization. Rather than manually storing data or files on papers, this was a best way of storing and retrieving important documents. It gave much security and lessened the risk of losing or innocently misplacing files. 1.1.1 Background of the Study A. Briones Trading is a company that buys raw materials like paints, metals, volts, road railings, asphalts, gravel and sand...
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...About English Ultimatum 1890 - Teixeira Important things about Portugal that a Briton should know - preferably before arriving. Nuno Severiano Teixeira - Ultimatum Ingles 1990 https://www.google.pt/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CC0QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fanalisesocial.ics.ul.pt%2Fdocumentos%2F1223027734K4zTZ2wh1Lu94TC4.pdf&ei=ZLLOUuqhBaKQ0AXK0IH4Bg&usg=AFQjCNFdoWO3uAXFCr9xLDWlpwMx-oH2XQ&bvm=bv.59026428,d.d2k. Before / if coming here it would be useful if a Brit had an understanding of basic Portuguese history particularly the Scramble for Africa. If reading up on the subject we recommend the following recent 1990 text as a means of getting a grasp of an important period for Portugal. So, why not download this and take it to your Portuguese tutor ? It will mean a great deal to the Portuguese tutor to realise that a British citizen wants to know more about this part of their history – before arriving. If wanting to know more yourself your software should allow you to separate it into 3 parts and then google translate it in 3 sessions. Suggest to the Portuguese tutor this text becomes the 'course background reading' for all his / her other British students learning the language and about the country. Here's a short bit for the Portuguese tutor to discuss …. Não é porém ao nível individual das personalidades públicas, mas, pelo contrário, ao nível colectivo das massas anónimas, que o movimento patriótico assume a sua maior dimensão...
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...Raionul MINISTERUL EDUCAŢIEI AL REPUBLICII MOLDOVA AGENŢIA DE ASIGURARE A CALITĂŢII Localitatea Instituţia de învăţămînt Numele, prenumele elevului TESTUL Nr. 1 BIOLOGIA CICLUL LICEAL Profil real, sport, tehnologic februarie 2015 Timp alocat: 180 de minute Rechizite şi materiale permise: pix cu cerneală albastră. Instrucţiuni pentru candidat: - Citeşte cu atenţie fiecare item şi efectuează operaţiile solicitate. - Lucrează independent. Îţi dorim mult succes! Scor total acumulat _________ № 1 Item Explică în spaţiul rezervat esenţa noţiunilor, aducînd pentru fiecare explicaţie cîte un exemplu corespunzător. a) Heterozis - b) Microevoluţia - 2 În coloana I se conţin denumiri ai încrengăturilor de animale, iar în coloana a II-a – caracterizări şi exemple. Înscrie în spaţiul rezervat, potrivit noţiunilor din coloana I, cifrele corespunzătoare din coloana a II-a. Cifrele din coloana II pot fi scrise o singură dată. Coloana I A. Moluşte: _________________ B. Artropode: _______________ Coloana II 1. corp asimetric; 2. schelet extern chitinos; 3. corpul cu simetrie bilaterală; 4. schelet extern calcaros; 5. arahnidele; 6. gasteropodele; 7. bivalvele. Scor L L 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 L 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 L 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 Imaginea alăturată reprezintă schematic Ciclul vital al plantelor cu flori. a) Recunoaşte etapele reproducerii. Pe schemă încercuieşte şi indică...
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...Los diálogos platónicos son adaptaciones escritas de los diálogos que tantas veces escuchó a su maestro Sócrates, quizás por ello aparece siempre como el protagonista principal, especialmente en sus primeros años. Sin embargo, su pensamiento fue evolucionando a través de tres épocas hasta llegar a ser plenamente creativo. Donde se establece la ciencia racional de las cosas, ya que en Grecia la filosofía es también entendida como una averiguación de lo que cada cosa es, en el cual el papel más importante lo tiene la inteligencia ya que investiga y diferencia lo que las cosas son. Por tanto la inteligencia se convierte en logos, el cual es la facultad de analizar, esta facultad es lo que se hace continuamente en los diálogos ya que esta facultad solo la tiene el hombre, la razón, también esta filosofía que establece Platón el Banquete es la filosofía como Retórica y cultura, ya que no sólo los conversadores en este banquete intentan conversar si no que lo quieren dar a conocer a los demás, por tanto esta aparece como una forma para saber convivir el la ciudad (polis) donde las puertas de las casas estaban abiertas para todo el mundo, y no había distinciones de sexo,... como lo establece un orador en el banqueteEl primero en participar fue FEDRO: El cual dice que el amor es la divinidad más antigua, donde no es fácil explicar su origen sin estudios. Para él, es el dios que favorece a los hombres ya que no tolera la cobardía y siempre les inspira. , La abnegación a los amantes....
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...Tata Motors Limited is India's largest automobile company, with consolidated revenues of INR 1,23,133 crores (USD 27 billion) in 2010-11. It is the leader in commercial vehicles in each segment, and among the top three in passenger vehicles with winning products in the compact, midsize car and utility vehicle segments. It is the world's fourth largest truck and bus manufacturer. The company's over 25,000 employees are guided by the vision to be ''best in the manner in which we operate, best in the products we deliver, and best in our value system and ethics.'' Established in 1945, Tata Motors' presence indeed cuts across the length and breadth of India. Over 6.5 million Tata vehicles ply on Indian roads, since the first rolled out in 1954. The company's manufacturing base in India is spread across Jamshedpur (Jharkhand), Pune (Maharashtra), Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh), Pantnagar (Uttarakhand), Sanand (Gujarat) and Dharwad (Karnataka). Following a strategic alliance with Fiat in 2005, it has set up an industrial joint venture with Fiat Group Automobiles at Ranjangaon (Maharashtra) to produce both Fiat and Tata cars and Fiat powertrains. The company's dealership, sales, services and spare parts network comprises over 3,500 touch points; Tata Motors also distributes and markets Fiat branded cars in India. Tata Motors, the first company from India's engineering sector to be listed in the New York Stock Exchange (September 2004), has also emerged as an international automobile company...
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...Kabanata I. Ang Suliranin at Sanligang Pangkasaysayan 1.1 Panimula o Kaligiran ng Pag-aaral Anti- Bullying Act Ika-6 ng Hunyo 2013 nang ipasa ng mataas na kapulungan o Senado ng ika-15 Kongreso ang Senate Bill 2667 o mas kilala bilang Anti-Bullying Act of 2011. Enero 2012 naman nang ipasa sa ikatlong pagbasa sa mababang kapulungan ang House Bill No. 5496, o Anti-Bullying Act of 2012. Ang Republic Act 10627 kilala bilang Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 ay nag-uutos sa lahat ng elementary at high school na sumunod sa mga patakaran ng paaralan kung saan mahigpit na ipinagbabawal ang pambubully sa mga mag-aaral. Ayon sa batas ang bullying ay isang uri ng gawain ng isa o maraming estudyante laban sa kapwa estudyante sa pamamagitan ng mapaminsalang pagsusulat, masasakit na salita o kaya ay ang paninira gamit ang internet. Layon ng batas na maging pangangailangan sa lahat ng elementarya at hayskul sa buong bansa na pagkaroon ng mga polisiya upang mahadlangan at magawan ng karampatang aksyon ang mga kaso ng pambu-bully sa kanya-kanyang institusyon. Ayon sa batas, ang pambu-bully ay mangangahulugan ng kahit anong paraan ng panggigipit na ginagawa ng isa o ng isang grupo sa isa pa—pisikal man, berbal o mental—na naglulundo sa kawalang ganang o takot na pumasok ng isang estudyante sa eskuwelahan. Kasama rin dito ang tinatawag na cyber-bullying. Ano ang cyberbullying? Ito ang pang-aapi gamit ang ano mang electronic device, tulad ng email, instant messaging, text, blogs, websites...
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...Clase 3- fisio cert II Células foliculares tiroides. Que alimento quimico es importante para que se forme las homronas tiroideas?R: ioduro, el se oxida al interior del coloide y pasa a ser iodo . El iodo adentro de coloide y se asocia a la proteína tiroglobulina . el junto de tirosina globuladas se le adiciona 1 iodo se llama monotiosina y 2 di iodotirosina . El conjunto de tirosina forman tiroglobulinas. Si esta se ioda una tirosina monoyodotirosina y otra se ioda en 2 sitios di iodotirosina.. se asocian a otros AA dando vuelta y se une a otra di iodotirosina y se otro otra di iodotirosina etc esto pasara otra ves en una vescicula por endocitosis y al interiro de la celula se corta la cadena , formando T3 y T4 luego sale a la sangre la T4 y T3 ya cortadas dentro de la celula. Tri iodo tironina t3 / tetraiodo tironina t4 ellas viajan con proteínas transportadoras. *La t3 y t4 cuando viajan por la sangre , estas llegan y actúan en celula blanco ejemplo corazón, celula diana, tiene que tener el receptor para poder actuar. de t4 o tiroxina 89% / t3 tri iodotironina 10% / 1 % hormona t3 reversa no tiene función. RECEPTOR: La afinidad del receptor de t3 en la celula blanco es 10 veces más a fin que para la t4 y el receptor está dentro del núcleo. Siempre la hormona activa es t3 !!!! Entonces la hormona tiroideas viajan por la sangre llegan a una celula blanco ejemplo celula cardiaca pasan al interiro de la celula blanco, y la t4 al interior se trasforma en t3 gracias...
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