...RUNNING HEAD: COURAGEOUS HISTORICAL FIGURE Courageous Historical Figure Amonie Keller Kaplan University | Dictionary.com defines courage as the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery. In other words; overcome your fears. You may be told you can't do something or it's something that's never been done but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try. Whether you succeed or not, as long as you give it your best you will cross the threshold. Dr. Patricia Bath is a more recent historical figure who has shown great courage. Dr. Bath came from a poverty stricken and predominately black community. She came from Harlem, NY where there weren't any high schools and African Americans were excluded from most medical schools. Dr. Bath refused to let these obstacles stand in her way. She went to medical school in the early 1960's and persevered against the sexism and racism to graduate and become an ophthalmologist, surgeon, and patients' rights activist. Dr. Bath was the first African American female surgeon at the UCLA Medical Center. She co-founded the American Institute for the Prevention of Blindness. In the early 1980's she received a patent for a medical invention making her the first African American female doctor to do so. She invented the Laserphaco Probe for removing cataracts. By the late 1980's Dr. Bath had received four patents from the United States and many international patents for all innovations related...
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...Historical Figures in Nursing University of 10-15-12 During ancient civilizations little was known about the cause of disease and treatment often revolved around magic. Witch doctors or priests were looked upon very favorably and had a high status in these ancient societies (Blais & Hayes, 2011). As societies evolved more was learned about the causes of disease. In 1900 B.C. there were recorded codes regarding sanitation and public health. The Bible even speaks of quarantine to prevent disease and nurses are mentioned as caring for infants and the sick. But, much of today’s nursing practice seems to have evolved from the need to provide care to soldiers during wartimes. Two historical figures that left an impact on the development of modern nursing are Harriet Tubman and Walt Whitman. Araminta Ross, also known as Harriet Tubman, was born into slavery. At age 25 she married John Tubman, a free African American. They did not share the same desire to move north and after 5 years of marriage, Harriet left her husband and escaped to Philadelphia (“Harriet Ross Tubman Timeline”, 1996). After her escape, she became an operator of the Underground Railroad, an abolitionist, nurse and spy for the Civil War, suffragist, and humanitarian. In 1862, in support of Union activities, Harriet joined Northern abolitionists. She provided nursing care during the Civil War to newly freed slaves and black soldiers. After the war she moved to Auburn, New York...
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...American Revolution Impact on Historical Figures The American Revolution also known as the American War for Independence, took place between 1765 and 1783, a political fight that resulted in the founding of the United States of America. Many different battles were foraged, taxes and laws imposed that contributed to the Patriots wanting freedom from the control of Great Britain. The effects of war along with culture and ethnicity affected many during this time in many different ways due to their position or status during this fight. Abigail and John Adams are important known historical figures from the American Revolution. Abigail and John communicated through letters widely documented and used for the study of the war. The American Revolution affected this couple in many ways individually and as a married couple. John was a member of the Continental Congress, a select group to lobby for American independence. Being a part of this group required John to be away from his homestead while Abigail stayed behind to provide local support of the war and care for their home. Long or short time periods of distance in a relationship can bring many complications and in some cases a greater appreciation of the other. Abigail took on the responsibilities caring for the farm, educating children while dealing with reduced income, lack of goods due to the war and overall difficult living conditions and being alone. In letters between them, Abigail pleads for John to remember the rights of...
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...Although there are many historical figures Chris Kyle is one of the most legendary historical figures that have ever existed. Chris Kyle saved more lives than anyone could ever now. Though Chris Kyle’s life was taken from him, if I could go back to the day he died, then I would give him some advice. My first piece of advice is, I would tell Chris that he should be careful with whom his acquaintances are. If Chris is careful about who he hangs out with then he won’t have to worry about getting hurt. Chris died because of someone he thought was his friend, but his so called friend revolted against Chris and it cost both Chris and his other friend their life. If Chris was more cautious about his acquaintances than he and his friend might be...
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...Historical figures such as Thomas Edison, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln, are considered one of the most influential figures in American history, based on the actions they took during their lifetimes. Andrew Carnegie, often referred to as the “father of modern philanthropy”, is one of these figures. Born in Scotland in 1835, the young boy migrated to Pennsylvania where he began to work many jobs and educate himself through books. By the 1870s, Carnegie founded his first steel plant after he was inspired by a process of turning iron into steel. He eventually sold the business to J.P. Morgan for over $480 million at the time, making him the richest man in the world. He then reinvented himself as a philanthropist, using his money for the...
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...Marc Andres July 19, 2012 Professor James Winter Customer Relations The first I would do with handling the customer is try to figure out what the real problem is and try to have a good attitude about the whole situation. Going with having a god attitude towards the customer, I would try to remind the customer of making sure they have the right information of the parts they needed. I would also make sure that the customer has a straight answer on what we did as a company to make them feel the way that they did. After figuring out the problem, I would get the customer to make them feel like they are really being helped and make them feel secure about the situation. I would be sincere and call them by their name and giving them a lot of eye contact. I would never interrupt the customer and since they have been a frequent customer they should already know what is expected from the company. Since the production has been declining, I would make sure every aspect of the company is at its best and saying this I would take the role of the CFO. I would take role of the CFO because we need to take of this problem right away. Even though it might have or not been our problem, we as a company should want to keep production right and make sure everything is going well. I feel as though that if we don’t think about this problem now then we are going to keep losing customers and were going to have a lot of bad things that will happen to the company. As the CFO, Jennifer Garland, said we...
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...in the interested in the characters, shapes, and lines of these images. He focused on how the lines could represent the movement and give the abstracted image a more natural quality. This development is what helped him eventually develop his own library of iconography. The personal iconography would lead Haring to build an artistic language by which he could communicate messages of political, social, or even sexual nature to his viewers. Using iconography, he sends messages about life, death, rebirth, social justice, sexuality, consequences, guilt, and dread. In his work, Haring often used familiar figures repeatedly to depict various acts in different ways. One example of such a figure is the body. Haring draws the shape and form of the body as well as the motion and actions that the body can produce. He demonstrates the movement of the body and in some cases just focuses on certain parts. In some of his works, he obsessively draws the male penis. He uses lines to represent motion or action that is happening within the painting. There are also other common pictures in his work, such as dogs, pigs, dolphins, and spaceships. Haring sometimes uses color to send a political message about the work that depicts the oppression of black man or the concept of death associated ...
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...of the page, after the title of the paper in chapter titled "Abstract" (without chapter number), after the names of the authors and the contact information of the corresponding author. The summary should describe the approach and the article's major contributions, emphasizing the importance and significance of the results with proper cited reference to be listed in the reference section at the end of the article. The paper length should not exceed 2 pages. Equations, figures, tables and references should follow a sequential numerical scheme in order to ensure a logical development of subject matter. For equations, [pic] (1) Figures and Tables: Give each figure and table a separate concise caption. It begins with Figure or Table, followed by the appropriate Arabic numeral and period. The maximum width of figure or table may not exceed 17 cm. Make symbols, line thickness, and lettering in proper scale in relation to the overall figure size. Acknowledgements, if any, including all funding information, should be gathered into a brief statement at the end. REFERENCES 1. Lastname, F. M. “Title of the journal paper,” Journal Title Abbreviation, Vol. 34, No. 10, 1064–1076, 1986. 2. Lastname, F. M. and F. M. Lastname, “Title of the journal paper,” Journal Title Abbreviation, Vol. 34, No. 10, 1064–1076, 1986. 3. Lastname, F. M., F. M. Lastname and F. M. Lastname, “Title of the journal paper,” Journal...
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...COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF FAIR VALUE AND HISTORICAL COST ACCOUNTING ON REPORTED PROFIT: A STUDY OF SELECTED MANUFACTURING COMPANIES IN NIGERIA BESSONG, PETER KEKUNG and CHARLES, EFFIONG DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTING FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF CALABAR, P.M.B.1115, CALABAR, CROSS RIVER STATE, NIGERIA Tel: +234 8037079607 ABSTRACT This study aimed to critically examine the effects of fair value accounting and historical cost accounting on the reported profits. However, since the major objective of any business organization is to make profit and continue in business, what they face in the course of doing their business and the method of accounting they use in reporting their profit may make this noble objective to be unrealistic particularly during inflationary period. Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources and presented and analyzed using ordinary least square. The study revealed that both historical cost and fair-value accounting have significant effect on reported profit. Conclusively, Based on the findings of the study, it is concluded that the amount calculated as depreciation, charged as taxes and paid as dividends greatly influence the operating profit of the company. This simply means that the method of profit measurement will greatly influence the amount charged as taxes, depreciation and dividend on the profit of the company. The study recommended that companies should prepare their financial report using both historical cost and fair-value methods...
Words: 12475 - Pages: 50
...mission-related control of the organization. Additionally, it seems that a great deal of donative income is “left on the table.” The organization has apparently expended far too little effort searching for small to midsize donations. I believe that a great deal of untapped development potential is waiting to be realized. BBYO is an 85 year old Jewish Youth Movement that has an alumni base of over 35,000 individuals. When one considers that this number does not reflect the parents of alumni, one can only conclude that this very large donor base has mainly gone untapped. It would be interesting to compare the percentage of revenues solicited from major donors to revenue percentages of other youth groups, both Jewish and non-Jewish. While such figures are not presented in this study, I believe it is fair to conclude that the donative revenue structure of BBYO is far too heavily weighted towards major donors. In fact, the graphic representation of the Donor Period on the preceding page...
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...painting presents problems for the viewer as they are forced to question the morality of the scene, whether to consider the nude, naked in a public place and exhibited to the public or if they are an active partner. Even though the intended reaction to the picture is unclear, the presence of the nude controls the viewer's emotional response. The presentation of the figures in soft focus and broadly painted landscape promoted severe criticism. Also, the loose manner of painting contradicts the crisp forms with the bright clothes and food in the left corner. In the main figures, there are only a few lights and darks, which makes them distinctive from the background. On the contrary, the painting of Titian's Pastoral Symphony, both mysterious in meaning and authorship, has been known as one of the most influential paintings of the nineteenth century. The main figures are two men who are seated on the grass against a vast countryside setting. Titian had been interested on landscapes in his early career, and later on reduced the amount of visual landscape. The theme is as enigmatic as the lighting, as the figures are modulated by the smoky shadow. In the setting here, the man on the left is dressed in red clothing worn by nobles of the period and is playing a lute, while the man on the right wears a brown costume which is typical of peasantry. The men turned towards each other seem oblivious to...
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...Sample manuscript for Journal of Applied Physicsa) A. Author,1,2,b) B. Author,2,c,d) and C. Author3,d) 1Department, University, City, Postal code, Country 2Corporation or Laboratory, Street address, Postal code, City, Country 33Department, University, City, State (spell out full name), Zip code, USA This is an abstract. It gives the reader an overview of the manuscript. Abstracts are required for all manuscripts. The Abstract should be self-contained (contain no footnotes or citations to references). It should be adequate as an index (giving all subjects, major and minor, about which new information is given), and as a summary (giving the conclusions and all results of general interest in the article). It should be approximately 250 words. The abstract should be written as one paragraph and should not contain displayed mathematical equations or tabular material. In this sample article we provide instructions on how to prepare and submit your paper to Journal of Applied Physics, a journal published by AIP Publishing LLC. The AIP Publishing staff appreciates your effort to follow our style when preparing your manuscript. I. INTRODUCTION: THE MANUSCRIPT Please use this “sample manuscript” as a guide for preparing your article. This will ensure that your submission will be in the required format for Peer Review. Please read all of the following manuscript preparation instructions carefully and in their entirety. The manuscript must be in good scientific...
Words: 4042 - Pages: 17
...informs Brenda that the vendor of the new registers will give some training materials and train the company’s trainer. She then states, “We need to determine the best way to train the cashiers in the three stores, the management team in each store and the computer support specialists.” This makes is confusing to understand who is suppose to be doing the training in the store. It leaves questions as to why the vendor id training someone if it is then up to the stores to find a way to train the employees. The clarity also comes into question when Yvonne says to, “have someone evaluate the various means we could use to deliver the training and make a recommendation of how we should proceed.” This leaves Brenda to try to figure out where to look for someone and to figure out when exactly the training is suppose to happen. The tone and style are on the casual style for a business memo. The whole thing is typed in one paragraph that is not as informative as it should be. The whole memo seems to be very casual and almost rushed. Yvonne should have taken her time to gather up some more information to more clearly state what is going to happen or what needs to happen. I would have informed Brenda of the dates that the new registers were coming, instead of saying in six weeks. I would have figured out the training schedule and when and where it...
Words: 419 - Pages: 2
...Short Essay July 11, 2011 A Maprik Standing Male Figure The Maprik Standing Male Figure dates back to the 20th century, he stands 51 inches tall and 8 inches wide, and is made of wood. The figure is painted two colors, a reddish color and white; the parts not painted you see the wood. The figure has a diamond shaped head is painted with a white zigzag, Christmas tree looking symbol on the forehead. The face of the male figure is painted white around its eyes an don its cheeks. The figure has almond shaped eyes is smiling. Continuing down to its body, there are holes in the wood where the figures shoulders are and surrounding the circles and to the end of its arms is painted white. This is equal on both sides of the body. The center of the figure is painted white, and narrows down to thin stick like legs inside the figures full body. In the center of the stomach of the male figure is a v-shaped tribal sign. The entire figure is painted red except where it is painted white, and the bottom of its legs and the flat area between his legs. The figure is proportionate in size, and seems to be pictured nude with only paint on him. I believe the figure was used for a specific tribe. I believe it is used in a ritual tribe giving strength to a person and initiating them into the tribe. I think this because of the mark on their stomach seems to be one of like a scar and I believe it’s for strength also because of the holes where the shoulders are. I consider that these holes are...
Words: 330 - Pages: 2
...would work for her situation. The main problems we will face is the fact that she will need to become accustom to the whole process of creating a presentation that will include all the items she would like. My way to get over this issue would be to briefly read over with her the basic guidelines and instructions for creating a PowerPoint presentation, such as how to select a theme, insert data and pictures and anything else I feel she would need to know. I would try to avoid overloading her with anything I think she may not need to deal with at the time. If I have further trouble understanding any issues she has I would suggest that we try to start from the beginning and try to take her through the process step by step and from there figure out the best process for her to create this project. Once we figured out what she wants then I would go back to trying to take her through the basic process of creating a presentation, advising her how to create a slide, edit slides, and how to add in pictures and video’s as well as graphs for her statistics. If we had further issues with her understanding my instructions then I would recommend to the customer to review any online how-to steps for creating a presentation. There are many forms of help available for the customer to review and look at which is sometimes much easier than having someone tell you over the...
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