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History of Persuasion Essay


Submitted By jacksondj
Words 786
Pages 4
First to start off everything in life has a history of some sort and that’s the same for persuasive writing which is a form that’s used so many times by so many people. I have used this style of writing on many occasions myself when I wanted to get my point across and show others that my way of thinking was a better idea or thought process than someone else. It’s very important to understand what being persuasive really is. Persuasion in itself including writing. It’s a form of expression getting someone or reasoning with them your way of thinking on an issue or argument.
The Sophists were teachers and professors who came to Greece cites. Here’s a short introduction Fifth century B.C.E. “The word sophists was still broadly applied to ‘wise men’, including poets such as Homer and Hesiod, the Seven Sages, the Ionian ‘physicists’ “ I thought this would be a good understanding of who these people were and their thoughts. A theorist that I decided to go with was Antiphon after doing some of my research I found him to be the most interesting. The bio of him is fairly unclear probably do to lost information in the past since he was in BC time before Christ. One thing that I found in my research that was very unresolved was whether or not he should be identified with Antiphon of Rhamnus who was a teacher of rhetoric. For those that don’t to what that means it’s a art of persuasive speaking and compositional techniques. Back to the man at hand the man was a member of the oligarchy which held power in Athens that was a huge thing during that time having someone in that position. Antiphon seemed to be a man that was a strong writer as well as a very smart man who had his ways of getting his point across in a very good way that everyone could understand. This through research seems to be a relativist, when it comes to his theories and writing styles. Antiphon’s way of

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