...COURSE LATEST HLT 205 Week 1 Topic 1 Discussion 1 Compare and contrast the U.S. health care system to the health care system of another country. What similarities or difference s exist? Cite references to support your answer. HLT 205 Week 1 Topic 1 Discussion 2 The U.S. health care system evolved between the times of preindustrial to postindustrial America. How have the determinants of health care and associated strategies for improvement changed during this evolution? Include the growth of health care and expansion of legislation and associations in your response. Cite references to support your response. HLT 205 Week 1 Assignment U.S. Health Care Timeline Details: It is essential to identify, examine, and understand the history and foundations of health care in the U.S. as this will be the foundation for understanding health care systems though this course and in practice. Students will need to show a thorough understanding of the framework and dates of events while clearly demonstrating the impact and importance that these events have had in the medical field. For this assignment you will need to create a timeline that includes a minimum of 10 significant dates in the history of health care. Include the following in your timeline: 1. Important events or eras in health care and their impact. 2. Major figures and their contributions to health care. 3. The formation of the various health-related organizations. In addition to the timeline, include a 500-word summary...
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...HLT 205 WEEK 1 COMPLETE LATEST To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://wiseamerican.us/product/hlt-205-week-1-complete-latest/ contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US HLT 205 WEEK 1 COMPLETE LATEST HLT 205 Week 1 Topic 1 Discussion 1 Compare and contrast the U.S. health care system to the health care system of another country. What similarities or difference s exist? Cite references to support your answer. HLT 205 Week 1 Topic 1 Discussion 2 The U.S. health care system evolved between the times of preindustrial to postindustrial America. How have the determinants of health care and associated strategies for improvement changed during this evolution? Include the growth of health care and expansion of legislation and associations in your response. Cite references to support your response. HLT 205 Week 1 Assignment U.S. Health Care Timeline Details: It is essential to identify, examine, and understand the history and foundations of health care in the U.S. as this will be the foundation for understanding health care systems though this course and in practice. Students will need to show a thorough understanding of the framework and dates of events while clearly demonstrating the impact and importance that these events have had in the medical field. For this assignment you will need to create a timeline that includes a minimum of 10 significant dates in the history of health care. Include the following in your timeline: 1. Important events or eras in health care...
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...HLT 314V WEEK 1 COMPLETE ASSIGNMENT AND DQS To Purchase this tutorial visit following link: http://wiseamerican.us/product/hlt-314v-week-1-complete-assignment-and-dqs/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US HLT 314V WEEK 1 DISCUSSION 1 Select an allied health care profession and provide a description of the jobs and services provided by that profession. Research regulatory or professional organizations that serve the profession you chose, and describe an area in which the profession seeks to improve or expand. In what other ways might the profession grow to better serve the ever-changing health care population? HLT 314V WEEK 1 DISCUSSION 2 Select and describe one of the key factors that influenced the evolution of the U.S. health care delivery system to what it is today. What challenges and opportunities are still relevant? How is the selected key factor affecting health care delivery today? How might it affect future health care delivery? HLT 314V WEEK 1 ASSIGNMENT HEALTH CARE TIMELINE Details: Review the Topic Material, “Timeline for the History of Public Health and Epidemiology” to complete this assignment. Using this resource as an example, create your own timeline in a Word document with significant dates that influenced and changed the health care delivery systems. 1. Your timeline should begin where the timeline in the topic material above ends (1988). 2. Your timeline should end with the most current and significant information that you can find. You are...
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...RUNNING HEAD: Timeline 1 Interactive Timeline EDU 324: History of American Education Timeline 2 Interactive Timeline I think the most significant event from my timeline was the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended segregation in public places such as schools and prohibited discrimination in the workforce on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The Civil Rights Act was a stepping stone in changing the future of this entire country. President Johnson signed the act into law on July 2, “the Civil Rights Act of 1964, was the most comprehensive civil rights statute in U.S. history and one of the nation’s most significant pieces of social legislation” (Webb, 2014). If the Civil Rights Act had not passed into the law, this country would still be very much divided and segregation and racial discrimination would have continued. In 2008, the first African-American man, Barack Obama, was elected into the presidential office. In the upcoming election, a woman, Hilary Clinton will run for the presidential office. These major events in history would have never been possible without the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. I think the most interesting person is my timeline is Anne Sullivan and how she became known as “the miracle worker”. Anne Sullivan had vision problems of her own and she began to work with Helen Keller when...
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...Art Time Line Final Project 1 Art Time line Final Project Name ART/101 3/2/2013 Instructor Art Time line Final Project 2 Figure 1 (960-1127) Old Trees, Level Distance Northern Song Dynasty Guo Xi Hand Scroll, ink and color on silk Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Guo Xi, the preeminent landscape painter of the late eleventh century, sought to give form to poetic images as well as emotions. He was especially interested in conveying the hints of seasons and times of day in his paintings. In this particular painting Old Trees, Level Distance, it looks as if the painting was done for a fellow government official the night before he retires. You can see the leafless trees as well as what appears to be an elderly couple approaching a pavilion. The artist uses shading as well as colors to show the appearance of mist in the painting. Art Time Line Final Project 3 Figure 2 (960-1127) Summer Mountains Northern Song Dynasty Attributed to Qu Ding Hand Scroll; ink and pale color on silk Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Between the years 900 and 1100, the Chinese painters created visions of landscape that portrayed the sublimity of creation. People are meant to identify with the human figures in these paintings. In...
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...Timeline Part II NOTE: Before starting the Timeline project please refer to the "Example Timeline Matrix" document. Instructions: Complete the matrix by providing the Time Period/Date(s) in column B, and the Description and Significance of the People/Event(s) to American History in column C. See complete instructions in the Syllabus for the Module 3 assignment entitled. “Timeline Part II.” NOTE: The timeline project does not need to be submitted to turnitin. NOTE: Please write your answers in a clear and concise manner. Limit your submission of the Timeline Part II up to 250 words per topic/subtopic. For example, if a topic is divided into 3 subtopics, you may write a maximum of 250 per subtopic listed. Be sure to cite all sources. Major Event/Epoch in American History | Time Period/Date(s) | Description and Significance of the People/Event(s) to American History | 1) The evolution of the institution of slavery from the Colonial Period to the 1860s. | 16th Century – 19th Century | I found this excerpt from Robert Francis Engs from the Macmillan Information Now Encyclopedia: The history of African American slavery in the United States can be divided into two periods: the first coincided with the colonial years, about 1650 to 1790; the second lasted from American independence through the Civil War, 1790 to 1865. Prior to independence, slavery existed in all the American colonies and therefore was not an issue of sectional debate. With the arrival of independence...
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...THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL ASIA FALL SEMESTER 2014 History of Art Dr Raymond-Josef Hoffmann Description: This course is an introduction to art as the embodiment of cultural, social, and political values, ranging from ancient civilizations to the modern period. The class examines painting, sculpture, and architecture , and both domestic and ornamental artifacts of Near Eastern, Mediterranean and Western civilisations. Various historical periods will be considered through an examination of creative practices, themes, and visual forms. Examples of the work of representative artists and movements, from Praxiteles in ancient Greece to recent artists will be explored. The course will also consider cultural and artistic exchanges between societies of Europe, the Americas, Asia (including central Asia), and Africa, when appropriate. Human beings have been culture-makers and illustrators from the beginning: the history of our species on earth can be traced from early cave drawings and implements for eating and hunting to decorative arts, gothic cathedrals, skyscrapers to non-cognitive forms of expression that defy interpretation. This course is an exploration of an essential aspect of our attempts to shape the world and to create an environment in which self-expression, pleasure, ideology and aspiration can thrive. 1. Structure: The course comprises two 80 minute discussion/seminars based on specific works of art each week. The topics and readings are given...
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...visit www.snaptutorial.com MTE 501 Entire Course MTE 501 Week 1 Individual Assignment Evolution of Education Timeline MTE 501 Week 2 Individual Assignment Educational Issues MTE 501 Week 2 Team Assignment Educational Learning Opportunities MTE 501 Week 3 Individual Assignment Philosophical and Educational Perspectives MTE 501 Week 3 Team Assignment Educator Philosophy Interview MTE 501 Week 4 Individual Assignment Classroom Observation MTE 501 Week 4 Individual Assignment Ethical Decisions Presentation MTE 501 Week 4 Individual Assignment Professional Expectations Brochure MTE 501 Week 4 Team Assignment Ethical Decisions Presentation ----------------------------------------------- MTE 501 Week 1 Individual Assignment Evolution of Education Timeline For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Watch all eight sections of "The History of Education" video. Reflect on how education has evolved in your own lifetime. Create a timeline or use a timeline maker, such as the one from the ReadWriteThink® website, to display how educational policies and practices have evolved throughout your lifetime. Include a minimum of eight entries. At least two of those entries must describe important government mandates that have made major contributions to the field of education. • All entries on your timeline must be supported by an explanation and citation. Develop a list of references used to create the timeline. Format your citations according to APA guidelines. Click the...
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...PROFESSIONAL DYNAMICS Re:Topic 2: Discussion Question 1 How does knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing provide a context in which to understand current practice? Identify at least three trends in nursing practice from the "Nursing Timeline of Historical Events" media piece. How have these trends influenced your perspective of nursing practice? My understanding of the nursing history used to be limited to Florence Nightingale time during the Crimean war. However, after watching the slides and read other resources, I realised that nursing history go way back before Florence Nightingale. In order to understand nursing, the history must not be waved aside as a thing of the past.Nursing over many decades has made a lot of great progress. Dorothea Lynde Dix made a landmark by initiating first nursing registration.Effort of Elizabeth Mahoney for coloured nurses despite racial discrimination made positive change among coloured nurses.Midred Montag's idea about 2 year associate nursing degree gave birth to many nursing schools. All these people and many others have made a tremedous progress in nursing,from bedside nursing to nursing research. The foundation of nursing today is laid on the efforts of brave men and women who practiced and gave their best to the profession. Nursing has risen from a profession that is not respected to a highly competitive profession. Despite many changes and trends in nursing, nursing has remained a profession whose primary responsibility...
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...HIS 115 Entire Course Week 1-9 Includes All DQs, Checkpoints, Assignments, Capstone and Final Click link below to Purchase Entire Class: http://hwguides.com/HIS-115-Entire-Course-Week-1-9-Includes-All-DQs-Checkpoints-As-66.htm HIS 115 U.S. History to 1865 Week One: The Geographic Revolution CheckPoint: European Societal Changes Assignment: North American Civilization Paper Week Two: Settlement in the South and North Discussion Questions CheckPoint: Compare and Contrast Matrix Week Three: On the Road to American Independence CheckPoint: Great Britain and the Colonies Assignment: Seven Years’ War Paper Week Four: The American Revolution and a New Government Discussion Questions CheckPoint: The Confederation Government Table Week Five: Toward Nationalism CheckPoint: Hamilton’s Financial Program CheckPoint: War of 1812 Assignment: Western Expansion Presentation Week Six: Economic and Political Transformation Discussion Questions CheckPoint: The Bank War Week Seven: Social Structure and Transformation in the North and South CheckPoint: Class Structure and Slave Culture Assignment: Perfection Era Paper Week Eight: Expansionism, Sectional Conflict, and Civil War Discussion Questions CheckPoint: Civil War Matrix Week Nine: Civil War Impact on American Society Capstone CheckPoint Final Project: Historical Timeline and Essay HIS 115 Week 1 Assignment - North American Civilization Paper Assignment: North American Civilization...
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...Affordable Care Act (ACA) as signed on March 23, 2010 by President Barack Obama with the purpose to provide complete health insurance that will; hold insurance companies’ accountable, decrease the cost of healthcare, guarantee more choices, coverage expansion, and enhance the quality of care for all Americans (ACA History, 2016). The affordable care Act is comprised of two separate pieces of legislation; Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (ACA History, 2016). How ACA Came to Existence For the last 75 years democratic Presidents had attempted to create a nationwide insurance system but they were all unsuccessful. In 2009 was the first year of Obama’s presidency and the house of Democrats introduced a plan of 1,000-page plan with the intention to overhaul the healthcare system on July 14th causing a raged debate on the topic (ACA History, 2016). The senate prohibited individuals that were unlawfully present in the U.S. to benefit from the health reform. Although all republicans voted against it, the senate bill was amended and approved by the House on March 21, 2010 with 219-212 vote (ACA History, 2016). Despite the promise of the GOP candidate to undo ACA, Obama’s reappointment on November 2012 allowed the ACA to turn into a reality. Features of the Law by Year 2010 -Small business were granted rebate for providing coverage to employees and seniors with pre-existing conditions and for coverage for...
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...How does knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing provide a context in which to understand current practice? In order to comprehend the art of nursing one must appreciate and have knowledge of the nursing foundation and historical events that have evolved over time to understand and apply to their current practice. The article Nursing History, Theory and Conceptual Models states that before Florence Nightingale, nurses were the “sinners, saints, or mothers.” The women that were nurses’ from the beginning of time were women that were either religious leaders or more commonly had a disgraceful reputation to society and over the years nursing has evolved to a highly respectable profession. I remember learning the historical events and the history of nursing before learning anything else in my first nursing class. In order to move forward sometimes you must step back and take a closer look to understand things clearer. Identify at least three trends in nursing practice from the "Nursing Timeline of Historical Events" media piece. 1. One trend in nursing would be Florence Nightingale’s dedication to improve healthcare sanitation and hygiene which has saved so many lives and continues to be pursued to the modern day of nursing. The Nursing Timeline of History piece discusses how her development and advancement to enhance nurses’ education contributed to the “establishment of measures to analyze disease and mortality rates using statistical measures.” Through evidence...
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...Economic Terms & Healthcare History Economic Terms & Healthcare History This paper will entail the history as well as the development of healthcare economics, and health care funding. The significance and how it affects the world today. I will address how the history and development of health care economics and the timeline of health care funding has changed over the past years in the United States. What is the Meaning of Evolution of Health Care Economics? Development of health care economics, it is a changing system within the United States. It has become multifaceted and in the past two decades, the upheaval in health care in is largely in lieu of rising health care cost. It is a discipline that deals with the conception, distribution, and all intakes of goods and services. Over the past years, it has dealt with pricing of products and the structure of the economy, as the price-cost relationship of a whole medical firm. It relates to an uncaring conversion, when a demand fails to increase or decrease in percentage to a decrease or increase in price. The adjustment involves the total health care market price of all the goods and services created within the form of a country during an identified time ("Gross domestic Product, " 2014). However, the evolution of health care economics deals with a broad and general aspect of an economy income and investments of the United States as a whole. The history and development of health care economics have...
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...Medical Services (EMS), and Electric Health Records (EHR). This part of the exhibit will cover the history, and how did it affect our current health care system. The second part talks about how does everything ties together. Part 1: Health Care Hall of Fame Museum Proposal |Development |Description |Analysis (How does the development affect the current U.S. health care system?) | |1. Marine Hospital |The "Decades Of Healthcare Service" (). In 1798, President John Adams signed into |The relevance of the Marine Hospital service is by the government recognized that | |Service |law the Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen. Creating the Marine Hospital|the servicemen needed federal regulated healthcare. This service was centered to | | |Service. This plan marked the nation’s first pre-paid health insurance plan and was |providing medical care to our servicemen, it evolve to a big organization known as| | |the birth of the modern American medical system. During that time, twenty cents was |the Public Health Service. According to "U.s Department Of Health And Human | | |withheld from the servicemen salaries to pay for their share of their healthcare in |Services Commissioned History" (), " For more than 200 years, the U.S. Public | | |marine hospitals...
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...HLT 314V Week 1 Discussion 1 Select an allied health care profession and provide a description of the jobs and services provided by that profession. Research regulatory or professional organizations that serve the profession you chose, and describe an area in which the profession seeks to improve or expand. In what other ways might the profession grow to better serve the ever-changing health care population? HLT 314V Week 1 Discussion 2 Select and describe one of the key factors that influenced the evolution of the U.S. health care delivery system to what it is today. What challenges and opportunities are still relevant? How is the selected key factor affecting health care delivery today? How might it affect future health care delivery? HLT 314V Week 1 Assignment Health Care Timeline Details: Review the Topic Material, “Timeline for the History of Public Health and Epidemiology” to complete this assignment. Using this resource as an example, create your own timeline in a Word document with significant dates that influenced and changed the health care delivery systems. 1. Your timeline should begin where the timeline in the topic material above ends (1988). 2. Your timeline should end with the most current and significant information that you can find. You are required to add a minimum of 10 significant dates to this timeline in order to receive a passing grade. 3. Provide a detailed description for each significant date and event you add to the timeline. Use appropriate...
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