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Holmes County Fair Research Paper

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MILLERSBURG — “The Holmes County Fair never has to worry about another flood again.”
So proclaimed Holmes County Fair Board President Kerry Taylor at Monday evening's opening ceremony for the Holmes County Fair at Harvest Ridge.
Taylor was welcomed to the stage by event host Mark Lonsinger, who brought the standing-room-only crowd to its feet.
In the 12 years it has taken for the dream to come to life, Lonsinger said, Taylor “has worked tirelessly, day and night, to bring us to where were are today,” overcoming every obstacle and rallying those around him to make possible the climb to the top of a mountain.
Taylor, he said, is the one person who could tell the whole story of the fair and “what it took to get there.” He is the “personification …show more content…
It was then discussions began to move toward a solution to eliminate the issues … although there were a couple more floods to endure in the years to come.
And, recalling a moving closing ceremony held 360 days ago, Taylor said, he was overwhelmed by the nostalgic stories and memories of the fair, but the excitement of all at the prospect of making new memories at the new fair.
But, it's not the grounds that make the fair. Like a church, Taylor said, it's the people who make the fair. And, “all of those new memories are starting today.”
He credited the community for making the effort possible. “I'm truly blessed and humbled to be here. What a pleasure it is to live in this community. Without question, we in Holmes County exemplify community.”
He gave thanks to those who gave time and money to make it happen, starting with the land donation by Paul Weaver and culminating with a gift of more than $1 million from the late Sterling Humrichouser.
In total, he said, there was $7.8 million in grants, cash and in kind gifts that helped to make the Holmes County Fair at Harvest Ridge a reality.
Of there, there

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