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Holocaust And Survivor Stories Essay

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Holocaust and the Survivor Stories

The Holocaust was a time when millions of Jews were killed by the Nazis. Nazis who came to power on January 1933 in Germany believed that the Germans were good and great but the Jews were useless and low. In front of them they were aliens and bad for that community. The Greek word Holocaust means “sacrifice by fire”. National Socialist Government of Germany started the concentration camps. Nazis deported many Jews from Germany. The population of the Jews was about nine million or more. The Holocaust was one of the worst events that happened in the world’s history and many people sacrificed their lives.

Nazis recommended the idea of killing children who are from dangerous groups and wanted to protect their community from getting harmed by them. The Germans killed over millions of children some of them were Jews and some were Romani. Some Jewish and non-Jewish adolescents were used as forced labor and this way …show more content…
The controllers of the Nazis often abused women in a very cruel and wicked way even if they were Jewish or non-Jewish. The Nazis also murdered many Jewish or non-Jewish women who were from Roma in the concentration camp of Auschwitz. Nazis also decided to target the Roma women, Polish women, and many women with disabilities who live in the institutions. Some of the individual camps and some specific areas were specially set up for female prisoners. In the month of May the largest concentration camp was established especially for women. Many Pregnant Jewish women and mothers of small little children were sent to the killing centers and the commanders of the concentration camps would set them in groups and were sent to the gas chambers to be murdered. Pregnant Jewish women often tried very hard to hide their pregnancies from the commanders of concentration camps or they would be forced for abortions. German physicians often used Jewish women for their

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