...Who is the Holy Spirit? He is a real Being who came to live within us Christ's followers after Jesus rose from the dead and ascended back to heaven (Acts 2). The Holy Spirit is equal in every way to God the Father, and God the Son. He is considered to be the third member of the Godhead. And Jesus said “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (Matt. 28:18-20) God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And all the divine attributes written of the Father and the Son are equally...
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...This week I wrote a lesson for teaching or preaching on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. My lesson is intended to bring clarification to the misunderstanding of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Helpful feedback I received this week: To trust God in the path of my calling. This is what I did this week on my ministry project: This lesson is about the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. These gifts are the gifts of wisdom, knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, miraculous powers, prophecy, distinguishing between spirits, speaking in different kinds of tongues, and interpretation of tongues. At times confusion circulates from the distinction between spiritual gifts and the fruit of the spirit. There seems to be a burden in the church setting...
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...gift of speaking in tongues according to Acts 1:8 Jesus says “but you shall receive power when you the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you shall be my witnesses to me in jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”. The Holy Spirit doesn't just offer us “tongues” the Holy spirit which many people overlook also offers us power. The power from the Holy Spirit involves courage, boldness,confidence,insight, and authority. The disciples would need these gifts to fulfill their mission. If you believe in Jesus Christ you can experience this power of the Holy Spirit in your own life. Jesus promised the disciples that they would receive power do you notice the progression? (1) they would...
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...However, God’s purpose for these gifts is not for personal gain or to put others down; rather, they should be used to display God’s agapic love towards others. Do small favors for others, reach out to people, and get to know others’ struggles. By doing this, humans are rewarded with the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Through the use of knowledge and trusting in God’s infallible wisdom, gifts of the Holy Spirit, people can grow in their faith, self-control, and in peace by know they are doing God’s will. One way humans can live out their gifts properly is to follow various virtues, such as prudence, knowledge of achieving goodness, justice, the respect for rights for all humans, fortitude, the strength to overcome fear, and temperance, a limit to the indulgence of temptation. These allow people to form good habits, resist discouragement, and restrict selfishness, leading to a moral life. Additionally, these permit humans to resist vice, actions and habits that limit one’s ability to become fully human by disregarding virtues and acting selfishly. All of this comes together to create a person’s...
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...Wisdom is the first of the seven gifts of the holy spirit which are strengthened through the sacrament of confirmation. Wisdom helps us realize that the truths of Christian belief are far more important to are eternal soul that the things of these worlds, and and it helps us love creation for the sake of god instead of the sake of the creation itself. Another gift of the holy spirit is understanding. The gift of Understanding allows us to graspthe very essence of the truths of the Catholic faith. Through understanding, we gain a certitude about our beliefs that moves beyond faith. Counsel is the third gift of the holy spirit. Prudence can be practiced by anyone, but counsel is supernatural. Through this gift of the Holy Spirit, we are able...
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...justly, it will become a habit, and therefore they will start to be guided by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will guide them in the path to God and heaven. “Jesus is the Just One who died for the sake of the unjust, that He might lead people back to God” (Cf. 1 Pet 3:18). In my everyday life, I promote justice using a few actions: volunteering, embracing diversity, and general fairness. When I volunteer, I am helping give back to the community, I am not getting anything...
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...The Holy Spirit is the all – knowing, all – seeing, everywhere – present God. Acts 5:3 – 4 pointed out that the Holy Spirit is God. In the story of Ananias and Sapphira, before Ananias was struck dead, Peter told him, “How is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit?... You have not lied just to human beings but to God” (NIV). It is a clear declaration that lying to the Holy Spirit is lying to God; therefore, the Holy Spirit is God. Christians also know the Holy Spirit is God because He possesses all the characteristics of God. For example, His omniscience is seen in 1 Corinthians 2:10 – 11, these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of...
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...Reflection Paper #2 Introduction On this reflection paper, the topics I choose were the “Baptism of the Holy Spirit” and the “Rapture”. I choose these topics because they both bring topics of debate with them. There are many different views on these two topics and I will try to shed some light on them. Through Biblical research and theological definitions, we will try to discover the purpose and meanings of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the Rapture. The first topic of discussion is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. This topic stirs up much debate in the denominational realms of the church. There are many different views and standpoints on this topic. John 1:33 states that when John the Baptist, after witnessing the descent of the Holy Spirit as a dove at the baptism of Jesus, recorded these words: “He that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizes with the Holy Ghost”. Later Jesus promised His disciples, “Ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence” (Acts 1:5). On the day of Pentecost, the disciples had a number of experiences involving the Holy Spirit, including the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The disciples spoke in tongues to address the gospel of Christ to many different nations in attendance of Pentecost. This event was the start of the church and its spread of the gospel of Christ to all nations. Many Christians today have confused...
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...Theologies of Pentecostals and Charismatics…….……….………2 a. Brief History of the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements……..……….2-3 b. The Beliefs of the Pentecostals and Charismatics…………………..............3-5 III. The Bible and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit……………………..……….…….....5 IV. The Bible and Gifts of the Holy Spirit…………………………………….………..6 V. Scholarly Perspectives on Speaking in Tongues ………………………….………..7 a. Speaking in Tongues: A Reversal of the Babel Event at Pentecost….……..7-8 b. Psychiatric Views of Speaking in Tongues……………………….…......….8-9 c. Speaking in Tongues as Spiritual Warfare…………………………….…....9 VI. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………….…....10 Bibliography…………………………………………………………………......…11 I. Introduction Author Paul Enns presents his perspectives on the supernatural gift of speaking in tongues and the Holy Spirit in his book The Moody Handbook of Theology, Revised and Expanded. However, Enns believes that gift ceased at the end of the Apostolic Age. This view is flawed because it does not take into account the manifestation of the Holy Spirit and the gift of speaking in tongues in today’s modern world. Whether the baptism in the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Holy Spirit are still at work and bestowed upon believers today is an issue causing considerable confusion, disagreement, and tension within the Christian community. There are as many arguments for as against the degree of...
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...Research Paper Of “A Select Issue in Contemporary Theology: Charismatic Theology." THEO 510-C03 LUO (Fall 2012) Survey of Christian Doctrine Dr. Eunice Abogunrin, Professor Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary Carol H. Montgomery (ID# 24993689) November 11, 2012 CONTENTS COVER PAGE 1 CONTENTS 2 THESIS 3 INTRODUCTION 3 CHARSMATIC GIFTS DEBATE 3-12 CONCLUSION 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY 13 INTRODUCTION This research paper will show that biblical referred to as glossolalia; the ability to “speak in tongues” is fiercely debated. While the Bible gives clear examples of genuine glossolalia, which will be examined later, the modern debate centers around the need or not, nature, importance, and usage of “tongues” today. Lastly, this paper will examine the biblical accounts of glossolalia along with more occurrences that are contemporary to determine whether modern episodes of “tongues” are needed or not needed. Out of all the gifts, the one that Paul speaks of the most controversial is the gift of tongues. "Glossolalia" is the most commonly accepted term for "speaking in tongues." It comes from the Greek words meaning "tongues" or "languages," and "to speak." Although not exclusively, "speaking in tongues" is primarily practiced by Pentecostal Christians. Glossolalia is the "prayer language" of Pentecostal churches. Some Christians who speak in tongues believe they are speaking in an existing language. Most believe they are uttering a heavenly...
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...the way he teaches us to live. During its development, Christianity experienced numerous changes, changes in the structure, rituals, views on certain things. As for the ritual, then I think it is worth to consider related to the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and a milestone in the history of Christianity - the emergence of Calvinism and explain its features, its content and the filling, the difference. Meaning of Baptism for us is that if we dare to participate in it, then we are free to live the kind of life that does not apply to death. Instead of living in fear, we are able to love - to love God (it's not as easy as it sounds ), and to love our neighbor ( it's even harder ). Calvinism is the name given to a system of philosophical thought, we have inherited from Jean Calvin. He is recognized as the spokesman of the system, but not the generator of ideas in its foundation. Calvinism is not just a set of ideas shared by Calvin and his followers, but the organic unity with a common root. Calvinism is not limited to theology, is a comprehensive system that includes well-defined views on politics, society, science and the arts. Baptism of Holy Spirit Baptism of Holy Spirit can be defined as the work by which the Spirit of God at the moment of redemption brings the believer with Christ. Spiritual baptism was given not only to the apostles, but...
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...BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: OUR FRIEND, COMFORTER, TEACHER, AND PART OF THE TRINITY A RESEARCH PAPER SUBMITTED TO PROF. JOHN CARTWRIGHT IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR BIBLE 364 LIBERTY UNIVERSITY ONLINE TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 SIGNS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT ON THE DAY OF PENTECOST-------------------------------- 4 THE INDWELLING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT---------------------------------------------------------- 5 THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL CONVICT US------------------------------------------------------------- 5 RECEIVING THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT---------------------------------------------- 6 CONCLUSION---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 INTRODUCTION The Holy Spirit or as some refer to it as the “Holy Ghost”, is real and a very vital part of the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). “From the Trinity we learn that the Creator is not static or standoffish but a loving relationality and sheer liveliness. It informs us that creation is grounded in God’s love and that grace underlies the gift of life itself.” There is scripture that shows the three as one, as we look Matthew 28:19 states “therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” There...
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...LIBERTY UNIVERSITY LIBERTY BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY HOW PRACTICAL THEOLOGY GUIDES MY LIFE A RESEARCH PAPER ON HOW PRACTICAL THEOLOGY GUIDES MY LIFE BASED ON THE ESSENTIAL WORKS OF ANDREW MURRAY SCHOOL OF THEOLOGICAL STUDIES BY August 26, 2014 OUTLINE 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. HOW PRACTICAL THEOLOGY GUIDES MY LIFE 2 A. What prompts men to seek theology 3 1. How Andrew Murray views practical theology 4 2. How practical theology causes a deeper Christian life 5 3. The purpose of Practical Theology for a new life in Christ 6 A. How one comes to need practical theology 7 1. Absolute surrender 2. Practical Theology as a tool to abide in Christ 8 4. Conclusion 9 5. Bibliography 10-11 INTRODUCTION How practical theology guides a Christian...
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...LIBERTY UNIVERSITY JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH RESEARCH PAPER SUBMITTED TO PROFESSOR BRADLEY MCDANIEL 201540 FALL 2015 BIBL 161-B01 LUO BY DEIRDRE JONES-SHOOK LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA OCTOBER 2015 Table of Contents Definition 3-5 How is the term justification defined by scholars? What is your own definition based on your research? Basis 5-6 What is the act of being justified based or grounded on, that is, what is necessary to have happened or to be true in order for justification to be possible? Means 6-7 How does one obtain justification? What is the means by which one is justified? Time Factors 7-8 Is justification an act or a process? Is it instantaneous or gradual? Results/Fruits 8-10 Once one has been justified, what benefits or results follow? Assurance 10-12 How can one be assured of justification? Conclusion 12 Bibliography 13 JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH “Justification by faith alone” (justificatio sola fide) summarizes the doctrine of justification that has come to us as the great legacy of the Protestant Reformation. We frequently hear this formula used in preaching and teaching. The doctrine of justification by faith is a biblical doctrine. The Apostle Paul gives a full exposition of this doctrine. The letters he wrote to the Galatians and the Romans are especially important in this connection. However, the core message of justification by faith is found in the Old Testament. Paul himself argues from the...
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...The Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts Ministry of Jesus Holy Spirit (Christianity) The gospel * By Bobby374 * Dec 15, 2012 * 2475 Words * 293 Views Page 1 of 6 Liberty University The Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts A research paper submitted to Professor P. L. Brewster In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements For BIBL364 Liberty University Online By Robert Ortiz Jr. Lynchburg, Virginia August 17, 2012 Table of Contents Introduction 2 The Coming / Filling of the Holy Spirit 2 The Holy Spirit Speaks through Believers 4 The Holy Spirit Speaks to Believers 4 The Holy Spirit Works Miracles through Believers 6 The Holy Spirit Builds a Church 6 Conclusion 6 Bibliography 8 Introduction Jesus Christ’s work of redemption on the Cross established the foundation for freedom from the penalty of sin and death, it also facilitated in allowing for Jew and Gentile to enter into the household of God, Christ is the cornerstone. With this freedom however comes responsibility, and the book of Acts, as documented by Luke, expresses the Holy Spirit’s role in making available everything that would be necessary to put this responsibility into action. The Holy Spirit would be the conduit by which a revolution was sparked that would lead the work of Christ on to worldwide reach using early believer’s triumphs, sufferings, and persecution to see it through and ultimately begin building His church. Marguerat concludes, “…the Spirit in Luke...
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