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How Does Calpurnia Occur In To Kill A Mockingbird

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So far I have enjoyed the novel by Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird, chapters 12-15 because the series of events are flowing in a suspenseful loop that forces the reader to continue to indulge into the text. One thought I had as I read chapter 12 is how Calpurnia was taught how to read by Ms. Buford and shared that information with Zeebo and taught him how to read while facing the tough circumstances she faced. As I continue to read, I have predicted that a situation will occur where Jem and Scout will finally be able to get Boo Radley to show his face and reveal his heavily hidden past. This event would have an interesting outcome because all of the rumors and assumptions of who Boo Radley once was will diminish. What surprised me most

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