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Teenage Brain Research Paper

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Adolescence is a time for the brain to undergo significant changes which can cause many emotional and behavioral conflicts due to the prefrontal cortex, environmental factors that can create an influence to the teenage brain, and the ability for the brain to learn and grow through plasticity. These changes in the teenage brain tend to make young teens more vulnerable to impulsive actions. Teen psychologists and counselors should be informed of the teenage brain, in order to help them cope with their problems and emotional stress. Adolescent teens go through waves of different emotions and usually have a tendency to make more precarious decisions within their lives. The adolescent teen brain isn’t fully developed, and the prefrontal …show more content…
Factors from the environment can cause young teens to question themselves about wether they “fit-in” in today’s society and can cause them to be more stressed or depressed about their self-image. Stress and depression among teens can lead to abrupt decisions and thoughts in the brain that can even lead to suicide. In the recent TED Talk “Insight into the Teenage Brain”, the researcher Adriana Galvan explains how the teenage brain can change due to the people you affiliate with, since it is very responsive to the changing environment. This may be the leading cause for teenage “peer-pressure” since adolescent brains are constantly adapting to their environment. For example, if teens stand around with the wrong group of friends, it can lead to them being pressured to do things such as drug use, alcohol, or other rash and impulsive acts. Even though teens may be making decisions that they don't really want to be involved in. According to an article titled “Teenage Insecurities”, by Beverly D. Flaxington, it mentions, “Teens face pressure from a multitude of sources: self-inflicted, peer, parental, and societal pressure compounded by the hormonal changes, continuously cut the ground from under their feet and feed into their insecurities.” When there is pressure and hormonal changes in a teen’s body, it can cause emotional depression and stress and sometimes can lead to harmful behaviors in a teen’s life such as drug and alcohol abuse, self harm, or even suicide. Counselors are important for preventing teens from doing these actions by understanding their perspectives, and helping them along the

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