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Hurricane Katrina In New Orleans

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On August 29th 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast of the United States of America. Hurricane Katrina had been forming over the Bahamas as early as August 23rd 2005. It had a category 3 rating when it hit land and stretched for about 400 miles. Experts estimate that $100 billion in damages was caused by Katrina. New Orleans was at particular risk since the city is approximately six feet below sea level. The Army Corps of Engineers had built a system of levees and seawalls to prevent flooding but was lacking in maintainence, leading to levees in the city’s east and west to be less reliable.

On August 28th 2005, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin issued the city’s first ever mandatory evacuation order and declared the Superdome stadium would be used as a shelter for those who could not leave the city. A few hours after Katrina had hit, many low-lying places were under so much water that people had to climb on to the rooftops for safety. Eventually, approximately 80% of the city was under water. According to (2009), Hurricane Katrina killed nearly 2,000 people and hit an estimated 90,000 square miles of the United States. …show more content…
Bush. While Hurricane Katrina wreaked havoc in New Orleans, Bush was reportedly having a vacation in his ranch in Texas and only returned to the White House on the 31st of August, two days after disaster had struck. En route to the White House, Bush had his Air Force One fly over part of the affected area so he could see the wreckage from the plane. White House officials allowed news photographers to take photos of Bush looking solemnly out the window. As said by Walsh (2015), the PR gambit backfired and many Americans saw the photos as evidence that Bush was too distant from the misery below. He should have instead made an effort to go to one of the disaster sites to show he was connected to the victims and would be personally ensuring their

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