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Bear River Middle School Research Paper

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Backpacks At Bear River Middle School
Backpacks at Bear River Middle School should not be allowed because of health, safety issues, and tardies.

Why are backpacks bad for our health? The first reason why we should not have backpacks at Bear River Middle School is because of health. Backpacks are bad for our health because they can cause slouching of the back, bad body posture, and rawness on the shoulders. Slouching of the back can cause many other health issues but it does not cause scoliosis. We literally mean baggage: kids are lugging around hefty textbooks, bulging folders and their lunch, dumping more weight into their backpacks (and onto their backs) than ever before. Adults are no better; we’re overstuffing our purses or work bags full of essentials and …show more content…
Some safety issues of having backpacks in schools are some students could place guns inside of them, and injury to teachers and other students by accidently hit them with their backpacks. According to the New York Times article “The school board's lawyer, Les Aron, sought to justify the rule today on grounds that The backpacks pose a safety risk. A substitute teacher at Annin, Dorthy Norris, told of tripping over a backpack and falling. Her ankle hurt for six or seven weeks, she said. Elaine Lent, who teaches fine arts and industrial technology, said she tripped twice over backpacks, hurting a thigh the first time and an arm the second. Of her second fall, she said: "It just knocked the wind out of me, it really did. I would not consider it a major injury, but it was nasty." Guns are very dangerous and could go off when you’re not even firing it and or expecting it. According to The New York Times article “Sandra Hyde, a math teacher, testified about being struck twice in the face by the backpacks of students who turned unwittingly into her path. No permanent injuries, she told Judge Metzger, just "startling

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