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Child Interview

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The child (KP) is a five year nine months old white male. The parent of KP is a white female. The interview took place in the child's home at 1:30 pm on February 2nd, 2018. The interview lasted for thirty minutes and there were no other individuals present. I became aware of how well the parent knows the child through the stories she shared and her quick responses to the questions I asked. While asking questions about mobility, the parent shared that the child does not stop running both at home and at school. The parent had in depth knowledge of her child's abilities because they live behind the elementary school; therefore, they parent is able to observe her child's performance in both settings. Throughout the interview the parent responded …show more content…
During the interview the parent elaborated on areas of self-care and socialization, which provided details on how the family unit functions and what occupations they value as meaningful. Degrace (2003) suggests that family being is portrayed through family rituals, and it helps show family cohesion, identity, and meaning. For example, the parent shared the morning ritual of cooking breakfast for the kids as they got dressed for school. This ritual incorporates the meaningful occupation of eating food with family cohesion as they sit together at the table every morning and engage in conversation. Also, the parent shared that every Saturday the family attends church and then they have dinner with their grandparents. This ritual portrays family being because it combines a ritual of attending church and eating dinner along with family cohesion and identity. The parent stated that their lives can become hectic with three children and their extracurricular activities, but family dinners on Saturday nights allow them to join together and communicate with one another. In addition, attending church every Saturday instils family values and beliefs which help form the family …show more content…
This score is on the high end of average for the child's age range. The above average score means that the child is capable of self-care tasks at a higher level than most peers his age. During the interview the parent commented on the child's independent morning routine, and praised the child's ability to get ready for school by himself. The parent did not voice any concerns about the child's ability in self-car. The normative standard score for mobility is 54.3, and this is a slightly above average score. This score means that the child's level of mobility is similar to peers of his age. When discussing the section on mobility the parent shared that her only concern was getting the child to stop moving. The parent stated that the child is always playing active games both inside and outside the house. She boosted about the child's ability in playing baseball and soccer. The normative standard score for social functioning is 71.4, which is an above average score. This score means that the child is capable of social functioning skills at a higher level than most peers his age. The parent stated that the child has many friends in their neighborhood, and that he is constantly playing with his older siblings. The parent did not voice any concerns about the child's social

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